haad: victorbjelkholm what daviddias is saying is that hes completely changing everything
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its all davids fault
(but really, it will be better)
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daviddias: what do you mean hard to match? what's the api you plan?
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haad: we're still discussing it, but it comes from the fact that its difficult to use the cancellation of an http request as an 'unsubscribe'
and that thats not necessarily the UX we want
(what if your connection breaks, does that mean you should stop routing messages for that topic?)
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now pinning /ipfs/QmSsD6ELCD6gCs1Z68iVz6fBxJ7EbgVUVSjPgignMWNAZd
you got this pinbot
[host 4] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmSsD6ELCD6gCs1Z68iVz6fBxJ7EbgVUVSjPgignMWNAZd: Post http://[fc3d:9a4e:3c96:2fd2:1afa:18fe:8dd2:b602]:5001/api/v0/refs?arg=/ipfs/QmSsD6ELCD6gCs1Z68iVz6fBxJ7EbgVUVSjPgignMWNAZd&encoding=json&stream-channels=true&r=true&: dial tcp [fc3d:9a4e:3c96:2fd2:1afa:18fe:8dd2:b602]:5001: getsockopt: connection timed out
lgierth: i think one of those machines is wonky
it looks like the same one failing each time
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Is there a way to run a branch through travis before making it a pr? What's always happened is that my commits will look good on my system, so I submit the pr. However, travis will have issues and other folks will have wasted time looking at the pr before I've addressed the travis issues.
noffle: you could enable travis on your fork
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(and enable build-on-push so you don't have to open a PR on your own fork)
achin: ah ha, I see. It'd be downright magical if I could automate that step when I 'hub fork' a repo
there's a lot of magic in this world, i would'nt rule it out
I see a travis api, so maybe
Thanks, achin. This'll work well for repos I commit to often that I can enable once and forget about.
achin: What are you working on these days?
it'd be neat if travis has a button/command/api where you could say "this repo isn't generally enabled, but it has a .travis.yml file, please build this commit for me"
noffle: ipfs related? well, i just switched ISPs, and i'm hoping my new one won't give me problems with IPFS. so i'm just ramping up again. i want to revist all the archives stuff i was working on before
in the non-ipfs-world, i've been wasteing a lot of time in the vive
deltab: This seems to say that the only way is to just open a PR?
I think that Q/A is addressing a different scenario..
oh, sorry; I wasn't sure whether it was relevant
achin: I'm deliberating avoiding VR for as long as I can. I know how susceptible I'll be to it.
deltab: Thanks for the thought!
noffle: may be wise. it's really really fun, and likely to only get better in the coming years
achin: archives stuff? /me is interested
JesseW: mostly stuff in the ipfs/archives repo
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achin: good; I'm already watching that
one thing I'd love to see is a script to pull a URL out of the wayback machine and create a IPFS address for it
that'd be neat!
I suppose it would be as simple as `wget -> ipfs add` though...
JesseW: even more generally, I'd like to be able to right click any page, select 'Add to IPFS' and get back a hash
(And have it figure out all of the HTML deps, etc)
there's almost no end to useful utilities
well, those are pretty basic ones
we're still only at the beginning of ipfs's true power
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in addition to putting content into ipfs, we also need people to work on frontends and UIs
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whyrusleeping: do we have an ETA for when the "version/0.4.3 rc4" gets merged into master?
kevina: this weekend
so is that when 0.4.3 will finally be out also?
Thanks. I will wait until then before I attempt another merge with master on the kevina/filestore branch.
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kevina: sounds good. I'm gonna be pretty busy all next week, but after that, i'd love to get more involved in seriously getting that shipped
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morning o/
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please give input when you have time
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oops the message above was for another channel, sorry
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aggelos_: did you get an answer? :) would like to know that as well
good morning folks!
dignifiedquire, ah, cool, I will :)
dignifiedquire: actually I got the same response you gave me ("let us know if you find one") :-)
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apparently pisg still seems to be the state of the art :/
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daviddias, regarding the pubsub stuff, make the interface as good as possible with js-ipfs, then I guess we can match the interface on go-ipfs side
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lgierth: How would I go about adding prometheus collector that would collect data about the host itself not about state of go-ipfs.
I need to collect number of allocated threads
Thinking about it, I could just add it as metric in go-ipfs
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Kubuxu: we have node_exporter running for that
somewhere in infra.git/ansible/roles/node_exporter, there's the flags for node_exporter
most of them are not enabled and i'm sure there's something
now pinning /ipfs/QmaVkb6NoWTXGhzrvNq2LAVnKY7973X1WPph7rUCxsJP1b
victorbjelkholm dignifiedquire anyone, if you have a moment, could you try that ^ build of Orbit?
it shold now handle the various old-go-ipfs binary and repo cases
if you more than a moment, you could try it with running another ipfs daemon version before starting
[host 4] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmaVkb6NoWTXGhzrvNq2LAVnKY7973X1WPph7rUCxsJP1b: Post http://[fc3d:9a4e:3c96:2fd2:1afa:18fe:8dd2:b602]:5001/api/v0/refs?arg=/ipfs/QmaVkb6NoWTXGhzrvNq2LAVnKY7973X1WPph7rUCxsJP1b&r=true&encoding=json&stream-channels=true&: dial tcp [fc3d:9a4e:3c96:2fd2:1afa:18fe:8dd2:b602]:5001: getsockopt: connection timed out
dignifiedquire, woho! That was quick
haad, send me an ubuntu version :)
haad, btw, you tried the --discover option?
just tried it and it's not working
ah, nvm, got it to work, just takes longer time for it start listening, it's expected whyrusleeping?
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haad: the daemon itself is http-only
ipfs.io has https too
(but that's nginx's business there)
lgierth: great. thank you.
victorbjelkholm: I'll add the linux version to the build process so we get both with the same run. not running on linux here, so will have to rely on you to tell if it works ;)
haad, hah, sure thing :)
haad: we can have ipfs.io support ssl for custom domains too, but not before devcon
i.e. orbit.libp2p.io / orbit.chat
lgierth: ah no, didn't ask because of that. I'm using the local gateway url in Orbit, so wanted to know if I should use https or http.
oki :)
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mm, running dot on the output of ipfs net diag -f dot
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uses a nice constant 9.5GB of ram
wonder if I'll be able to view the svg file when it finishes
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all you brilliant people, what's the easiest way to figure out what is running on my 5001 port? (OS X)
it's not ipfs I checked that
nvm, it is ipfs, just js-ipfs :D
too many ifpss
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netstat will tell you what process is listening on each port
with -p (if on linux) or -o (if on windows)
"sudo lsof -i :5001" is what I do
dignifiedquire, https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-api/pull/355 | wreck > fetch PR | how far off is that? Seems to only be missing two things, opened one month ago. Is it not something we're gonna do?
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victorbjelkholm: I'm afraid CI is unhappy with you
victorbjelkholm: I am happy now though ;)
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dignifiedquire, yay! \o/ If you're happy, I'm happy
not sure why travis is not happy though, circleci is happy
victorbjelkholm: sweet new promisify-es6 was just released
dignifiedquire, yeah, I saw it! Great work, and fast maintainer, that's awesome
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daviddias: anything you want me to do first/urgently?
daviddias: an help needed on libp2p-floodding
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dignifiedquire: integrating it today in js-ipfs
getting those tests being used in js-ipfs-api available would be sweet
so that API match perfectly
which tests do you mean?
the ones in js-ipfs-api pubsub branch
the other thing is -> https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/439 @victorbjelkholm has it on his todo list, but if you have time right now, it would be super useful for the tests
dignifiedquire, ah, that's a nice solution, was doing some weird stuff with parallel
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Do multihash links include size information? That is easily authenticated by fetching the link and very useful to know without actually fetching the link.
sdgathman: you need to fetch the object, multihash is just the id
I understand, but with the new design, more metadata is going into the link.
date can't be authenticated, but size can.
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size is also a sort of trivial hash
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sdgathman: sorry, lurker here. what new design? :-)
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A few days of logs to search, but the hash now has a version,hashid,actual hash
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just that?
There might be more, looking for the spec link
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still looking, but encoding was also a field. For base58, hex, etc
Anyway, I'm just suggesting that size is a candidate for a field. If size in bytes is too big, then size rounded to megabytes maybe, or an exponential notation - just to give a rough idea of how much it is going to cost to actually fetch the link.
Boomerang: that's helpful, but not the link I'm looking for.
weren't you after the multihash specs?
It is the new spec for multihash in ipfs codebase.
daviddias: why is there no spec, but tests for swarm in interface-ipfs-core
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Cool! I'll check it out
Thanks for the link!
victorbjelkholm: I have no idea why it is failing like that on travis :L/
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whyrusleeping the extracted dht seems to be out of date
geoah: does it?
whyrusleeping eg ipfs has
var ProtocolDHT protocol.ID = "/ipfs/kad/1.0.0"
while dht repo still has
var ProtocolDHT protocol.ID = "/ipfs/dht"
geoah: can you do a diff between those two and PR it into the kad-dht repo?
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dignifiedquire, :'( Can we just dump travis? Start using my nice little cli autochecker which would run the tests in many different versions instead
as soon as whyrusleeping gives us those buildkite tests
yeah, i never said i was doing that
i *can* but it would take a week of my time to do it right
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I would be interested in helping out with setting up tests on buildkite
I saw it some week/s ago, seems nice
dignifiedquire, wanna try it for js-ipfs-api? I can give it a try
lets make sure its really what we want first
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[host 4] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/QmVqNrDfr2dxzQUo4VN3zhG4NV78uYFmRpgSktWDc2eeh2: Post http://[fc3d:9a4e:3c96:2fd2:1afa:18fe:8dd2:b602]:5001/api/v0/refs?arg=/ipfs/QmVqNrDfr2dxzQUo4VN3zhG4NV78uYFmRpgSktWDc2eeh2&r=true&encoding=json&stream-channels=true&: dial tcp [fc3d:9a4e:3c96:2fd2:1afa:18fe:8dd2:b602]:5001: getsockopt: connection timed out
We were just talking about you guys on the scuttlebot weekly call
evbogue <3
evbogue hopefully nice things? we should get our communities collaborating more
oh course nice things. Yah that's what we were talking about.
The scuttlebot blobstore isn't really as good as it should be
it's hard to delete things, which is fine for append only 8k messages, but not ideal when cryptix uploads 320 megabytes of his friends' live show
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so we were talking about maybe using IPFS as a store for Scuttlebot. Anyway, just preliminary talk and dominic was off sailing
"but not ideal when cryptix uploads 320 megabytes of his friends' live show" hahahah <3 <3 <3
cryptix we miss you
oh he was on the call!
jbenet: are you on sbot?
evbogue: yeah IMO the fof replication strategy and attachments is tricky.
evbogue: i think you'll want to restrict the replication to either smaller objects, or specific subgraphs-- take typing into account
yah, we were talking about maybe making it so you only replicate objects on demand or perhaps if they are only from your direct peer group
evbogue: we're doing some work on representing arbitrary graphs, keeping typing information, and representing "selectors" across the graphs-- which can be useful for this replication. all this is under the "IPLD" work
well i personally wouldn't carry even my close friends' attachments. and i wouldn't want my friends to have to carry the burden of my attachments. short message metadata maybe, but not files.
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yah, you never know when you might be friends with cryptix and he'll upload that show
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we have git-ssb too, which is distributed github at this point. BUT, it relies on the somewhat sketchy ssb-blobstore. So I'm trying to think about how to keep that going and also replicate git objects on demand.
jbenet: when you said yeah, did you mean you're on sbot, or was that a yeah in relation to the earlier question?
evbogue: haha-- exactly. -- nice, we're doing some work in that direction too. would be great to reuse work. -- no, am not on sbot, im too tied up with trying all the ipfs things-- though im meaning to try more things out over time.
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jbenet: well, let me know if you want to try sbot. The current client (Patchbay) we're working on right now is a little bit of work to get going, but we're trying to make that easier. I think the two projects could find a way to work together, because sbot isn't particularly good at the blobs thing, but it is incredibly good at the social gossip network thing.
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nicolagreco: looks like tx protocol on top of libp2p -- nothing to see here :P
jbenet: obviously you'd be opting into cryptix's 350 megabyte show at this point
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