<swkhan> this ibs is really screwed up... it claims i'm depositing 5 angstroms of chromium in 5 minutes....
<swkhan> i'm not sure how thick of an adhesion layer is desirable to deposit a contact metal on top of it
<swkhan> but i'm going with 5 nm at this rate
<azonenberg> swkhan: I evaporated what was supposed to be 5nm of Cr in a couple of minutes in the CVC at my school
<azonenberg> I think it was actually thicker
<azonenberg> But 5-10nm works just fine as an adhesion layer
<swkhan> i don't know why yet =
<swkhan> oops i forgot this keyboard doesn't have a backslash...
<swkhan> i'm on the computer with INCA attached
<swkhan> btw, let me know when you plan to send those wafers in
<swkhan> er, that wafer in
<swkhan> i'm kind of in a lull period right now
<swkhan> but i think this month will get really hectic :(
<azonenberg> Probably going to mail tuesday as i dont have class until 14:00
<azonenberg> i just have to box it up
<azonenberg> you'll be getting one 4-inch <100> P type B doped, single side polished, in a sealed cassette from MTI
<azonenberg> been sitting unopened on that shelf for a few months while i worked on the 2-inchers
<azonenberg> still havent used 'em up :p
<swkhan> omg! again?
<swkhan> this day has been really bad
<swkhan> nothing deposited :(
<azonenberg> :(
<azonenberg> what process?
<azonenberg> ALD ZnO?