<soul-d> http://www.megauk.com/pcb_chemicals.php   was the resist i know of  available in eu   although that website listed on homecmos does have digy-key listed as distributor  , and few others that have a webpage
<soul-d> although i woulnd mind to volunteer for the uk type  resist  (cheap applicator version ) since ive some pieces of uncoated copper for wich i can use it anyhow
<soul-d> although the one you found already is a known to work on other materials
<azonenberg> If you want to test it and post results, go for it
<azonenberg> Finding vendors in various countries that will sell small volumes (suitable for hobbyists) is a major area we need to work on
<azonenberg> most of my vendors only sell to the US and maybe canada
<soul-d> yeah saw some distributors though but still  then it it's a chemical  wich usaly is heavily restricted to
<soul-d> but that ill volunteer for that   wafers shouln'd be  a problem once i know little bit  more (been reading some books  ;)  ) woulnd even mind calling around company's  never hurts to ask
<soul-d> i mean i have asml  10 miles from me ;)
<azonenberg> Lol
<soul-d> though don't have the cash for their products sadly
<azonenberg> What? :P
<azonenberg> just go take out a home equity loan for $250K
<azonenberg> maybe you'll be able to afford 1/50 of a nice stepper ;)
<soul-d> in this crisis ? banks don;t give anything
<azonenberg> Lol
<soul-d> they want though
<azonenberg> Not that you'd have anwhere to fit a 22nm stepper
<azonenberg> i hear they're big
<soul-d> if you can afford it  you probably can store it somewhere or hire a place
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> If you can afford it you're probably a fortune 500 company or the CEO of one
<azonenberg> i hear the new ones go for on the order of 5E7 USD
<soul-d> thought they wen't for  like 5x mln
<azonenberg> No, those are the old ones for 350nm ish
<azonenberg> i guarantee a 22nm immersion stepper will run you tens of million
<soul-d> and i was thinking i almost saved enough :(
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> But I think that a 1um ish resolution stepper should be buildable for a few thousand USD
<azonenberg> and ~10um for even less
<soul-d> ive mostly been reading on the whole processes so far terminology   and on how feasable it is for people in europe
<soul-d> http://www.reprap.org/wiki/Main_Page  came across that  pretty interesting
<soul-d> how did you envision the vacuum chamber / evaporator for home use  ?
<azonenberg> Buy a bell jar and cheap used diffusion pump o nebay
<azonenberg> get a variac
<azonenberg> run wiring from there to a pair of heavy duty alligator clips
<azonenberg> clamp down the filament
<azonenberg> one of the things i;m doing now is gaining experience with doing evaporation
<azonenberg> in the "real" tool
<azonenberg> once i've learned how it works (and how it doesnt, more importantly) i'll be able to do a better job of building one
<soul-d> fillament = tungesten wire with src deposited   or made out   the source material to be evaporated  ?
<azonenberg> no, just a tungsten wire coiled into a basket
<azonenberg> you put pellets of the material inside it
<soul-d> like small tungesten crucible
<soul-d> out of wire
<azonenberg> Pretty much, except it's open
<azonenberg> when the metal melts it sticks to the tungsten by surface tension
<azonenberg> then evaporates right off it
<soul-d> we talking about small volume to right milligrams ?
<azonenberg> Yes
<soul-d> my scale only goes 0.05
<azonenberg> Typical load is a few tens to a few hundred mg
<azonenberg> my last Cr run was two or three ~30mg chips of Cr
<soul-d> dropped the 0.005 one    tried to clean desk  in one sweep :D
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> Go buy another one - when you're working at these scales you need accuracy more than volume capacity
<soul-d> but this one more usable in other area's   cause it went up to 400gr
<soul-d> and thats nice with .00  resolution
<soul-d> yeah i will when time comes to evaporate but  that's still a bit  away
<azonenberg> Lol, yes
<azonenberg> even i am not quite ready to try doing that at home (though its definitely possible)
<soul-d> i still have to clean my chemical stuff
<soul-d> i should write stuff like your logs
<soul-d> since i have 3 bottles of hso4  on table  unlabled   only visable  cause i made cu2 so4 sometime  ( i had to wiki that again )
<soul-d> but i stopped in the middle of it since  chemistry is fun  but you do need a neat and clean place for it plus good storage facility
<azonenberg> Yes, definitely
<azonenberg> i put neatness on the top of my priority list
<soul-d> hehe i have plenty of stuff i probably don't  want to  in my house
<azonenberg> *remembers he has clean glassware on the drying rack that needs to get put away so he can wash the next batch*
<soul-d> like borax    kmno4   sulfer  most echants for pcb most pure chemicals you can get at you local hardware store  etc :)
<soul-d> realy need to get rid of hoarding habbits
<soul-d> got a nice set of lab ware to it did learn me allot but  yeah neatness & methodologically  in chemistry is a must
<azonenberg> Lol hoarding habits
<azonenberg> I have two workbenches now that are full of in-progress projects that have to get cleaned off
<soul-d> plus  id be worried  cause of having all the suit on facial procteion and even gas mask  donno what neighbours might think
<azonenberg> Yeah, it can go over wrong if you arent careful
<azonenberg> In my case I never wear respirators, i use engineering controls whenever possible
<azonenberg> Like open windows and fans
<azonenberg> And i work with small volumes of stuff (single ml etc)
<azonenberg> Whcih reminds me i need to finish building my local exhaust hood
<soul-d> have a single walled shed with asbestos top  it's ventilated  but  still
<azonenberg> i have a 6" duct fan
<azonenberg> and am in the process of building a hood to go over my hot plate and spin coater
<soul-d> yeah better be safe here since i din;t know any chemistry before that so i first bought protection :)
<azonenberg> to vent anything out the window
<soul-d> fume hood is alwasy good idea
<azonenberg> Yeah, i dont know too much chem as well so i try to stick to established reactants and reasonably well studied chemicals
<azonenberg> I live on a second floor so i can vent out safely well above street level
<azonenberg> And none of the solvents i'm using are regulated for private use
<azonenberg> common stuff like acetone etc
<soul-d> i do calculate  allot  and  want to  be "certain " or know what posibility's
<azonenberg> My rule is 100CFM face velocity
<azonenberg> thats the standard for fume hoods
<soul-d> i made kno3 out nh4no4
<soul-d> releases terrible amounts of amonia
<azonenberg> oh fun
<soul-d> outdoorse ofcourse
<azonenberg> I have nowhere to work outdoors
<azonenberg> I actually have to go order all of the PVC for the hood lol
<azonenberg> i'm using solvent resistant PVC for the body and acrylic for the sash
<azonenberg> 2x2 feet, either 1 or 2 feet deep (have to work that out)
<azonenberg> hot air welded
<azonenberg> bottom 1 ft of sash will always be open (tentatively), top 1 ft will hinge
<soul-d> yeah saw a topic on a nice build forgot where it was
<azonenberg> I just have to decide if i want depth 1ft or 2ft
<azonenberg> leaning toward 2
<azonenberg> So the whole hood will be a 2ft cube
<azonenberg> easily big enough for my scale of work
<azonenberg> and a 250+ CFM duct fan to exhasut
<soul-d> oh yeah  think 2 feet is nicer if you can mis the space
<azonenberg> its on top of a 2x4 foot table
<azonenberg> so yes
<azonenberg> I have quite a few workbenches here, the lab is gradually growing lol
<azonenberg> So let's see... http://www.mcmaster.com/#plastics/=enwbqs
<azonenberg> One each for left, right, bottom, top, back - so that's five
<azonenberg> Four feet of 1/4" x 1" PVC bar to form a lip at the bottom for containing spills
<azonenberg> One of these http://www.mcmaster.com/#plastics/=enwczj to form the sash
<azonenberg> I already have the fan and ducting
<azonenberg> and the student machine shop has welding rod for joining them together
<azonenberg> i think i'm set
<soul-d> :) don't think links work correctly for that site might be firefox
<azonenberg> probably all of the scripting etc
<azonenberg> 5x 8747K148 Gray PVC (Type I) Sheet 1/4" Thick, 24" X 24"
<azonenberg> 1x 8560K355 Clear Cast Acrylic Sheet .25" Thick, 12" X 24"
<azonenberg> then a pair of door hinges and some nuts and bolts to hold it on
<soul-d> oh it doesn't like
<soul-d> now it wasnt me to lgin to ciontue browsingh
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> yeah probably blocked me
<soul-d> what is your light source btw you do your mask lighting at home ? i think i saw you mention halogen ?
<azonenberg> I have at one occasion or another used flashlights, halogen bulbs, mercury vapor fluorescent tubes, and 385nm LEDs
<azonenberg> right now my lamp of choice is a halogen microscope lamp
<soul-d> k cause best diffused ?
<azonenberg> No
<azonenberg> You dont want it diffuse, you want a parallel beam
<bart416> The ideal light source is a laser for this
<bart416> But the issue is getting a wide enough beam
<azonenberg> bart416: Yeah - ideally i'd have a 365nm excimer laser with a condenser and expander
<azonenberg> to get a 20mm top-hat profile disk
<bart416> Some laser assemblies from industrial laser cutters can actually go to that I think
<bart416> But not in the right frequency range
<azonenberg> bart416: at 365nm? I doubt it
<azonenberg> maybe 1080 or something
<bart416> I meant the beam width :P
<azonenberg> Oh, yeah
<azonenberg> lol
<bart416> Starting from a small focused beam
<bart416> But it's questionable if the setup will be as effective in the 350nm range
<azonenberg> Why?
<azonenberg> and 350 is short
<azonenberg> it'd be 365 to 405
<azonenberg> thats the peak sensitivity range
<bart416> Just saying range :|
<azonenberg> Well, the beauty of duplicating existing work
<azonenberg> Is that you know it's doable
<bart416> The materials used in those laser cutting assemblies is chosen in such a way to only work for certain frequency ranges in a lot of cases :(
<azonenberg> Oh, you wouldnt use the same exact assemblies
<azonenberg> Just a similar lense arrangement
<bart416> The beauty of the laser cutting systems is the variable focus though
<azonenberg> focus? The goal is a pretty parallel beam
<azonenberg> you dont want a point
<azonenberg> once its adjusted it shouldnt need to be changed
<bart416> The thing is, the variable focus is what will allow you to do this well ;)
<bart416> You can use the same assembly to varry the beam intensity
<bart416> allowing you finer control over exposure
<bart416> And if necessary direct write
<soul-d> something tells me it has a price tag to go with it
<azonenberg> woo, i may be able to evaporate sooner rather than later... a guy i was working with got a small bell jar and mechanical pump that he says he'll let me play with after the experiments are done
<azonenberg> I just have to get myself a diffusion pump to go to deeper vac
<azonenberg> And said bell jar is on a baseplate with a couple of high current feedthroughs ;)
<soul-d> bell jar  lab glassware btw ?like from sodiumborsilisomthing ?
<azonenberg> I think its borosilicate glass but not sure
<azonenberg> its rated for high vacuum, thats all i know
<azonenberg> He's not going very deep so they only have a roughing pump, but nothing would stop me from hooking up a high-vac pump later on
<soul-d> yeah we have 1$ like  shops selling somthing in the shape  but  don't think that would hold out ;)
<azonenberg> no, this is the real deal
<soul-d> yeah i have a healty aversion to be near stuff that might ex or implode
<azonenberg> Thats why you put a cage over it
<bart416> soul-d, a belljar imploding isn't nearly as dangerous as getting HF over your hands
<azonenberg> Strong HF, yes
<azonenberg> shrapnel vs 2% is debatable
<bart416> imploding belljars don't create that much shrapnell
<bart416> don't ask how I know :P
<azonenberg> Lol
<soul-d> always expect the unexpected:P
<azonenberg> soul-d: And if you aren't wearing goggles in your lab, you should be :p
<soul-d> oh i ualy wear gogles even undewr full face screen :D
<soul-d> cause i somtimes want to put it up
<azonenberg> Same here
<soul-d> mmm looking on glasware page  http://www.labstuff.nl/contents/nl/d15.html
<soul-d> but hard to see how and what  there is a realy cheap one :P