<azonenberg> swkhan: i mailed the wafer on tuesday
<azonenberg> did it arrive yet?
<azonenberg> berndj: interesting
<swkhan> azonenberg: maybe. i was in lab yesterday. i'll see tomorrow
<swkhan> yay i'm so excited =)
<azonenberg> for silicon? Lol
<azonenberg> Oh, the life of a geek
<azonenberg> swkhan: it was supposed to arrive today or tomorrow so it should def be there by then
<azonenberg> arrives tomorrow
<swkhan> this should be fun
<azonenberg> indeed
<swkhan> i'll run it in the tube furnace with 99.999% N2 running through the quartz tube
<swkhan> we have oxygen leaks so you should get some oxygen in there...
<azonenberg> N2? Or O2?
<azonenberg> Can you run it in air though?
<swkhan> we have compressed air and an O2 filter. i could try that as well
<swkhan> i can run it in air as well
<swkhan> yeah air would probably be easier anyway :p
<azonenberg> The numbers i have for thickness are air
<swkhan> no vacuum, i forgot
<azonenberg> See if you can do a couple of thicknesses
<swkhan> okay will do
<azonenberg> calculates cook times
<azonenberg> at 1100C, 50nm is 23 minutes
<azonenberg> 100 is an hour
<azonenberg> 200 is around 3 hours
<swkhan> can you measure the thickness yourself?
<swkhan> i don't know how i'd be able to measure thickness without contaminating your surface
<azonenberg> diffraction coloring
<swkhan> i mean experimentally
<azonenberg> 50nm would be tannish
<azonenberg> 100 a deep purple to blue
<azonenberg> 200 gold-yellow
<azonenberg> And if you dont mind leaving it in there for five and a half hours, 300nm is dark blue
<azonenberg> to purple
<azonenberg> So why dont you put a bunch of samples in there, then take out some pieces after half an hour (60nm), an hour (100), three (200nm)
<azonenberg> and maybe longer to grow it really thick
<azonenberg> When you cleave it, make sure to remove the silicon dust from the surface - a gentle wipe with a wet lab wipe followed by optional sonication should do the trick
<swkhan> azonenberg: how long would you say sonication should take to get rid of the silicon dust?
<swkhan> 5 minutes? 10 minutes? my professor laughed at me when i put silicon in acetone for 1 hour -_-
<azonenberg> Not long
<azonenberg> i dont even do it
<swkhan> well you're talking to a professional here =p
<azonenberg> I usually just wipe with a lint-free wipe for a few seconds
<azonenberg> and you're talking to a guy whose fab is in a corner of a living room :p