<soul-d> k done reading for today :)  i  conculde that e-readers at least this (sony prs-t1) is close to what these devices should do  few quirks in software (and ofcourse some type of sony usb cable thingy)  but reading is alot better then from lcd
<azonenberg> So... I've already  demonstrated the ~100um resolution i'm looking for on PCBs so it should be no problem to get it on silicon for dicing
<azonenberg> Time to print some masks
<CIA-67> homecmos r148 | trunk/lithography-tests/labnotes/azonenberg_labnotes.txt | Today's lab notes
<azonenberg> Slow progress with classes and everything
<azonenberg> But work is progressing
<Helldesk> how do you make the masks?
<azonenberg> Helldesk: Laser printer and transparency film from staples
<azonenberg> These are contact masks, 1:1 scale
<azonenberg> so i'm limited to 600dpi
<azonenberg> projection masks get much higher resolution since i reduce optically
<azonenberg> but the cost is that i can no longer do a whole wafer in one exposure
<azonenberg> almost done with a cross section rendernig of the comb drive process
<azonenberg> ok, model is taking longer to design than anticipated
<bart416> auch azonenberg
<azonenberg> Hai
<soul-d> morning
<azonenberg> Process outline coming in a few mins
<azonenberg> putting the final touches on it now
<azonenberg> crops a few dozen screenshots
<azonenberg> lekernel: http://imgur.com/a/kxARq
<soul-d> :)
<azonenberg> Any thoughts on the process?
<azonenberg> Wafer is at step 2 right now
<soul-d> well it made it more clear for me
<azonenberg> 3-5 are scheduled for tuesday
<azonenberg> when i can get time on the evaporator
<azonenberg> After the 400um KOH etch, the dies are separate
<soul-d> you  use  university  tools ?
<azonenberg> and all future lithography is done on the projection rig one at a time
<azonenberg> The evaporator is the one thing i dont have at home yet
<bart416> You should have written the description of the process in VHDL...
<azonenberg> As well as the SEM i use for when my optical scope isnt good enough
<azonenberg> soul-d: and thats exactly what it was intended to be for
<azonenberg> To make the process more understandable
<azonenberg> i'm going to try and make a little presentation (poster or slideshow TBD) when i get further on in the process
<soul-d> ok so those  things are just  for  the moment not that they  are imposible to do at home ?
<bart416> Wren't you looking into sputtering?
<azonenberg> Including in-process SEM images
<azonenberg> and optical
<azonenberg> bart416: I am exploring both sputtering and evaporation
<azonenberg> Both are within the realm of possibility for a dedicated hobbyist
<bart416> soul-d, building a high enough resolution SEM at home is tricky at the best of times
<azonenberg> The SEM is not strictly necessary
<bart416> It's a design project on its own
<azonenberg> i could do everything i did with an optical scope
<bart416> It'd take well over a year to get something that'll perform good enough
<azonenberg> but the sem is there and it helps me sanity-check things
<bart416> And then you need to develop all the specialised equipment to surround it and the right detectors
<azonenberg> bart416: everhart-thornley detector shouldnt be too tough to build
<azonenberg> control would be all DSP
<azonenberg> make no doubt about it, i intend to build one some day
<azonenberg> But its a lower priority
<azonenberg> soul-d: Evaporation is pretty simple conceptually
<bart416> With an everhart-thornley detector you're not going to get very good results though
<soul-d> currently reading books  more on fpga  though  found one that also treats  the lower level  a bit more
<azonenberg> bart416: but it'd be good for starters
<bart416> And you won't get many of the other advantages of a SEM
<azonenberg> soul-d: Stick a tungsten filament between two electrodes
<azonenberg> coil copper wire around it
<azonenberg> stick your sample underneath
<azonenberg> put a bell jar on top, suck out the air
<soul-d> just  wondering how truly homecmos it  would  be
<azonenberg> run current through filament, it heats up
<azonenberg> metal evaporates
<azonenberg> soul-d: The evaporation is the one process i dont do at home
<soul-d> yeah i think i read on it for making   mirros for
<soul-d> telescopes
<azonenberg> and as soon as i can afford a vacuum pump, i'll do it
<azonenberg> Exactly
<azonenberg> same process
<soul-d> you just have sticky and no sticky layers on wafer ?
<azonenberg> sticky?
<azonenberg> what do you mean sticky
<soul-d> egg plases you want depost
<azonenberg> oh
<soul-d> and stuff you protect
<azonenberg> Evaporated films will stick to anything in a straight line from the source
<azonenberg> so you can cast shadows in the film with photoresist etc
<azonenberg> You can also put resist over the film and etch through holes in the resist
<azonenberg> i use both techniques in this process
<azonenberg> Generally speaking, all microfab processes are in one of two broad classes
<azonenberg> additive and subtractive
<soul-d> k yeah makes more sense  now then yesterday  ;)
<azonenberg> Evaporation is an additive process, so is spin coating
<azonenberg> etching is subtractive
<azonenberg> In this case i am patterning the bottom Cr by both
<azonenberg> i deposit everywhere that i want it from time zero
<azonenberg> etch the silicon a bit
<azonenberg> then remove part of the remaining Cr
<soul-d> yeah intresting stuff  how did you start i mean doubt you jumped  to these sizes  or technology
<bart416> azonenberg, I think soul-d doesn't know about trial and error :P
<azonenberg> bart416: actually?
<azonenberg> 20um was my first attempt at going smaller than the 150-200um design rule i had before
<azonenberg> that was contact lithography on printed circuit board
<azonenberg> i just threw a 10x objective in between
<bart416> Sounds like trial and error to me :P
<azonenberg> bart416: Lol
<azonenberg> It pretty much was
<azonenberg> Just saying, i didnt slowly and painfully work my way down from 200
<azonenberg> However, 20 has been a bit of a brick wall in that i'm having trouble shrinking using techniques i've tried so far
<azonenberg> i hit 5 a few times but cant do it reliably
<bart416> Have you tried changing light source to something more uniform?
<azonenberg> Yes
<bart416> What wavelength is ideal?
<azonenberg> Depends on the resist
<azonenberg> Mine is 405nm peak sensitivity
<bart416> 405nm, lets see if I have any lasers for that
<azonenberg> I'm now using a fiber optic illuminator (wideband halogen source)
<azonenberg> Problem is, the beam is a little small
<azonenberg> i need to build a condenser to widen the beam
<azonenberg> Anything from 365-405 will work
<azonenberg> maybe even up to 450ish
<bart416> how wide do you need?
<azonenberg> that's mercury vapor G through I line
<azonenberg> About 2cm
<azonenberg> thats the diameter of the camera port on top of the scope that i put the mask
<azonenberg> i need a relatively collimated beam of that diameter
<bart416> 2cm, that'll be hard
<azonenberg> and as uniform as possible
<azonenberg> top-hat distribution ideally
<bart416> Well, the issue is you'd be widening the beam a lot
<bart416> It'd lose its intensity advantage
<azonenberg> I can handle a slightly longer exposure, right now i have about a ~1cm disk at the end of my fiber bundle
<bart416> Only UV laser I have is in my own photoresist setup
<azonenberg> doesnt have any lasers
<azonenberg> except for ~760nm 1-5 mW diodes
<azonenberg> but those dont really count for lithography
<bart416> Also, blu ray laser
<bart416> Its perfect
<bart416> It's exact 405nm
<azonenberg> Yeah, i agree
<azonenberg> But if i was using one it'd be for direct write
<azonenberg> in a much narrow beam
<azonenberg> probably with nanosecond-level pulses
<azonenberg> microsecnd*
<bart416> I tried pulsed lasers before
<bart416> I found them unsuitable for PCB exposure
<azonenberg> You misunderstand
<azonenberg> i'd do short pulses on the bluray diode for direct write
<bart416> I doubt they'll do better at smale scale
<azonenberg> because each pixel is so small i dont need a lot of energy
<azonenberg> basically, figure out how much energy each pixel needs to get exposed completely
<azonenberg> and differentiate
<bart416> Well, the issue I found is actually the shape of the beam
<azonenberg> how so?
<bart416> Round beam, square pixels
<azonenberg> I'd want a ~5um round beam
<azonenberg> 20um square pixels with rounded corners
<bart416> You'd need significant overlap I think
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> so for a 20um line i do 5um shots centered at 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20
<azonenberg> assumption is that the desired tophat beam will actually be a little more gaussian
<berndj> is a laser diode's light sufficiently collimated for lithography?
<berndj> i thought that mattered
<azonenberg> berndj: You'd need optics
<azonenberg> But you need optics even more with a halogen lamp :p
<berndj> optics can't collimate a beam without losing some of the light
<berndj> (imprecise jargon)
<azonenberg> berndj: yes, i know
<azonenberg> Thats why you get a nice high power source
<azonenberg> so you can afford to lose some
<berndj> ah ok
<berndj> is a bluray LD a "nice high power source"?
<azonenberg> 200 mJ/cm^2 is what i need
<azonenberg> my die is maybe 1/4 cm^2 (5mm square) at most
<azonenberg> os i need 50 mJ over the entire die
<azonenberg> Delivered over several minutes by a moving laser head
<azonenberg> one milliwatt of actual energy after optics is probably enough
<azonenberg> bluray diode is a few hundred i think
<azonenberg> i'll probably have to pulse it to get average intensity down low enough to not overexpose
<CIA-67> homecmos r149 | trunk/papers/ (17 files in 3 dirs) | Added first draft of project poster
<soul-d> don't you need to move the laser realy precise with that method
<azonenberg> soul-d: yes, or reflect it off precisely aimed mirrors
<azonenberg> But it would let me get better resolution than i can with a normal printer
<azonenberg> thats the whole point
<soul-d> how did you start btw on what size  since you mention printer ? you should make entry howto  or proof of concepts ... maybe browse  site
<azonenberg> soul-d: I'm actually doing a poster providing a summary of what's going on now
<soul-d> din't even knew you had nyano technology :)
<azonenberg> hoping to present at the CDMMS (capital district microscopy and microanalysis socity) meeting next month
<azonenberg> they have their anual microanalysis and materials science poster competition
<soul-d> oh yeah was looking at microscope alwasy wanted one   but i usaly start looking and by time im done  i need 10K +
<azonenberg> even in the (very likely) event i do not win best poster, it should help increase awareness of the project
<azonenberg> and mine was $1.2k including the camera
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> yeah found a site with ocassions
<soul-d> but still pricy
<azonenberg> amscope.com is where i got this one
<azonenberg> Not the greatest scope, i am definitely seeing limitations
<soul-d> netherlands here so stuck to looking local
<azonenberg> But i could also afford it
<azonenberg> Ah, i see
<soul-d> im verry intrested  thats why i asked is this where digital meets chemistry :)
<soul-d> and other fun stuff
<azonenberg> Yep
<soul-d> you have a list of intresting books ?   currently reading bit out of  "digital systems design with fpga"  wich starts a bit talking on the technology's behind it  but still different avenue
<azonenberg> I've been doing most of my learning online actually
<soul-d> k yeah din't fix wifi yet  here  so cant use ereader online  :P  thats why documents still preferred
<soul-d> realy  like the e-ink stuff
<soul-d> interesting at least  would be to figure out if  one in eu  / netherlands has acces to chemicals needed
<soul-d> cause if you are i assume usa  based ?
<azonenberg> Yes, i am
<azonenberg> But most of the materials i've been using are not hard to get hold of
<azonenberg> HCl, NaOH
<azonenberg> Distilled water, acetone
<azonenberg> the trickiest one is photoresist
<azonenberg> oh, and hydrogen peroxide (3% aka drugstore grade)
<soul-d> got those  is it the same as for pcb ?
<azonenberg> the resist?
<soul-d> yeah
<azonenberg> I am using liquid resist sold for PCBs
<azonenberg> I dilute it 50% with acetone to reduce the viscosity and thin the layer
<azonenberg> then spin coat
<soul-d> i think a shop in uk sold it to  in a brush type thingy
<soul-d> or marker
<azonenberg> That wont work, you need to be able to do an even film
<azonenberg> Mine is sold as a liquid
<azonenberg> apparently its made in a spray can too, which is less good but if you spray it on and then spin coat you can probably get it nice and even
<soul-d> yeah i assumed it's a liquid inside ?  and just  tip to dispersi it evenly
<azonenberg> Yes
<CIA-67> homecmos r150 | trunk/papers/003_Poster/Poster.odp | Continued work on poster
<azonenberg> Anyone have comments?
<azonenberg> Presenting an updated version of this (need to finish the references and add pics from my experiments being conducted this coming week) next month
<soul-d> what is thecnical grade HCL  egg % ?
<azonenberg> soul-d: Good point
<azonenberg> 32%
<azonenberg> added
<azonenberg> I need to shrink the text down by a bit, there's a little much
<azonenberg> and font should be larger
<azonenberg> For scale this will be printed on a 3x4 foot poster
<soul-d> yeah   same  for the KOH also % missing but i think you can get that at 99,9% ?
<azonenberg> The KOH is powder
<azonenberg> so almost pure
<soul-d> yeah  draining cleaner stuff i think oposite of naoh
<azonenberg> there may be some impurities but its not like a dilute solution
<azonenberg> This was relatively high grade
<soul-d> yeah got a labstore online you can order
<azonenberg> turns out this is actually food grade
<soul-d> also found a "garden" shop wich sells most chemicals
<soul-d> would be first place for me to look for chems
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> Yeah, thats why mems is easier than cmos
<azonenberg> cmos is much more sensitive to trace metal impurities
<azonenberg> i am seriously skeptical as to how much i could do cmos wise without buying "real" trace metal grade supplies
<soul-d> ok so for cmos youd be bussy purifing resources or buying :P
<azonenberg> bipolar transistors might be a little less sensitive
<azonenberg> i have to read up more on BJTs
<soul-d> i like your spin coater makes it  more home doable already :P  understood more of the alliance programs i already had on system tried to install  glade but need fresh linux install again
<soul-d> it worked  but it also crashed a bit donno how realiable it is :)
<azonenberg> Yes, its not very reliable
<azonenberg> I use it because i havent had the time to learn any package that's more open and reliable
<azonenberg> But as long as i  can export my design to GDS
<azonenberg> i can open it up in another tool
<soul-d> i think i had that mentor grapics progam somehwere around
<soul-d> but definetly not open
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> yeah
<soul-d> i always download packages that are expensive just for fun :)
<soul-d> might come in ahndy some day :)
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> woulnd know where it is  though :)
<soul-d> but you can't write it in vhdl ?
<soul-d> or hdl language ?
<azonenberg> You can do that for digital circuits but you still have to design the cell library
<azonenberg> and compile your design to cells + wiring
<soul-d> so comb drive is just cause of the pattern  but what does it do ?
<azonenberg> soul-d: it's pretty much the mems equivalent of a solenoid
<azonenberg> was chosen as the first actual device to build because its relatively simple