<azonenberg> waits eagerly for new batch of wafers to arrive tuesday
<mrdata> mm... wafers
<B0101> Hi azonenberg
<azonenberg> hi
<B0101> azonenberg: ever programmed anything?
<B0101> other than your FPGA's i mean
<azonenberg> I have half a million lines of C/C++/x86 asm/MIPS asm/PIC asm/verilog sitting around my laptop's hard drive
<azonenberg> all of which i wrote
<azonenberg> so, i guess the answer is yes :p
<azonenberg> My degree is in computer science
<azonenberg> EE and nanotech are just hobbies to me
<B0101> I am pretty sure that you have a backup
<azonenberg> Of the code? You've gotta be kidding me lol
<azonenberg> My laptop's hdd is a cache
<azonenberg> not storage
<azonenberg> everything important is SVN checkouts from a repository stored on RAID1
<azonenberg> the repos are backed up nightly offsite to another raid array
<azonenberg> My rule is, if i cannot lose one of my installations (home, office, parents house, etc) entirely
<azonenberg> and one hard drive from every surviving computer
<azonenberg> Simultaneously
<azonenberg> that i dont have enoguh redundancy
<azonenberg> IOW, if i would lose *any* critical data from such a disaster, i'm doing it wrong
<B0101> hmm, i keep my code backed up on offsite servers
<B0101> each running RAID 5
<flyback-> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/10/07/unix_time_zone_database_destroyed/ <--- here's another company for anonymous to destroy
<B0101> hmm
<flyback-> I was talking about the company that sued the unix maintainer guy, people
<flyback-> sheesh
<flyback-> sleeps
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> B0101: so why were you asking again?
<B0101> huh?
<B0101> I only asked once
<azonenberg> no, i mean
<azonenberg> why were yo uasking
<B0101> oh, just for the fun of it
<B0101> brb
<B0101> back
<azonenberg> ah
<B0101> bart416: thanks for giving me the link to the quantum computing videos
<bart416> np
<bart416> Though as azonenberg pointed out you probably already knew all of that
<B0101> btw, do you know about Einsteins theory of relativity? He might have been wrong
<B0101> CERN has done an experiment on their collider which shows neutrinos can go faster than speed of light
<B0101> and if so, Einstein was wrong when he said nothing could go faster than the speed of light
<bart416> and do you know that experiment might have forgotten to take into account relativity :P
<B0101> hmm
<B0101> bart416: interesting paper
<bart416> azonenberg, ?
<azonenberg> bart416: i have the atlys
<azonenberg> the next model up
<bart416> Yeah, but budget is 150 euro
<bart416> Cause that's what the guy who ruined my old fpga board is paying me
<bart416> lol
<azonenberg> Definitely go for the spartan-6
<azonenberg> and lol, how did he do that
<bart416> Good question
<bart416> He borrowed it for a few weeks and got a text earlier today that he'll pay me 150 euro for it cause he ruined it lol
<bart416> won't the spartan 3e allow bigger logic circuits though?
<bart416> That particular 6 has less equivalent logic cells :(
<azonenberg> hmm, the lx16 vs the 3e 1200 *looks up*
<bart416> I'm a bit worried about it
<bart416> Cause I'm looking at building another oscilloscope
<bart416> This time with 4 8 bit 100 MSa/s FPGAs to achieve 300-400 MSa/s
<azonenberg> well, the lx16 is def better than the 500k cell s3e
<azonenberg> Looks like the lx16 is, gate wise, about equivalent to ~900k cells of 3e
<azonenberg> Except the lx16 has more block ram than even the 1200 3e and probably more mults too
<azonenberg> so it basically becomes a tradeoff, would you rather have a few more slow cells in the 3e, or more block ram, more mults, and faster cells in the 6
<azonenberg> i'd go for the 6 unless i was area limited
<azonenberg> s3 is really pretty much obsolete
<B0101> hi azonenberg
<azonenberg> hi
<B0101> well, what do I look for when I choose a FPGA board?
<azonenberg> Depends on what you're trying to do and how much budget you have :p
<B0101> Well, I am want to build a CPU on a FPGA (I am looking for fast speed and more memory for cache)
<azonenberg> A cpu
<azonenberg> that's a pretty broad term
<azonenberg> i've seen 4-bit toy cpus in 800 gate CPLDs
<azonenberg> and full 32 bit designs on big fpgas
<azonenberg> all the way up to full ARM cores
<azonenberg> so what kind of cpu do you want? Not necessarily architecture, more along the lines of speed/capabilities
<azonenberg> i designed an 8-bit 3-stage pipelined core that ran at 85 MHz on a 50k gate spartan-3a
<azonenberg> with room to spare
<B0101> as I said, I want a CPU with a fast speed, and more cache memory
<azonenberg> Define fast
<azonenberg> 50 mhz? 500?
<B0101> around 700MHZ to 1 GHZ
<azonenberg> Good luck lol
<azonenberg> FPGAs are meant for parallelism, not speed
<azonenberg> you'd need one of the ridiculously expensive ones for that
<azonenberg> like, five figurep rice tag
<azonenberg> if its even possible
<azonenberg> Typical clock rates for entry-level FPGA designs are O(100 MHz)
<bart416> The trick with a FPGA is that you don't have to work in a synchronous fashion
<B0101> ok
<bart416> But essentially you're limited by your amount of LUTs
<azonenberg> hi ashaw
<ashaw> hey azonenberg
<ashaw> so you are doing electron beam lithography
<ashaw> ?
<azonenberg> ashaw: not e-beam
<azonenberg> Optical projection
<ashaw> how are you making the mask?
<azonenberg> Laser direct-write with a bluray diode is on the longer term todo list
<azonenberg> Right now I print my masks out at 200um design rules (10x actual size) on laser printer transparency
<azonenberg> then reduce optically with a microscope objective and project onto the die
<azonenberg> align
<azonenberg> and expose
<azonenberg> You mean, design?
<ashaw> no
<ashaw> process
<azonenberg> I make the GDS in glade or klayout, then export to dxf and print appropriately scaled
<ashaw> cool
<azonenberg> Right now my lambda is 4.233...  microns
<azonenberg> which is 1/600 inch (resolution of my printer) divided down further by my 10x objective
<ashaw> yay
<azonenberg> design rule is five lambda min feature size
<ashaw> I have been looking at making a LDI machine
<ashaw> with 1um resolution
<azonenberg> i'm working on shrinking down 4x further, to 1.058um lambda and the same 5 lambda design rule, using a 40x reduction
<azonenberg> been having yield issues
<azonenberg> LDI = ?
<azonenberg> laser direct write?
<ashaw> Laser direct imaging
<azonenberg> Ah
<azonenberg> Yeah, thats on my todo list as well, if you'd like to collaborate let me know
<azonenberg> my idea was to use it for contact masks
<ashaw> cool
<ashaw> My idea is to directly print onto the wafer
<azonenberg> I considered that
<azonenberg> the problem is alignment if you are doing >1 mask level
<ashaw> but?
<azonenberg> and direct writ eis slow
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> so i figure i'll do what the real fabs do except laser instead of ebeam for making the mask
<azonenberg> The other thing i need to do is build myself a stepper/scanner
<ashaw> there is a way around doing i pixel at a time
<azonenberg> put servos on the stage so i can move the field around the die/wafer
<ashaw> I want to point the laser head at a DLP picoprojector and reduce
<ashaw> doing structured imagin
<azonenberg> very interesting
<ashaw> g
<ashaw> yeah you print a line about 1000 pixels long
<ashaw> at once
<ashaw> I've been workign at driving the projector from an FPGA
<ashaw> and modifying the potics
<azonenberg> very nice
<azonenberg> if you get it working can i use you as a mask shop? ;)
<ashaw> mabe, I am in australia though
<azonenberg> Cheaper than photronics :p
<azonenberg> And i want to build one of my own in the longer term
<azonenberg> do you plan to share designs?
<ashaw> of course
<ashaw> also it is going to be designed with a removable reducer
<ashaw> so you can also use it to image PCBs
<azonenberg> very interesting
<azonenberg> Are you using a prebuilt projector and sending hdmi out from the fpga?
<ashaw> no
<azonenberg> and what drives the fpga - a GDS?
<azonenberg> gerber?
<azonenberg> bitmap?
<ashaw> at the moment procedurally generated images
<azonenberg> ok
<ashaw> on the FPGA
<azonenberg> which fpga btw?
<ashaw> a virtex 6 demo board.
<azonenberg> shiny
<ashaw> greatly underutalised
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> is using an xc6slx45 atm
<ashaw> I have a couple other projects
<azonenberg> virtexes are too expensive
<ashaw> one that needs the space
<azonenberg> I see
<azonenberg> you can get spartans that big, most likely
<azonenberg> Just not as fast
<ashaw> 240K gate?
<azonenberg> 240k cell? oh
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> spartan6 maxes out at 150 i think
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> what are you building that big?
<ashaw> that is the standard dev size
<ashaw> an Out-Of Order, dual issue MMIX CPU
<azonenberg> out of order execution? Oh joy lol
<ashaw> yeah
<ashaw> I think cool.
<azonenberg> And superscalar
<ashaw> yep
<azonenberg> I'm having enough trouble debugging pipeline glitches on my single-issue in-order mips1 core lol
<azonenberg> good luck
<azonenberg> Of course i havent worked on it in a while
<azonenberg> been too busy with my current project, a JPEG encoder
<ashaw> i have been working on this for 2 yes
<ashaw> cool
<azonenberg> 100 MHZ at one cycle per pixel
<azonenberg> on s6 -2 speed
<ashaw> fun!!!
<azonenberg> seems to work in simulation, i'm hookign up the final glue for a bare-metal test now
<azonenberg> block ram for source data, serial port printing out encoded results, etc
<ashaw> My goal is to get a 1um design rule home fab process done, with a cost of less than $20 000
<azonenberg> I would love that, i'm limited to 20 right now by my optics
<azonenberg> the 40x objective on my scope doesnt quite focus right
<azonenberg> and immersion litho should hit 1um but i'm having trouble with that too
<azonenberg> LDI would help that greatly
<azonenberg> i could use the scope to align but use a contact mask for the actual exposure
<azonenberg> imagines friend coming over in 10 years and seeing an 8-inch karl suss mask aligner in the living room
<azonenberg> my lab atm, btw: http://imgur.com/a/Bnwst
<ashaw> you're a lot further than I am atm
<azonenberg> in any case it seems our goals are well aligned
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> Send me your google code email and i'll set you up with repository/wiki access
<ashaw> I want a bi-cmos process
<azonenberg> I've been focusing on MEMS
<ashaw> ah
<azonenberg> i want to use a KOH wet etch over evaporated Cr hardmask to build a comb drive on a 20um design rule by end of this calendar year
<ashaw> I have not got very much documentation atm
<azonenberg> We can fix that
<ashaw> yeah.
<ashaw> just school is keeping me very busy
<azonenberg> Top left pic is my first deep etch test
<azonenberg> ~100um deep into <110> wafer using Cr hardmask
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> which was too thin, the mask got penetrated in spots
<ashaw> are you at uni?
<azonenberg> is a phd student in computer science at RPI
<azonenberg> no formal training in ee/nanotech whatsoever
<azonenberg> its just a hobby for me
<ashaw> I am a 1sy uear undergrad in B. Eng (Elec)/ B. Sci. (CS/Math)
<azonenberg> In terms of bonding, i was thinking FCBGA
<azonenberg> stick solder balls on top metal
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> flip over and heat gun to the PCB
<azonenberg> no messing around with wire bonding
<azonenberg> Most hobbyists are scared of BGA lol
<ashaw> you need a thick top layer
<azonenberg> But the funny thing is, on a home asic its the easiest way of doing stuff :p
<azonenberg> i have successfully soldered to ~1000nm evaporated Cu over ~10nm Cr
<azonenberg> You have to be careful but its possible
<azonenberg> but i have dies with 30ga wire coming off them that i soldered to
<ashaw> I have been designing a compond vaccum chamber
<azonenberg> just as a PoC, no lithography on that sample
<azonenberg> and very nice
<azonenberg> i'm not very far on that
<ashaw> for doing all this work
<azonenberg> would have been ,except for the local cops
<ashaw> what about them?
<azonenberg> friend of mine got raided last november when his neighbor called 911 on him
<azonenberg> thought his vacuum chamber was a bomb
<azonenberg> the court case finally ended last week
<ashaw> Wah???
<azonenberg> he got all of his equipment back (chemicals had been destroyed) and paid a small fine
<ashaw> what was the fine for?
<azonenberg> something about attempted obstruction of justice (which is not a crime in this state)
<azonenberg> basically he wasnt polite enough to the responding officer
<ashaw> right
<ashaw> USA?
<azonenberg> They needed a conviction, even if just a paper victory
<azonenberg> to make sure he wouldnt sue for malicious prosecution
<azonenberg> In any case that resulted in me not having vacuum gear for a year
<azonenberg> or i'd probably have a DC sputtering rig in the living room now
<ashaw> What is he using for his vaccum chamber?
<azonenberg> it was a giant varian 18x18x24" stainless steel box
<azonenberg> that he got for $1k on ebay
<azonenberg> he was using it for some consulting work too
<ashaw> I have got a salvage order out at the metal yards here
<ashaw> looking for 200mm stainless steel pipe
<azonenberg> In any case, in the interim i've been doing evaporation on campus
<azonenberg> they have one in the mat sci department that i cna use whenever i want for free
<ashaw> that is cool
<azonenberg> cheap and has a few occasional film defects but good enough for my design rules
<azonenberg> thats how i did all of the metalization for my processes
<ashaw> I want to use spin foating
<azonenberg> my spin coater
<ashaw> oh sorry, missunderstoodf you
<azonenberg> the cardboard thing in the middle is the spatter shield
<azonenberg> then a 2x4 frame, an electric drill
<ashaw> it is 1.40 am here
<azonenberg> and a sanding wheel with some masking tape on it
<azonenberg> i see, where you at?
<azonenberg> its ten in the morning
<ashaw> sydney
<ashaw> australia
<azonenberg> that would do it
<azonenberg> Have you used subversion?
<ashaw> yeah
<ashaw> but prefer mecurial
<ashaw> or git
<ashaw> but not for any of this stuff.
<ashaw> all on paper
<azonenberg> well the project is on svn now, switching to git in the longer term is a possibility but svn was what most of the folks working on it preferred
<azonenberg> i'd love if you could set up a wiki page with some of your work to date
<azonenberg> just so we know where work is
<azonenberg> who's gotten how far on what
<ashaw> yeah, mabee in a few weeks, I will put somehting up.
<ashaw> It is a lot of planninf
<azonenberg> Surre
<ashaw> but not much prac
<azonenberg> send me your google code email address  and i'll add you to the project
<ashaw> alexis.shaw@gmail.com
<azonenberg> Added
<ashaw> cool
<ashaw> I think that a simple atom beam setup can be made
<azonenberg> I want a SEM/FIB at some point
<azonenberg> thats further out
<azonenberg> in case you havent guessed my dream home includes a class 1000 cleanroom :p
<ashaw> mine an ISO class 3 room
<azonenberg> whats that in the powers-of-ten scale?
<azonenberg> 100?
<ashaw> 1
<azonenberg> oh, nice
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> My school has a class 100
<azonenberg> but i dont think i need that good for 1um design rules on prototype scale fab
<azonenberg> gotta keep costs down :p
<ashaw> my final goal is to have a 350nm process at home
<azonenberg> Mine too :)
<azonenberg> Good to see somebody who actually is interested in doing lab work, a lot of the folks here are bouncing off ideas but not really doing much
<azonenberg> the main people doing hands-on work are me, B0101, and swkhan
<ashaw> I just do not have a garrage atm
<azonenberg> swkhan is mostly doign thin film work at nasa ames, not as much microfab
<ashaw> I am at college
<azonenberg> dorm? small apartment?
<azonenberg> is a grad student
<ashaw> single room
<azonenberg> oh
<azonenberg> i'm sharing a large apartment with four undergrads
<azonenberg> nice big common/living room
<azonenberg> that's turned into a pretty well equipped lab
<azonenberg> The last tenants, the landlord tells me, had a stripper pole in that corner
<azonenberg> right about in the same spot i have a 4-inch wafer probing station
<azonenberg> lol
<ashaw> I am thinking of renting some industrial spacew
<ashaw> as soon as I have got my set of test gear
<azonenberg> If you can afford it, i highly recommend it
<azonenberg> will help keep neighbors off your back
<ashaw> yeah
<CIA-67> homecmos r144 | wiki/CurrentStatus.wiki | Edited wiki page CurrentStatus through web user interface.
<ashaw> what sort of imaging are you doing
<azonenberg> I was using a companion cube earlier as a test mask
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> but then realized the puns about nyanotechnology were too good to pass up lol
<azonenberg> And you mean, for looking at test dies?:
<azonenberg> Mostly my amscope metallurgical microscope
<azonenberg> i borrow a few hours on SEMs on campus every month or two
<ashaw> are you using a 405nm bluray laser for imaging?
<ashaw> or something else?
<azonenberg> Oh, for exposure
<azonenberg> I'm actually using two wideband sources
<azonenberg> depending on the application
<ashaw> really?
<azonenberg> for large scale contact litho (mostly PCB fab) i have some quartz-tube mercury vapor lamps
<azonenberg> not filtered for any specific wavelength
<azonenberg> and for projection i use a halogen :p
<ashaw> right
<ashaw> that may actually be your imagin problem
<azonenberg> No, the problem is focus
<ashaw> sure.
<azonenberg> not chromatic aberration
<azonenberg> i can see it blurry in the eyepieces
<ashaw> right
<azonenberg> also, more importantly, drift in my stage
<azonenberg> it moves during the exposure
<ashaw> ouch
<azonenberg> been meaning to buy an aftermarket stage
<ashaw> what are you using for the stage?
<azonenberg> the amscope is a cheap scope ($800ish)
<azonenberg> should probably just invest in an olympus/nikon or osmething
<ashaw> Why not get a pyrex blank and mill out a wafer holder
<ashaw> and a dichronic mirror
<ashaw> as a viewer
<ashaw> I'll be studying machining next year
<bart416> azonenberg, you have access to web of knowledge eh?
<bart416> (or anybody else for that matter)
<bart416> I can't get Author(s): Sunaga, H (Sunaga, H); Hoshiai, T (Hoshiai, T); Kamei, S (Kamei, S); Kimura, S (Kimura, S)
<bart416> Source: IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS  Volume: E87B   Issue: 10   Pages: 2831-2846   Published: OCT 2004
<bart416> for some reason :(
<azonenberg> ashaw: back in a bit, have ppl over for a project
<ashaw> gog anyway
<ashaw> gtg
<ashaw> sleep
<azonenberg> back
<ashaw> same
<azonenberg> waits patiently for tuesday when new batch of wafers arrives
<ashaw> ahh.
<ashaw> in your work, what type of wafer is best, 100, 110 or 111 and why?
<azonenberg> <100> is more commonly used for CMOS
<azonenberg> in MEMS a KOH/TMAH etch will produce 4-sided pyramidal holes that are 30 degrees from the surface plane
<azonenberg> and aligned to the <111> planes
<azonenberg> <110> etches vertically in KOH/TMAH
<azonenberg> the <111> planes are parallel and i think 70 degrees to the wafer flat
<azonenberg> in <100> wafers the <111> planes are parallel and perpendicular
<ashaw> oh cool
<ashaw> What size wafer do you want to use?
<azonenberg> Uusally 2 inch
<azonenberg> I dont ever work with full wafers though
<ashaw> why?
<azonenberg> Because i never need to make that many devices at once
<azonenberg> i usually work with ~3mm dies
<azonenberg> So i buy a 2-inch wafer, evaporate metal over the entire surface, then cleave into small samples and do litho on each one separately
<azonenberg> often using a different mask for each test
<ashaw> what devices have you made?
<azonenberg> Successfully? None
<azonenberg> So far i've mostly been doing test patterns to improve lithography resolution
<azonenberg> i've done parallel lines at 20um half-pitch
<ashaw> using your microscope
<azonenberg> Yes
<ashaw> yeah, I've seen that
<azonenberg> Then etched them into <110> Si using a Cr hardmask
<azonenberg> Which was not thick enough so the pattern wasnt as sharp as it should have been
<azonenberg> areas that werent supposed to be etched got attacked
<azonenberg> the sum total of my work to date
<ashaw> what is the grid pattern?
<azonenberg> sticky gel tray for holding the dies
<azonenberg> so they dont shake around
<ashaw> ah cool
<ashaw> do you do cmp?
<azonenberg> Do i have the facilities for it? Have i attempted it? Have i been successful?
<azonenberg> I have abrasives ranging from sandpaper to 6um diamond to 250nm diamond to 60nm colloidal silica
<azonenberg> havent had the time to do much process development yet
<ashaw> all three
<azonenberg> so yes, yes, no :p
<ashaw> have you got a precision turn table?
<azonenberg> i wish
<azonenberg> you know what my spin coater is?
<azonenberg> A drill
<azonenberg> and a sanding wheel :p
<azonenberg> The stuff i have now will not scale to submicron
<azonenberg> i have no illusions about that
<azonenberg> But i want to get everything working at a large scale before shrinking
<ashaw> Cool, I understand that.
<ashaw> I was just asking
<azonenberg> Definitely on the roadmap
<ashaw> perhaps share the design of the CMP spindle and the spin coater?
<azonenberg> my cmp is done with finger pressure on the back of the die
<azonenberg> against a microscope slide lol
<ashaw> ouch
<azonenberg> and the spin coater i havent documented much because i plan to do a second revision in the near future
<azonenberg> that one will be fully open
<azonenberg> this one i dont have any deisgn documents etc for
<ashaw> have you tried using a CPU fan?
<azonenberg> Tried, no
<azonenberg> considered, yes
<azonenberg> problem is the air movement and the poor speed control
<azonenberg> i want to get a similar motor, probably from an rc aircraft
<azonenberg> but use a better speed controller so i can do engine braking etc
<ashaw> right
<azonenberg> and do closed loop feedback control with a nice process controller that lets me specify multiple steps
<azonenberg> for example, go up to 60 rpm
<azonenberg> wait 1 minute while i apply resist
<azonenberg> then go up to 500 to spread for 30 sec
<azonenberg> 3000 to thin for 60 sec
<azonenberg> then stop over the course of 10 sec
<ashaw> cool
<ashaw> I have been thinking about how to hold the wafer.
<azonenberg> i use masking tape
<azonenberg> sticky side up
<ashaw> that works
<azonenberg> then tape the end of the tape down with a second piece
<azonenberg> i want a vacuum chuck
<azonenberg> eventually
<ashaw> As I said before, I am looking forward to doing a precision machining course next year
<azonenberg> :)
<azonenberg> i took the intro shop class here but never did anything beyond 0.005 inch tolerance
<azonenberg> which is huge
<ashaw> what 0.15mm?
<ashaw> yeah that is woute big
<azonenberg> something like that
<ashaw> So are you thinking of useing somthing like LOCOS?
<azonenberg> Not sure yet, i havent though much about the cmos side of things
<azonenberg> my process for the comb drive is relatively straightforward
<azonenberg> Evaporate 1000nm Cr over both sides of <110> 2-side-polished wafer
<azonenberg> Apply photoresist to both sides
<azonenberg> sorry, i cleave into dies first
<azonenberg> then apply PR
<azonenberg> (have to figure out how to hold it to the coater without damaging the resist)
<azonenberg> Expose backside etch mask (a big square cutout in the middle of the die), develop, etch in HCl
<azonenberg> I also forgot to mention that without breaking vacuum i'll do maybe 50nm Cu over the Cr
<azonenberg> since Cu's native oxide is etchable but Cr's is hard to remove
<azonenberg> So then i wet etch the die in 30% KOH at ~85C until i've gone down around 400 microns
<azonenberg> then i apply resist to both sides again, expose the comb drive mask
<azonenberg> etch hardmask, etch Si
<azonenberg> the KOH etch will start going down from the top, while continuing to go up from the bottom
<azonenberg> they meet ~50um from the top of the wafer
<azonenberg> leaving me with my comb drive fingers 50um thick, ~20um across
<azonenberg> and a 500um thick carrier ring around the whole thing
<azonenberg> Then i strip the Cr hardmask
<azonenberg> grow thermal oxide over the entire die to prevent shorts
<azonenberg> evaporate metal 1
<azonenberg> lithography of metal 1 mask
<azonenberg> boom done
<azonenberg> I have not yet perfected the through-wafer etch process but the rest shoudl not be too hard
<ashaw> yeah, quite a simple process
<ashaw> for cmos, it seems that some CVD will be a nescesity
<azonenberg> Why do you say that
<azonenberg> gate oxide can be sol-gel Ta2O5
<azonenberg> as an added benefit that's high-K
<azonenberg> (but its a PITA to etch)
<azonenberg> Can be deposited by spin coating though
<ashaw> what about inter transistor isolation
<azonenberg> LOCOS and/or SOI are options
<azonenberg> like i said mems has been my focus so far
<ashaw> LOCOS requires CVD of SiN
<azonenberg> No
<azonenberg> It requires a diffusion mask
<azonenberg> Which is usually Si3N4
<azonenberg> But does not have t obe
<ashaw> what would you use?
<azonenberg> Ta2O5 is a possibility
<azonenberg> I might also consider reactive sputtering in a nitrogen atmosphere
<azonenberg> The main problem with cvd of si3n4 is that it involves dealing with silanes
<azonenberg> not fun
<azonenberg> reactive sputtering might be worth considering
<azonenberg> of say a silicon target in argon with a little N2
<ashaw> yeah that might work, and then deposit the cover oxide later?
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> you can replace CVD SiO2 by sol-gel or possibly reactive sputtering of Si with some O2
<azonenberg> not sure if that last process would work
<azonenberg> but spin-on glass is a known material
<ashaw> Oh, I just thought of a problem.
<ashaw> you need the SiO2 in order to protect the silicon when removing the Si3N4
<azonenberg> The more the merrier
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> How do you strip nitride?
<azonenberg> HF or phosphoric?
<azonenberg> digs out wet etch table
<azonenberg> PECVD nitride, low refractive index - near zero in KOH and 10:1 HF, 60nm/min in BHF
<azonenberg> phosphoric + sulfuirc works but the table doesnt have an etch rate listed
<azonenberg> pure phosphoric works too
<azonenberg> And what would the nitride be deposited over
<azonenberg> thermal oxide?
<azonenberg> Phosphoric doesnt bother that very much
<azonenberg> The biggest goal in the process, to make it safe and hobbyist-friendly, is to not require flammable, explosive, or toxic gases
<azonenberg> Small volumes of inert gases like N2 or Ar for sputtering etc are ok
<ashaw> Looking at some documentation here you cannot deposit the Si3N4 directly over Si
<azonenberg> The papers i've read suggest thermal oxide
<ashaw> it must be over the protective layer.
<azonenberg> so grow dry oxide 50nm or so
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> then reactive sputter a Si target
<azonenberg> with some N2
<ashaw> how?
<ashaw> you have a layer of siO2 not Si
<ashaw> you are reactive sputtering with SiO2
<azonenberg> I am saying, sputter Si onto the SiO2
<azonenberg> in a mixed Ar + N2 atmosphere
<azonenberg> They didnt even use any argon, pure nitrogren gave a better mix
<azonenberg> "Silicon nitride films (from 500 to 7500Ã… in thickness) have been deposited on silicon and silicon dioxide by reactive sputtering of a silicon cathode in a N2 glow discharge"
<azonenberg> "Argon and nitrogen gas mixtures resulted in excess silicon incorporation in the deposited nitride films. "
<azonenberg> so you use pure N2 for stoichometric nitride and add argon if you want to be Si rich
<azonenberg> am i missing something here? if so, please tell me
<ashaw> Oh, cool
<ashaw> so you sputter rather than CVD the Si3N4
<azonenberg> Yes, thats the whole point
<azonenberg> no need for silanes or other nasty gases
<azonenberg> just a little N2 and optionally some argon
<azonenberg> You can also sputter SiO2 but i forget if its usually a SiO2 target or reactive of Si + O2
<azonenberg> Evaporation is preferred as no gases are required at all
<azonenberg> For materials we cant evaporate, or need step coverage, sputter
<azonenberg> But CVD is top of the no-no list
<azonenberg> with spin coating obviously as the first choice
<ashaw> no, there is one worse
<ashaw> epitaxey
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> When swkhan comes back let her vent for a while
<azonenberg> she's been battling ALD of ZnO for weeks now
<ashaw> ald?
<azonenberg> atomic layer deposition
<ashaw> ah
<azonenberg> its a form of epitaxial CVD
<azonenberg> apply one precursor, form a monolayer on your targert
<azonenberg> purge chamber
<azonenberg> apply other precursor, let it react, purge
<azonenberg> repeat
<ashaw> ouch
<ashaw> why?
<azonenberg> it lets you control thickness extremely accurately, and if you are on the right substrate produce a monocrystalline epitaxial film
<azonenberg> But its also a pain to get working apparently lol
<ashaw> I mean why does whe want to do it?
<azonenberg> No idea, its apparently part of a larger project at the lab
<azonenberg> which i know very little about
<ashaw> Oh cool.
<ashaw> It does look like if we can get CMP worked out, It will make a lot of other things easier
<azonenberg> Agreed
<azonenberg> Including polishing of cross section samples
<azonenberg> One problem i'm having for cross sections is that my photoresist is soluble in some component of ted pella diamond paste lol
<azonenberg> i dont know what it is, the msds says "proprietary nonhazardous water-based formula"
<azonenberg> But it takes my resist right off
<azonenberg> fast enouhg that there is definitely chemical action as well as mechanical going on
<azonenberg> i wanted to measure undercut in a TEM image
<ashaw> why not sputter over the mask
<azonenberg> I have a couple of ideas
<azonenberg> The point is, that was one of several problems i had polishing
<azonenberg> another is contamination
<azonenberg> Large polishing compound gets stuck on the surface
<azonenberg> and causes deep scratches when i try a fine polish
<azonenberg> i think i need to sonicate to get it off
<ashaw> what is your finest polish?
<azonenberg> 60nm colloidal silica is the smallest
<azonenberg> next up is 250, 500nm diamond
<ashaw> yeah, that is probably too big
<ashaw> need finer
<azonenberg> Too big?
<azonenberg> For what
<azonenberg> You can always get smaller CMP slurry
<azonenberg> goes down to 20nm
<azonenberg> bear in midn these are spherical particles too
<azonenberg> So 20nm will not give you a 20nm surface finish, it'll go smaller
<ashaw> oh yeah.
<ashaw> forgot.
<azonenberg> the diamond is rough, i think
<azonenberg> might be crystalline chunks
<ashaw> colloids can be rought too
<azonenberg> the silica is round in most cases specificlaly though
<azonenberg> its made for that purpose
<berndj> azonenberg, i'm really glad you guys got your vacuum chamber back (albeit sans chemicals), but also bummed about both the primary and secondary miscarriages of justice
<berndj> by secondary i mean the "obstruction of justice" thing
<azonenberg> It was pretty ridiculous
<azonenberg> Especially taking a whole year
<azonenberg> the raid was last november
<azonenberg> It drove him out of school, he had to take a full time job to pay legal fees
<azonenberg> all this because the local cops wanted to save face rather than admitting "sorry, we misunderstood"
<berndj> malicious prosecution would be exactly right!
<azonenberg> Yeah, but the deal prevents him from suing
<berndj> a DEAL?
<azonenberg> the alternative would have been going to trial
<berndj> oh that.  yes, that's another major flaw with justice systems
<azonenberg> which would have been an acceptable risk in normal cases
<azonenberg> But one in which it's you vs a police department that doesnt want to screw up publicly...
<azonenberg> Doesnt usually go well for the defendant
<berndj> so the deal was, "here, we'll convict you of obstruction of justice, and in return you promise not to sue us"
<azonenberg> Yeah
<berndj> pfft
<azonenberg> well, more precisely by accepting the deal its considered a conviction so he loses the right to sue
<berndj> i imagine you guys just want it all to be over
<azonenberg> its the equivalent of a guilty plea
<berndj> but i'd be cooking up revenge fantasies getting hold of ACLU etc
<berndj> that's just so broken!
<azonenberg> It is
<azonenberg> I've been busy over the last year trying to make sure nobody will ever be able to do the same to me
<azonenberg> reading up on the fire code, zoning ordnances
<azonenberg> hazmat disposal policies
<azonenberg> msds book and documented lab policy in a visible place
<azonenberg> running by the book even more than some labs on capmus
<azonenberg> campus*
<berndj> good thing obstruction of justice isn't a criminal offence though - i'm surprised though, did i get that right?
<azonenberg> Not exactly
<azonenberg> Obstruction is a misdemeanor
<azonenberg> he pled to *attempted* obstruction
<berndj> but not a felony?
<azonenberg> which is some kind of hypothetical offense that is not actually illegal
<berndj> omg, it's even weirder than i thought
<azonenberg> so basically he has no crimes on his record but by virtue of being a paper conviction (and paying a token fine to drive the point home)
<azonenberg> he cant sue
<azonenberg> And he cant come out and say he was innocent afterwards
<azonenberg> Since i was not a defendant, i can :P
<berndj> spam your senator or something!
<azonenberg> he tried, no response
<azonenberg> he was being branded a terrorist in the media
<azonenberg> ended up changing his name and moving halfway across the country
<berndj> omglolwtf
<azonenberg> i am not kidding
<azonenberg> they basically did their best to ruin his life so they wouldnt have to admit they made a mistake
<berndj> i keep tellin ya, you're in the wrong country
<ashaw> berndj, where are you?
<berndj> south africa
<azonenberg> you suggest we move to a police state like the UK or a communist dictatorship like NK?
<azonenberg> It's not a good situation but i think its not quite as bad
<berndj> no, i suggest you move to a quasi third-world country
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> If i did that i'd probably end up designing weaponry for some warlord
<berndj> we're actually more like a quantum superposition of a first and third world country
<azonenberg> not doing useful research
<ashaw> yeah I get that
<berndj> with coefficients 0.1 and 0.9, respectively
<ashaw> oh and btw, we beat you in the tri nations
<berndj> yeah, we always choke and leave thing up to the tailenders
<ashaw> right.....
<berndj> doesn't follow sport, hence doesn't care
<azonenberg> lol
<ashaw> doesn't either, just wanted to try to make conversation
<berndj> the dirty little secret most south africans don't know is that australia regularly nukes us in rugby, one of our first-tier sports, whereas in australia i gather it's just something you play if no other team picks you
<berndj> really quite a minority sport.  could be wrong of course
<ashaw> yeah union is minority
<ashaw> but still big enough
<berndj> which end are you? west? east?
<azonenberg> enough about sports :p
<ashaw> east
<ashaw> sydney
<berndj> ashaw, is it easy(ish) to get high-tech supplies in sydney?
<ashaw> of what kind?
<berndj> Si wafers, for argument's sake. or semi devices that aren't a 2N3055
<ashaw> I can get a lot of ICs and stuff, element14 has an office here.
<ashaw> but silicon wafers not so much
<ashaw> and like everyone PCBs go to china
<berndj> i can get common stuff here, but it seems like anything more than that, and it's order from overseas time
<berndj> we do still have pcb houses though.  probably even 4-layer
<ashaw> we have them here, but sooo expensive
<berndj> azonenberg, what sort of chemicals did you guys not get back?
<azonenberg> berndj: common solvents, drain cleaner (why?), fluorescent dye, and some concentrated HNO3
<ashaw> so like stuff you can buy at a hardware store
<azonenberg> Yes
<azonenberg> the hno3 was ACS grade
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> But stuff like acetone and denatured alcohol
<ashaw> so a hardware store and a drug store
<azonenberg> Yep
<azonenberg> They considered it dangerous
<berndj> claim that the chemicals were yours and sue them for that
<azonenberg> They claimed that they were destroyed "because they were dangerous"
<berndj> lol. are these people even human?
<ashaw> have you got propper chamical storage atm?
<azonenberg> His response to the judge on hearing that was "Better send hazmat over to the hardware store. I heard they're stockpiling the stuff"
<azonenberg> ashaw: Relatively, yes
<ashaw> up to code?
<azonenberg> For home use, certainly
<ashaw> so double containered
<azonenberg> solvents / acids / flammables separated by significant distance
<ashaw> so double containered
<azonenberg> I have trays under most
<azonenberg> working on getting everything
<berndj> waitaminute... this all got as far as being in front of a judge, who didn't then dismiss the case??
<ashaw> trays made of?
<azonenberg> ashaw: glass
<ashaw> aaah
<azonenberg> berndj: yes
<azonenberg> he did not
<berndj> jeepers!
<berndj> impeach!
<azonenberg> he dismissed some charges but not all
<ashaw> which ones were not dismissed?
<azonenberg> the obstruction, which was related to him refusing to leave his home when ordered to do so by an officer who had entered it illegally (without a warrant) and with no obvious reason
<ashaw> right
<ashaw> what were they affraid of?
<azonenberg> Why were they there? why did they ask him to leave?
<berndj> ashaw, i was in aus a few times and i got the impression something like this could easily happen in aus too.  comment?
<azonenberg> why didnt they drop charges whe nthey realized he was harmless?
<berndj> seemed like a pretty police and rules-centric country
<ashaw> yeah, I'm trying to set up a lab here.
<ashaw> but getting arround the regs is hard
<azonenberg> ashaw: re trays, i know i am not up to osha codes because i dont have an eyewash (though i do have a shower in the bathroom a 10 sec run away
<ashaw> will have to rent commercial spave
<azonenberg> But its not a workplace
<azonenberg> so osha doesnt have jurisdiction
<azonenberg> and secondary containment, while advisable, is not required for private homes
<ashaw> OH&S?
<azonenberg> I have it on most of the stuff
<azonenberg> not the large cans of hardware store solvents
<berndj> i hope that besides lab managers, you also count lawyers among your friends, azonenberg !
<azonenberg> when they run out i'll be replacing them with much smaller volumes of higher purity
<ashaw> and what about disposal?
<ashaw> how are you dealing with that?
<azonenberg> ashaw: stored in properly labeled containers and then disposed of depending on the material
<ashaw> cool
<azonenberg> Acid and base waste with no toxic stuff like heavy metals is neutralized to pH 7 +/- 0.5
<azonenberg> diluted 10:1 with water and drain disposed
<ashaw> I would prefer that PTFE trays were used instead of glass
<azonenberg> everything else is taken to an official dipsosal site
<ashaw> yeah
<azonenberg> and i dont have ptft atm but i will be getting it for the HF
<ashaw> all really complicated and annoying.
<azonenberg> bear in mind that my local grocery store stores the hf on metal shelving
<ashaw> At least they did not see the analytic glass and say he was running a drug lab
<azonenberg> ashaw: they tried
<azonenberg> tested samples of everythign he had
<azonenberg> but he was smart enough to not keep any drug precursors around
<azonenberg> not even in tiny amounts
<azonenberg> so they had no basis
<azonenberg> i do the same here
<ashaw> yeah
<ashaw> I mean it is so hard to have an analytic chemistry lab without being able to do that stuff
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> The other thing in my favor is that my landlord is a retired police chief
<ashaw> and when you get to precursers of percursers
<azonenberg> Who knows full well what i am doing
<azonenberg> and is completely fine with it
<ashaw> Yeah, political help
<azonenberg> i even showed him the MSDS book a few times to be 100% up front and make it clear i was hiding nothing
<azonenberg> One of his problems is that he was less open about what he was doing
<ashaw> right
<azonenberg> i want it to be clear from the start i have nothing to hide
<berndj> omg i have atoms in my house! i can make drugs!
<azonenberg> which a drug lab would never do
<ashaw> it is a bit more than that berndj
<ashaw> he would have volumetric glassware
<ashaw> and analytic balances
<cheater> who are you guys talking about
<azonenberg> cheater: friend of mine who got himself raided last year
<azonenberg> because the neighbor saw vacuum gear and called the police on him
<cheater> was he actually making any drugs
<azonenberg> cheater: no, he was doing semiconductor research lol
<azonenberg> They never actually officially claimed they thought he was a drug lab as they had no evidence
<berndj> so what DID they claim???
<azonenberg> first, that his 100ml of HNO3 was a life-threatening danger to everyone on the block :p
<cheater> was it?
<azonenberg> then that it could have reacted badly with the solvents stored 20 feet away
<azonenberg> then finally started grasping at straws
<azonenberg> and said that when the officer told him to leave the buliding he hadnt done so
<berndj> did they propose an actual reaction that could have led to, say, HCN?
<azonenberg> nope
<azonenberg> they alleged they could have "produced an exothermic reaction"
<ashaw> what like aluminium
<ashaw> that his windows were made of
<berndj> they should have just convicted him of BEING an exothermic reaction
<ashaw> and rust
<azonenberg> the theory was that if the hno3, drain cleaner (poor quality h2so4) and acetone had mixed
<azonenberg> it had maybe a 10% chance of causing a small fire
<azonenberg> Stored some distance apart, separate shelves, etc
<ashaw> rught???
<azonenberg> when that claim fell apart they finally reduced their claims to the obstruction
<azonenberg> which he couldnt defend against
<cheater> lol, damn cops.
<ashaw> and the risk that the iso got tooo hot was not higher
<azonenberg> it was his word against the officer
<ashaw> do yuo have video cameras up arround your house?
<azonenberg> ashaw: i have a bunch of webcams but nothign deployed atm
<azonenberg> you suggest i stream any such encounter to a secure offsite location?
<ashaw> yep.
<cheater> yes
<azonenberg> That was my plan as well actually
<cheater> but make sure to have a lot of notification
<ashaw> I have a server in luxemburg where I could keep a 2 loop if you want
<cheater> plaques that inform about cameras
<azonenberg> i have my own offsite backups etc
<cheater> otherwise in some places the recording might be illegal
<berndj> cheater, do you need that though if it's on your own premises?
<azonenberg> And in NY its legal given the consent of one party
<azonenberg> Me
<cheater> you do
<cheater> in germany you do, at least
<berndj> not like he'd be filming the street
<cheater> since i moved here i was surprised by a few laws
<cheater> doesn't matter berndj
<berndj> yeah but germany is a bit meschugge sometimes :)
<cheater> law is law
<cheater> yes
<ashaw> Sighneage is good though
<berndj> is german
<cheater> so check with your local laws
<cheater> you mean signage?
<ashaw> "warning CCTV in use"
<cheater> yes
<berndj> good idea either way, i agree
<cheater> resolves any ambiguous legal situation
<ashaw> Only has to be a couple stickers on windows
<berndj> could even prevent overzealous cops from going too far in the first place - might make them think a bit harder about what they do
<ashaw> yeah
<berndj> but watch out for evidenciary rules
<berndj> germany for example might not permit footage stored in another country!
<berndj> (just guessing)
<azonenberg> i have in-country servers that are pretty hard to find
<ashaw> keep a buffer on site in case they pull the phone line
<azonenberg> ashaw: I do not expect a full on response like that, we arent talkign a hostage situation here
<ashaw> and have a backup mobile connection
<ashaw> you never know with the USA
<ashaw> really
<azonenberg> For that matter, now that its been a year since his raid i think the odds of anyone bothering me are low
<berndj> just reading about all this, i have to conclude that america is fscked
<cheater> it is
<berndj> it is, for all kinds of reasons, but this is another one that mainstream media don't cover
<berndj> i spy with my little eye a fixed rubik cube in azonenberg's lab
<berndj> can't say i'm surprised
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> Was never actually that good at them
<berndj> i geeked out on them when i was a kid
<berndj> used to be able to do it semi-consistently <60s
<berndj> what is that thing that looks like an electric drill, but has a flexible tube running from the chuck into a cardboard box???
<ashaw> the spin coater.
<ashaw> it is an electric drill
<azonenberg> the cardboard is a spatter shiedl
<azonenberg> *shield
<berndj> ah! and a flexible coupling hose type thing?
<azonenberg> yep
<cheater> where do i see the pic?
<cheater> berndj :)
<berndj> cheater: http://imgur.com/a/Bnwst - third-last pic
<cheater> looking
<flyback-> i'd be an asshole to my neighbor after that
<cheater> is he a
<cheater> CANUCK?
<flyback-> people are such idiots
<flyback-> I seen commerials telling people to snitch stuff out
<flyback-> i've decided I rather let the country burn
<flyback-> i'm so fed up with the way some law enforcement behaves
<flyback-> hell with it all
<flyback-> but I think the video is a good idea
<flyback-> have it stream to multiple other locations
<cheater> yup
<flyback-> the terrorists can have the country as far as I am concerned anymore
<flyback-> between the way the tsa, etc acts and a bunch of other bullshit
<cheater> there's nothing terrorists can do  to america that the american's haven't
<cheater> lol
<cheater> americans
<flyback-> i've pretty much given up on anything
<flyback-> i've given up on bein able to ever invent anything
<flyback-> thx to patent trolls
<flyback-> wish I was wrong
<azonenberg> oh, you can invent stuff
<azonenberg> You just cant market it without getting sued :p
<flyback-> i've give up on society, etc
<flyback-> I can't wait to die
<cheater> hahaha
<berndj> vhemt.org
<berndj> maybe it's all an anarchist deep cover operation - propaganda of the deed
<berndj> to get normal people so upset with government they'd rather have anarchy
<berndj> azonenberg, do you grok patents? i've always wondered if you're allowed to use a patented invention sans licence even at home
<azonenberg> Not very much, no
<cheater> why not
<azonenberg> gaah, finally making some progress
<azonenberg> The bug i've been fighting with (that only occurred on hardware and not in simulation)
<azonenberg> now occurs in simulation too :p
<azonenberg> Re patents, the de facto rule is the same as copyrights
<azonenberg> If you draw their attention they'll come after you
<azonenberg> But if you arent worth the money, they'll probably leave you alone
<ashaw> actually patent infringement in research is allowed, or so I had read
<azonenberg> Research they have exemptions for but i dont know the full details
<azonenberg> ...
<berndj> not an idiot - just the enemy