<flyback-> I really hope you guys give long lectures daily on the dangers of HF
<flyback-> so people are careful out there :P
<azonenberg> I actually have not been using HF in any of my recent work
<flyback-> what do you use
<azonenberg> Thoguh its there as i do need it sometimes
<azonenberg> concentration? 3%
<flyback-> that is HF
<azonenberg> yes
<azonenberg> But i have not needed to etch SiO2 or Ta2O5 recently
<azonenberg> hence why i havent used it
<flyback-> they put Denatonium Benzoate
<flyback-> why
<flyback-> just why
<flyback-> by the time it's in your mouth, your teeth etc are fucked anyways
<azonenberg> lol, i was wondering the same myself
<flyback-> i'm surprised the stuff is safe enough for laundry but yet still eats silicon
<azonenberg> flyback-: laundry?
<azonenberg> its for toilet cleaning afaik
<azonenberg> and it doesnt eat Si, it eats SiO2
<azonenberg> I think the idea is, stubborn rust stain on sink/toilet
<azonenberg> dissolve top micron or so of glaze on the porcelain
<azonenberg> take stain with it
<flyback-> hahaha
<berndj> oh is that how HF removes rust?
<berndj> i always assumed it was some sort of anion substitution + solubility trick
<B0101> berdj: when was the last time azonenberg messaged on this channel?
<berndj> B0101: about 8h30m ago
<berndj> oops, only saw your message an hour after.  make that 10 hours ago
<azonenberg> berndj: thats just a guess
<azonenberg> i could be wrong
<berndj> i never thought "rust remover" was something for toilets, either! i assumed it was to get rust off *metal*
<azonenberg> berndj: this stuff is apparently made for ceramics
<azonenberg> They make ones for metal too
<azonenberg> I have no idea, i've never used it for its intended purpose :p
<azonenberg> i use it as a cheap source of not-too-concentrated HF
<azonenberg> swkhan: did you get the wafer?
<berndj> what, did you send it by neutrino beam??
<berndj> the only stuff i can find with "rust" in its intended purpose, seems to be based on phosphoric acid.  or just "acid-based", they don't always say WHAT :(
<azonenberg> berndj: most of the ones meant for metal etc are phosphoric
<azonenberg> thats why the one HF product on the market was a lucky find
<flyback-> berndj, it's also nasty shit
<flyback-> so be careful
<berndj> we know by now!
<flyback-> well I am not taking any chances
<flyback-> I seen photos
<berndj> afaik azonenberg has calcium gluconate around Just In Case (tm)
<flyback-> good
<berndj> (maybe not calcium?)
<berndj> what have your dealings with HF been?
<azonenberg> uses a lab coat, norfoil gloves, goggles, and a full face shiedl as well
<flyback-> none
<flyback-> just reading
<flyback-> but about 7-10 yrs ago when I was shopping at walmart and I picked up the bottle of wink
<flyback-> Ii yelled out "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?"
<berndj> but just imagine, your bones will become birefringent as they turn to fluorspar!
<azonenberg> flyback-: lol
<flyback-> it was on the bottome shelf too
<flyback-> wtf
<flyback-> some kid could get into it
<azonenberg> flyback-: they put denatonium benzoate in it :p
<azonenberg> why???
<azonenberg> by that point its already in your mouth :p
<flyback-> yeah by the time you tasted it you are fucked already
<flyback-> *CANUCKED*
<berndj> just how much of 3% HF would you need to be truly screwed?
<berndj> if that's less than what it takes to let the denatonium benzoate do its job, then yes, bottom shelf is bad
<azonenberg> berndj: i have no idea
<azonenberg> i've never so much as splashed a drop on me
<azonenberg> and i dont plan to try :p
<azonenberg> i've gotten a drop on my gloves once or twice but always noticed and changed immediately
<berndj> i got the impression that you needed a good splash for it to take (serious) effect
<azonenberg> berndj: Probably
<azonenberg> But i dont like taking chances
<azonenberg> gloves are cheap, fingers arent :p
<berndj> yeah
<berndj> makes you wonder how you can use fluoridated toothpaste!
<berndj> (i'm pretty sure by now that that "stinging" sensation from brushing your teeth is exactly what makes HF so dangerous - only in a small dose)
<azonenberg> No, its NaF
<berndj> (making little fluorspar particles in your cells)
<azonenberg> and in a tiny volume
<azonenberg> like 0.01% or so
<azonenberg> i dont think you ca nfeel it
<berndj> dunno; at the dentist you get this NaF mouthwash too, same effect
<azonenberg> you sure thats not the mint flavor?
<azonenberg> i cant stand mint
<azonenberg> i use this silly all-natural childrens fruit flavored toothpaste as its the only non-mint i've found anywhere lol
<berndj> lol
<azonenberg> its fluorinated but doesnt seem to have any stinging
<berndj> hmm, i don't know, but why would that pink dentist's solution also be mintified?
<azonenberg> people are used to mouth-cleaning things being mint flavored
<berndj> hmm, some random googling reveals "Expect to feel a tingling feeling if you use toothpaste with fluoride in it."  (an article on how to cure acne with toothpaste)
<azonenberg> interesting
<azonenberg> swkhan: ping