<azonenberg_work> so i'm running through the comb drive process now
<azonenberg_work> just did top side hardmaskk evaporation, waiting for vacuum so i can do bottom
<azonenberg_work> things are looking good so far
<soul-d> k what step that  be ?
<soul-d> also  maybe a note that   first you talk  front  and back then  change to  use top bottom
<azonenberg> soul-d: It pretty much depends on which way you are holding the wafer :p
<azonenberg> I just did 3 and 5, 4 can be done before or after 5 so i havent done it yet
<azonenberg> that just involves dipping the wafer in acetone
<azonenberg> Which has to wait until i clean out my dirty classware ;p
<azonenberg> glassware*
<soul-d> wich tools are a must for this hobby btw   like you made somthing out of a microscope optics?  ( egg same  idea als those old negative pictures used for enlarging )
<azonenberg> The first thing to do is get a working contact lithography process set up at 200um feature sizes on prnited circuit boards
<azonenberg> If you use pre-coated PCB you can rule out variability in the photoresist as a source of problems
<azonenberg> Once you have that working, try spin-coating blank board and make sure that works
<azonenberg> then get a microscope and build a projection exposure rig, try doing exposures onto precoated PCB and then spin coated
<azonenberg> At this point you can start thinking about more complex processes like the ones i'm doing
<azonenberg> One big thing that has to be worked out is evaporation
<azonenberg> Homebrewing an evaporator is possible
<azonenberg> it's been done
<azonenberg> but nobody has published clear plans and drawings that i know of
<soul-d> yeah was looking for vacuum pumps other day  but you gota watch out  what kinds of results you  get :P
<soul-d> ill browse to my  books
<soul-d> well not today  but got plenty of chemistry books need to read on theory of  filament evaporation it was ? first  sofar i could remmber was shematics for electric furnace
<azonenberg> Hmm
<azonenberg> Looks like the top hardmask didnt deposit right
<azonenberg> I was a little worried about that tbh, i saw a nice even deposition on the bottom side but the top for some reason didnt work right
<azonenberg> Not sure why but the top is getting etched
<azonenberg> Good thing i have another wafer, i'll have to run the process again tomorrow
<azonenberg> I'm gonna leave this one in KOH for an hour to see what happens
<azonenberg> I expect it wont be usable though
<azonenberg> Hmm, even the bottom side was weakened
<azonenberg> something definitely went wrong
<soul-d> those 2"  expensive ?
<azonenberg> $30
<azonenberg> Annoying but not the end of the world
<azonenberg> But i want to figure out what went wrong before trying it again ;p
<soul-d> sure
<soul-d> only need to fix my uv light box with a decent timer  and figure out if  this laser printer works well last trials on clear sheets din't go to well
<soul-d> for pcb
<azonenberg> i see
<azonenberg> Let me write up my lab notes for today, sec
<CIA-67> homecmos r151 | trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs) | Today's lab notes
<azonenberg> So basically what it looks like happened is that the Cr didnt deposit correctly
<azonenberg> When i was depositing it, i saw a nice dark film on the bell jar near the top but very little at the bottom
<azonenberg> I'm not sure what could cause a failure mode like that and need to do some reading / talk to some people
<azonenberg> top of the jar that is, not the wafer
<azonenberg> It looks like for some reason instead of the vapor spreading uniformly around the chamber, most of it went up
<soul-d> on wiki it looked so simple
<azonenberg> The deposition normally works fine
<azonenberg> I probably did somethign stupid
<azonenberg> all of my past evaporations have been successful
<azonenberg> I think i got impatient and turned the temperature up too high
<azonenberg> Because, as I found out earlier today
<azonenberg> You don't evaporate chrome by melting it
<azonenberg> it sublimes from the solid state
<azonenberg> I kept turning it up higher because i expected it to melt
<soul-d> tricky , reading your log forgot chat
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> Anyway so i am going to try and do it again tomorrow
<azonenberg> on my last unused wafer
<azonenberg> after doing the contact mask tonight
<soul-d> bought the final piece of equipment  since i went in  buying spree and stocked up on lots of smd stuff  bought a solder station to go with it  should help me get trough the winter  should start on some prototypes soon  also wanted to get one made sooner or later
<soul-d> plenty of relativly cheap  pcb makers online
<azonenberg> very nice
<soul-d> it hurts my wallet  though
<soul-d> but that's what hobby's are for i guess
<azonenberg> Lol, yep
<XgF> My friend dropped over £120 on cable connectors today... yikes...
<azonenberg> o_O
<soul-d> lol sounds like me  almost  but not that crazy
<XgF> ...Neutrik are expensive
<soul-d> did buy a lvds set for 13 eur :P
<soul-d> wich i find expensive for connecting stuff
<XgF> The danger of working in the entertainments industry: You start acquiring your own cables. You realise how expensive the damn things are
<azonenberg> Lol
<XgF> Impedance match cable gets expensive when you purchase it in non-negligible lengths in non-install forms
<XgF> ....Especially when it has to be designed so that it won't break the first time some monkey rolls over it with an 130kg flightcase
<azonenberg> wonders why most of that can't be run over ethernet / wifi as digital
<azonenberg> then going to analog right when it hits the speaker etc
<XgF> This is impedance matched DMX (2 core twisted pair + shield) cable for lighting. Fixtures don't take ethernet directly (yet), namely because having dozens of ethernet switches causes latency issues
<azonenberg> Dozens of switches?
<azonenberg> What about a single 48 or 96 port
<XgF> Thats fine until you need to get 16 ethernet cables onto a truss...
<XgF> Or a switch, which causes its own logistical issues, and also ethernet is more expensive that DMX
<XgF> Lots of venues will trunk multiple DMX universes over an ethernet cable from front of house to the stage and then break it out though