Title: GitHub - mattvenn/hyperram at icestick-example (at github.com)
any guidance appreciated!
mattvenn: the ce -> ltout is hopefully fixed in the latest icestorm (by funny coincidence this issue that has not surfaced for years was found a few weeks ago by someone else)
however I wouldn't expect to see that at all in a design from arachne-pnr?
is it to do with with SB_IO blocks I'm using to get inout pins working?
yes, new icetime works with no errors - timing estimate of 105MHz, so my guess about timing isn't correct
my target is the icestick, with a 12Mhz clock
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some other strangeness. If I assign a new pin to the serial tx so I can look at it on the scope
output tx2
assign tx2 = tx;
then the serial port stops functioning, no bytes ever sent
(with hyperram module enabled)
with hyperram removed - all works as expected
I don't really know how to progress from here
why would adding a new wire stop the design from working?
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Yes - I can't see any reason why you would use them separately anyway
yeah, trying something with VPR and it's packing some together such that one has a cen and one is always 1. Guess we need to stop those from being packed in the same time. Thanks!
Yes, you will need to
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ZipCPU: no plls
Ok, then that's not your problem.
the only other time I've experienced things working funny on addition or removal of a wire or register was due to timing issues
maikmerten: looks cool! are there spare wires you can use for more pmods?
mattvenn: I'm also struggling to understand what would cause your issue(s). It's not making sense here, no matter how many times I read your description.
mattvenn: To understand why icetime is failing, let me ask how many clocks are being used in your design? (I know you said you weren't using any PLL's)
mattvenn, some pins are left, but not enought for a 2x6 PMOD
those 2x20 headers carry surprisingly few signals
given that there's about 10 GNDs per connector
*there are
also it's a hazzle to route signals between those pin headers to the right hand side, which explains the weird lines at the top of the board