<B0101> Hi azonenberg
<azonenberg> hi
<azonenberg> how's the yield debugging going?
<B0101> Did my final test, failed. Now writing up the wiki
<azonenberg> i'm on hold for a bit, waiting for another batch of wafers to arrive
<azonenberg> need more <110>
<azonenberg> ordered two 2-inch both sides polished
<azonenberg> going to keep one around for future use and evaporate a micron of Cr on both sides of the other
<B0101> ok, and i am building a glove box
<azonenberg> for particle reasons?
<azonenberg> or do you need inert atmosphere for something
<B0101> well, gonna use it for repairing HDD's and attempt to go to 70NM scale
<azonenberg> 70nm??
<azonenberg> Are you like me on steroids or something? lol
<azonenberg> i am having yield issues at 20 microns :p
<B0101> lol
<B0101> aluminum wafers... i don't know what can they be used for
<B0101> oh yes, hard drive platters
<B0101> azonenberg: have you done any experiments lately?
<azonenberg> sorry was in another window
<azonenberg> i'm actually going up to the cleanroom at my school tomorrow to help a friend debug yield issues lol
<azonenberg> In terms of my own fab, i did a KOH etch a few days ago that worked very well
<azonenberg> but i cant go any further until the new wafer arrives
<B0101> ah, i see
<azonenberg> Because i need a micron of Cr
<azonenberg> and i dont have any blank wafers left to deposit on
<azonenberg> all of my 2-inch have films on them and i mailed my 4 to swkhan so she can grow thermal oxide on it
<B0101> ok
<azonenberg> So i have two 2-inch 500um 2sp <110> coming in from MTI eta monday/tuesday
<azonenberg> weds afternoon if i get a chance i'm gonna try and stick a micron of Cr on both sides of one
<azonenberg> then do some KOH etches and a TEM cross section the following week
<azonenberg> poor man's DRIE lol
<B0101> heh
<flyback-> makes repetitive hand motions as he listens to a broken hd from work with a canucked head, preamp or adaptive parameters eeprom
<B0101> azonenberg: do you have any idea where can i get disk drive parts?
<flyback-> B0101,
<flyback-> what kind of disk drive parts
<B0101> hard disk read/write head
<B0101> aka actuator
<flyback-> trying to repair a drive?
<B0101> yup
<flyback-> you have to replace the whole head stack
<flyback-> there are plenty of online stores and ebay sellers
<flyback-> that sell to data recovery places
<B0101> this drive has been clicking and clicking...
<flyback-> yeah either head or preamp on the arm has gone
<flyback-> do you even know how to change a head stack
<flyback-> btw
<flyback-> if it's a western digital you are out of of luck sorry
<flyback-> is it?
<B0101> its is a western digital
<flyback-> your fucked then :/
<flyback-> whatever you do
<flyback-> DO NOT OPEN IT
<flyback-> they changed their drives some yrs ago
<flyback-> the head stack is axis fixed to the lid as well as the base
<flyback-> if you try to open it, it breaks the alignment
<flyback-> you need a $500 tool to do head stack changes with wd
<flyback-> which is why I will never buy them
<B0101> i was told that if i put a screwdriver into the axis i should be able to find a spot which the drive can recalibrate and give access to the data
<B0101> i wonder if that is true
<flyback-> that I don't know
<azonenberg> Hmm, i am not familiar with HDD repair
<azonenberg> i do know one person who fixed an HDD with a flaky motor in our school's class 100 cleanroom
<azonenberg> just by bumping the platter with a gloved finger until it spun up, then copied data off
<flyback-> can't do that with wd anymore
<flyback-> because of the alignement
<flyback-> they fucked it
<flyback-> recovery companies were not amused either
<flyback-> www.hddguru.com see if anyone has come up with a way
<flyback-> B0101, you could try chilling the drive
<flyback-> NOT FREEEZING
<flyback-> I said chilling
<B0101> i know
<flyback-> might get it to work long enough to image it
<flyback-> I suggest you use ddrescue and don't even try to read files etc off
<B0101> dang! the guy who handed me the drive tried reading data off it more than 10 times to try to rescue the data on it
<flyback-> you could try a board change also but you would have to get a identical revision board
<flyback-> and you have to transfer the adaptive parameters eeprom
<flyback-> or transfer the programming
<azonenberg> i'm sure someone making qubits at home knows how to resolder an eeprom :p
<B0101> flyback: it seems like you have done HDD repair before
<B0101> azonenberg: sure
<flyback-> YES
<flyback-> MANY times
<flyback-> haven't had to do board changes or heads yet
<flyback-> dunno what will happen when I finally start on  the box of hd's from 10-15 yrs ago
<flyback-> hoping I find some data I lost
<flyback-> but I pulled all the files off my dad's hd after 6 months of fighting with the hd
<azonenberg> lol wow
<azonenberg> cleanroom? garage? homebrew glove box?
<flyback-> na didn't have to open it much
<flyback-> you don't need a cleanroom absolutely
<flyback-> but it is a lot safer
<azonenberg> Well yeah
<flyback-> you do need finger gloves
<flyback-> for sure
<azonenberg> just buys class 100 rated white nitrile from ted pella
<flyback-> cause fingerprint oil will stick unlike dust etc that will just get spun off
<flyback-> man that was a deep episode of santuary
<flyback-> I almost feel bad for adam
<flyback-> bbl, going to shave
<B0101> wow, how long has nyan cat been playing in the background?
<B0101> goes out to buy lunch
<azonenberg> B0101: lol nyan cat?
<B0101> yup
<azonenberg> after: http://i.imgur.com/DaKfl.jpg
<azonenberg> horrible but still funny
<B0101> goes out to buy lunch
<B0101> back
<azonenberg> lol, where you find stuff like that
<azonenberg> and did you finish your wiki writeup yet?
<B0101> i have finished the writeup, i am still checking
<B0101> after that, i will publish it
<azonenberg> k
<B0101> heh
<B0101> ok, my writeup is not short but it is also not long
<azonenberg> well, are you going to post it?
<B0101> yes
<azonenberg> because i dont see it yet
<B0101> wait 5 more minutes please
<azonenberg> ok
<azonenberg> no rush, just wanted to make sure nothing went wrong with the posting process
<CIA-67> homecmos r142 | wiki/SQUIDfab.wiki | Edited wiki page SQUIDfab (Latest Updates Section)
<B0101> ok, its quite short
<B0101> well?
<azonenberg> Reading
<azonenberg> Were you using tantalumfilm or silicafilm to grow oxide?
<azonenberg> tantalumfilm is ta2o5
<B0101> well any problems?
<azonenberg> Well, hcl wont etch it
<azonenberg> correction, hcl wont etch ta2o5
<azonenberg> not sure about tacl5, which is the precursor before baking
<azonenberg> or did you mean hf?
<B0101> I am sure I used HCl
<azonenberg> and you were growing sio2 or ta2o5 on the wafer?
<B0101> yes
<azonenberg> which
<B0101> Ta2o5
<azonenberg> Ok
<azonenberg> i dont think hcl etches it
<azonenberg> tantalum oxide is not attacked by hcl
<B0101> thanks for that
<azonenberg> Read my lab notes, thats why i post them
<azonenberg> and if you had shared yours earlier somebody might have noticed the problem before you wasted this much time on it
<B0101> ok, i will make it a point to post mine as much as possible
<swkhan> azonenberg_work: sorry, no package yet =\
<flyback-> http://youtu.be/DXDuw4_aOyA <---- dumbo fly fail
<CIA-67> homecmos r143 | wiki/SQUIDfab.wiki | Edited wiki page SQUIDfab through web user interface.
<azonenberg> swkhan: show delivered yesterday 0932
<azonenberg> B0101: are you doing contact lithography? if so, how small are your features?
<B0101> nope
<azonenberg> So you're doing projection?
<B0101> yup
<azonenberg> at what range? what kind of optics? how much reduction?
<azonenberg> and what kind of feature sizes are you working at?
<B0101> sorry, I was on another window
<B0101> feature sizes around 5 cm
<B0101> set up uses DUV 248NM
<B0101> I would say its proximity lithography
<B0101> I am not really sure about reduction
<B0101> Azonenberg: I just use the normal way of photolithography. (like how PCBs are made)
<azonenberg> I'd classify that as contact
<azonenberg> even if you arent quite in contact
<azonenberg> What i meant was, are oyu reducing or not
<B0101> nope i am not reducing
<azonenberg> ok
<B0101> sorry, I am a little bit tired though
<azonenberg> no worries, i'm about to leave myself
<azonenberg> ttyl
<B0101> ok
<bart416> azonenberg, I just face desked
<bart416> can't believe this
<azonenberg> bart416: what?
<bart416> see query :P
<flyback-> canuckalin keeps me in the game
<flyback-> lorez feels the pain
<flyback-> man I got all these servo's and steppers with encoders
<flyback-> hmm
<flyback-> wrong channel
<flyback-> dammit
<azonenberg> Lol, so it seems that my fab isnt the only one having adhesion issues with thick resist
<azonenberg> this morning i went over the cleanroom with a friend to help him debug some adhesion issues
<azonenberg> he is using a very thick photoresist that seemed to have the same adhesion issues i observed with tantalumfilm on improperly cleaned wafers