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<pie_> ugh...i just broke my firefox session somehow...
<pie_> whenever i close firefox properly it breaks
<pie_> ironically
<qu1j0t3> you mean you lost it?
<pie_> no it just hangs while oading
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<qu1j0t3> :(
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<awygle> Kicad users - do you ever reach the point where the user interface blends into the background? Trying to figure out how much of my dislike here is familiarity with a different system vs. just bad design
<rqou> idk, don't use kicad extensively enough
<lain> it's bad design, but PADS is even worse design and it has long since faded into the background for me
<lain> (they're all bad design)
<rqou> kicad needs a ui rewrite like blender got
<rqou> but first it needs a general code cleanup
<rqou> anybody want to try (again) to remove LOCALE_IO? :P
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<qu1j0t3> how would they ensure a different outcome from a rewrite rqou ?
<rqou> get some real UX people?
<rqou> and/or make it fully scriptable
<awygle> I tried to make it support fonts(!) on the schematic and quickly got buried in like nine text classes
<rqou> have you not yet discovered LOCALE_IO? :P
<rqou> c4757p is _super_ pissed off about that, but fixing it is tricky
<awygle> That's my only attempt at hacking kicad and I spent like 30m on it
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<rqou> first of all, would you like an explanation of what LOCALE_IO is?
<awygle> Sure
<rqou> it's a big global lock that wraps around all functions that perform any kind of IO
<rqou> used to set the locale to "C" so that printf/scanf-based parsers/formatters work correctly
<rqou> otherwise people in e.g. france will only be able to exchange files with other people in e.g. france and not with people in e.g. the us
<awygle> Oh I remember you complaining about this on like my third day in this channel
<rqou> yeah, i tried to fix it and it was hard
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<awygle> I claim with the confidence of total ignorance that the right way to fix that is not to parse with printf/scanf
<rqou> hmm, but it works for many simple files
<awygle> But it breaks for many complex files, and anything containing floating point
<rqou> why does it break for anything containing floating point?
<rqou> worksforme(tm)
<jn> 2.5 is 2,5 in german, for example
<awygle> Err, maybe not floating point maybe big numbers? Wasn't one of the issues. vs, for numbers?
<rqou> . vs , is the issue kicad is hitting
<awygle> I feel rqou is trolling
<rqou> er, what?
<rqou> it works if you use e.g. the musl implementation
<rqou> i guess i should rephrase: barring locale-related issues, printf/scanf do correctly write/read floating point numbers in a correct implementation
<awygle> but "barring locale-related issues" is the whole point of the discussion that requires LOCALE_IO
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<rqou> right, so my previous attempt to fix this was "use musl's implementation, which explicitly will not use LC_NUMERIC"
<awygle> the underlying issue is that you're not actually trying to store text, you're trying to store numbers, and you're using a text serializer/deserializer to do it
* awygle also has a strong preference for binary formats though so maybe don't listen to him
<rqou> apparently rich felker believes that storing numbers is common enough that he doesn't want lc_numeric support
<awygle> so what did you try to do, rip out the musl implementation and add it to the kicad database? or force kicad to build against musl?
<awygle> ... database. source code. wtf brain.
<rqou> my old attempt was to rip out the musl implementation standalone, and then replace all the functions with calls to musl_printf or musl_scanf or whatever
<rqou> but it turns out that this is really invasive and easy to mess up
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<rqou> especially since kicad also links to other libraries that _also_ use printf/scanf parsers
<rqou> so a better way to do it is to probably set LC_NUMERIC explicitly to "C"
<rqou> and hack wxwidgets to do the formatting correctly for numbers in the UI
<awygle> well, none of this actually gets to the root of my issues with kicad, which are much more about ux than about , vs .
<qu1j0t3> rqou | get some real UX people? // agreed
<rqou> yes, this was just a tangent
<awygle> does anyone else feel like the kicad devs don't... do PCB design? like... it seems like it would be hard to get things this wrong
<rqou> maybe it has to do with the old maintainer being a dick?
<awygle> honestly fixing libraries would solve a huge number of my complaints
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<rqou> recently something floated past my timeline on the bird website and apparently blender used to _also_ have a similar problem
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<rqou> it was something along the lines of "why does (did) blender's keybindings suck so much? because they emulate 'unix-style' keybindings rather than windows-style keybindings, because blender used to be an irix application"
<awygle> i wonder if i could get somebody to pay me to fix kicad's library management. no commercial PCB software i've used does libraries well either (altium is closest and still has serious issues), so i feel like kicad could really differentiate in that space
* awygle makes a note in the yak file
<rqou> hmm, i wonder if library issues are blocked on some other core infrastructure changes?
<pie_> tried to leave it going but ran out of memory wtf :|
<qu1j0t3> rqou: Yeah I know that tweet...
<rqou> awygle: really random question: do you happen to remember if the berkeley EECS department has a scanner with document feeder that students can use?
<rqou> i have some "interesting" documents to digitize
<awygle> rqou: i do not remember no.
<awygle> "why is my disc so full??" >> 40GB of LLVM
<awygle> >> 30GB virtual box vdi on my system disc for some reason
<awygle> whelp problem solved
<qu1j0t3> those things grow crazily
<qu1j0t3> and there's not much warning :<
<qu1j0t3> i need to manage my snapshots a bit better to avoid that
<awygle> i usually pre-allocate a fixed size
<qu1j0t3> i have one that i think is growing by _usage_ because I'm doing bulk scanning
<qu1j0t3> (not keeping the files, but still growing)
<awygle> lol wow
<qu1j0t3> awygle: A good plan... i should consider this
<awygle> i think it's actually faster
<qu1j0t3> not 100% sure yet but i should revert last snapshot and see. might mean reinstalling one program, no biggie
<awygle> i always remember snapshots exist ~10m after i should have created one... >_>
<qu1j0t3> LOLLL
<awygle> oh speaking of things i forgot existed, i should open this box and install the GTX 980 Ti sitting in a box behind me...
<qu1j0t3> hahah
<qu1j0t3> you sure you need it? I can PM my postal address!
<awygle> qu1j0t3: you can have the GT740 it's replacing if you like...
<qu1j0t3> actually that's not a bad idea.
<qu1j0t3> awygle: can't confirm absolutely but if you want to work out a price let me know
<rqou> btw awygle did azonenberg mention anything about brainstorming sessions?
<awygle> rqou: haven't heard from him
<awygle> hope both he and the residents of kitsap county are OK
<azonenberg> o/
<azonenberg> Back
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> Yeah i was AFK all week traveling overseas with limited internet access
<azonenberg> I gave a talk on antikernel, as well as one on bitstream RE, to various research groups and classes at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
<azonenberg> and Christoph Paar's research group
<awygle> i hope Christoph Paar does PAR research
<azonenberg> also had a fun informal discussion on open source FPGA tech and how their research program could support / benefit from it
<azonenberg> No, he's famous for infosec/crypto work
<azonenberg> He co-founded CHES
<awygle> bummer, pun opportunity missed
<azonenberg> Anyway, then swung by Cambridge University on the way home
<azonenberg> Originally to meet one person but ended up running into several other people i knew there
<azonenberg> And got roped into giving a talk on Antikernel for the computer architecture group there
<azonenberg> Lol
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<awygle> if i download "vivado design suite - HLx editions" am i gonna get just the HLS stuff? or is that the right link to hit to get the normal fpga stuff?
<awygle> azonenberg: well welcome back, sounds like a good trip
<azonenberg> That should get you everything
<lain> off-topic: any idea why X forwarding might be crazy slow between guest and host (freebsd host, linux guest, but I doubt it matters much)
<rqou> worksforme(tm)
<lain> iperf shows ~853 Mbit/s guest -> host, ~2.65 Gbit/s host -> guest
<lain> but things like rapidly scrolling get really laggy
<awygle> my experience is X forwarding is always crazy slow
<lain> hrm
<rqou> worksforme(tm)
<lain> some people say it's fast, some say it's slow
<lain> I can't tell if the people who say it's fast just aren't doing whatever I'm doing
<lain> or if I'm doing something wrong
<rqou> although x forwarding from germany to the US was unusably slow
<rqou> offtopic: what happened to all the cheap mellanox/chelsio 10g nics?
<rqou> did people buy them all?
* awygle raises hand
<awygle> i bought one
<lain> haha
<awygle> hope it isn't just like... a bag of bees
<rqou> argh, ebay crap is all mislabeled
<lain> ^
<rqou> i'm trying to figure out what hardware i'm going to bring to 34c3
<rqou> apparently i can get 40g mellanox cards for pretty cheap
<awygle> rqou: define "pretty cheap". also new or used?
<rqou> but i don't have 40g optics, and gruetzkopf told me that anything above 10g is "bring your own optics"
<rqou> the problem right now is that i can't figure out which cards are supposed to be 10g cards and which cards are supposed to be 40g cards
<rqou> mellanox has the most confusing product lineup ever
<rqou> they have a crazy mix of IB and ethernet equipment
<awygle> is it chelsio that has that iWARP thing?
<rqou> no idea
<rqou> azonenberg, lain (or anybody else who likes high performance networking): chelsio or mellanox for 10gbe? (intel is too expensive lol)
<lain> no idea
<lain> monochroma might know things
<awygle> lmao the first two results for "chelsio vs mellanox" are great
<lain> rqou: how do I get academic books for free? :P
<rqou> the library? :P
<lain> haha
<lain> wasn't there some website that had papers and sometimes books?
<lain> I'm blanking on the name
<rqou> sci-hub?
<lain> ittt was some russian site
<awygle> libgen
<awygle> ?
<lain> yeah that sounds right
<lain> yeah, that's it
<lain> thanks :P
<rqou> alright, $20 for a mellanox connectx-2 with free shipping
<rqou> hopefully it works
<rqou> if not i'll pull the intel card from my desktop and take it to 34c3
<rqou> gotta ftp all the things
<rqou> someday i'll be one of "those guys" getting a 100g link at CCC :P
<awygle> what is the purpose of all this networking equipment?
<rqou> CCC ftp
<awygle> i always hear about it re: CCC but i don't really get why
<lain> we do what we must
<lain> because
<lain> we can
<rqou> ccc has a ridiculously fast lan (and uplink too) for people to "share files"
<rqou> but i'm "only" going to be bringing in a 10g link and a single 4tb hdd
<rqou> no 100g + raid for me :P
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> see, i plan on rolling out lots of fast networkign in the new house but it'll be for talking from PCs to FPGAs
<azonenberg> Not for moving pirate media :p
<rqou> i didn't say anything about pirate media :P
<awygle> azonenberg: on that topic, is 10GBASE-T a) a thing and b) as simple vis-a-vis FPGAs as 10G (in that you can just run a sufficiently fast transceiver to it)?
<rqou> a) yes b) no
<awygle> k
<rqou> 10gbase-t is ridiculously complicated and everybody hates it
<azonenberg> So
<rqou> the transceivers are also really power hungry
<azonenberg> 10Gbase-T silicon is almost impossible to get in qty 1 w/o NDA
<azonenberg> i consider it nonexistent
<azonenberg> i havent found them anywhere
<azonenberg> wherease 10Gbase-X SFPs can be interfaced directly via a single 10gbps GTP
<azonenberg> or, if you're in a spartan/artix part
<awygle> 4x GTPs for XAUI, yes
<azonenberg> four 3.125 Gbps GTPs and a XAUI converter chip
<awygle> has anybody tried RXAUI? 2x 6.25 Gbps GTPs?
<azonenberg> The silicon for baseT is power hungry
<azonenberg> The noise margins are poor
<azonenberg> you often need ECC to get good results (in the PHY, lol)
<rqou> i saw a 10gbase-t connection IRL
<azonenberg> i forget if its mandatory
<azonenberg> You basically need shielded cat6
<rqou> but it was using a silly TERA connector and everybody hated it
<azonenberg> Latency goes through the roof because of all the DSP required to make sense of the signal
<rqou> it also wasn't hooked up
<azonenberg> Fiber has lower latency, lower power, can be used with a COTS FPGA and commodity transceiver/connector without any hard-to-find part
<azonenberg> IMO, copper died after 1G
<azonenberg> and everything is fiber from there on out
<rqou> what about 2.5g/5g?
<rqou> :P
<azonenberg> Until i can get PHYs in single unit volume on digikey
<azonenberg> without an NDA
<azonenberg> it's dead to me
<azonenberg> awygle: re RXAUI, not to my knowledge
<azonenberg> that would be the perfect sweet spot for an artix7
<azonenberg> But i dont think it exists
<awygle> microsemi makes some PHYs, one of which is stocked at Arrow
<azonenberg> for what, 10gbaseT?
<awygle> RXAUI->10gbase-x
<azonenberg> wait rxaui is a thing??
<awygle> only at microsemi afaict
<azonenberg> I could double the port count of my 10g projects this way
<azonenberg> link?
<azonenberg> part number?
<awygle> idr which one is stocked
<rqou> O_o i also want to build a board with this
<awygle> the VSC8489s in general seem to exist
<azonenberg> This guy has XGMII input
<azonenberg> so usable even without GTPs
<azonenberg> but realistically thats a massive bus to route
<awygle> yes, that too
<azonenberg> Not recommended
<rqou> xgmii is dumb :P
<azonenberg> But 2x RXAUI to 2x SFP
<azonenberg> now that is something i'd like
<awygle> you could do a 10G NIC with a 4x GTP Artix and the XGMII PHY
<azonenberg> one gtp quad to two 10g interfaces
<rqou> btw, azonenberg plz 2 plan brainstorming session :P
<awygle> wow they got a lot of these in stock _since last night_
<azonenberg> But can you get a datsheet?
<azonenberg> thats the big holdup in my experience
<azonenberg> i had been planning to use the TLK10232 dual XAUI - SFP
<azonenberg> Which i have a datasheet for
<rqou> just pirate a datasheet :P
<azonenberg> and i got a bunch of samples courtesty of a friend at TI
<rqou> look around HuaQiangBei :P
<awygle> ah, you're right, NDA'd
<azonenberg> So far i see a 3-page product brief at mouser
<awygle> oh well, none of my ideas ended up using any of these anyway
<awygle> just a cool thing
<awygle> " After registering for a MyEthernetSolutions account with a verified NDA, you will have access to datasheets, application notes and other locked documents available at our individual product landing pages. "
<rqou> wtf why does a part like this need an NDA?
<awygle> seeeecrets
<azonenberg> rqou: why does a 88e1111 need an nda?
<rqou> right
<azonenberg> and sure, i could be like lain and get an NDA
<rqou> although that one is leaked
<awygle> dammit i always forget to install mercurial when i set up to build yosys...
<azonenberg> Thing is, i dont want to give my business to a company with that kind of practice
<awygle> ^
<azonenberg> if you dont want my business, fine
<azonenberg> i'll buy from a competitor
<azonenberg> :p
<awygle> depending on what you're doing i feel like a kintex is the way to go for 10G
<azonenberg> btw
<azonenberg> and so, i have several plans
<azonenberg> For single endpoint devices that only need a single port
<azonenberg> artix + tlk10232
<azonenberg> say 100t
<azonenberg> for midrange devices, 200t (16 GTPs in ffg1156) + tlk10232
<azonenberg> My current roadmap calls for a 24+2 port ethernet switch (16x 1G copper, 8x 1G optic, 2x 10G optic) in 1U
<azonenberg> based on a 7a200t, a tlk10232, and a giant pile of KSZ9031s and SFP cages
<azonenberg> I have the 1G copper and optic MAC written as well as the MAC lookup and learning logic
<azonenberg> (with vlan support)
<azonenberg> Still have to do the 10G MAC/PCS, the actual packet forwarding datapath, and the PCB
<awygle> so a 200t is ~256$ on digikey, while a kintex with 16/4=4 GTXs is only ~134$
<awygle> again, depending on what you need for logic (that's a 70t)
<azonenberg> Sooo
<azonenberg> You're missing a couple of important subtleties
<awygle> i suspected i might be :P
<azonenberg> First the 200T i was looking at was FFG1156 which is closer to $300 to get sixteen GTPs
<azonenberg> Even the -1 speed is adequate
<azonenberg> oh it went down in price
<azonenberg> or i remembered wrong
<azonenberg> Anyway
<azonenberg> You can do XAUI with a 70t
<azonenberg> however you need a -2 or -3 speed grade in a FF or RF package for 10G
<azonenberg> The FB* packages in kintex do not have sufficient signal integrity to run above 6.6 Gbps
<monochroma> rqou: SFP+ == 10gig, QSFP == 40gig
<azonenberg> per GTX
<monochroma> rqou: 10gig optics are cheap now
<azonenberg> So you can do XAUI with any 7 series part pretty much
<rqou> monochroma: nope, some mellanox devices have some weird QSFP infiniband+ethernet thing
<azonenberg> There is no xc7k70t in a FF/RF package
<rqou> i have a pile of 10g optics but no 40g optics
<awygle> azonenberg: is a FBG484, which according to the notes in the selection table is 10.3 Gb/s max rate
<monochroma> rqou: well yeah mellanox is an infiniband company :P
<azonenberg> Which selection table?
<azonenberg> I'm looking at DS182 page 55
<monochroma> and you can do ethernet over infiniband so...
<azonenberg> let me update to the current versoin, its possible they upgraded it
<awygle> page 4
<azonenberg> Nope, hasnt changed
<azonenberg> FB packages are not supported >6.6 Gbps
<awygle> i see "the FBG484 package supports data rates greater than 6.6 Gbps in the -2 and -3 speed grades"
<awygle> note 6, page 56
<azonenberg> Again DS182 disagrees
<azonenberg> and the DS is generally the authoritative source
<awygle> i'm in DS182 now
<awygle> version 2.16
* azonenberg looks
<azonenberg> Oh
<monochroma> rqou: also note that some (read, most) vendors are super picky about which optics you use... even though they are standardized... they tend to not play nice with other vendors
<azonenberg> Yeah this is updated since before
<azonenberg> Older versions did not have this
<rqou> monochroma: yeah, i've set the "ignore optics compatibility" bit in my intel cards
<azonenberg> this changes a lot, you can now do 4x 10ge in a 70t
<rqou> afaik mellanox has something similar
<rqou> wait azonenberg is this the "not a metal heat spreader" version?
<awygle> on a related note, fpga vendor documentation is pretty irritating. although at least it exists
<azonenberg> rqou: yes
<azonenberg> bare die flip chip
<azonenberg> This changed very recently, i guess they requalified the existing chips
<rqou> yeah, i thought the reason it wasn't "approved" for 10g was thermal
<azonenberg> previously only the heat spreader packages were supported for 10G
<azonenberg> no it was signal integrity
<rqou> what
<rqou> how would signal integrity be different?
<azonenberg> The packages without heat spreaders had a different substrate with less layers
<azonenberg> since they were meant for lower performance designs
<awygle> something else worth looking at (although i nkow you're a xilinx shop) are the Cyclone 10 GXs
<rqou> oh?
<rqou> how do you know the substrate is different?
<azonenberg> This was doucmented somewhere
<azonenberg> iirc
<rqou> wtf
<rqou> but the pinout is identical
<azonenberg> "Some FB/FBG and RB packages include V CCAUX_IO pins that are not utilized by the I/O pins are placeholders to ensure pin compatibility with FF/FFG/FFV and RF packages FF/FFG/FFV and RF packages, when the high-performance option is chosen for the..."
<azonenberg> UG475 p31
<rqou> huh
<azonenberg> Presumably this is true for the GTPs too
<azonenberg> more power/ground pins etc
<rqou> hmm, so customers complained enough that xilinx recertified the parts?
<azonenberg> Presumably, yeah
<azonenberg> Anyway, my plan hasnt changed
<awygle> the Cyclone 10 GXs have these crazy 6.6/12.5 Gbps dual mode transceivers and are pretty cheap as these things go
<azonenberg> The 24-port switch will be an artix
<azonenberg> Because i wanted a lot of 1G GTPs for 1G optics
<azonenberg> and a lot of GPIOs for lots of RGMII interfaces
<awygle> have you thought about running SGMII?
<azonenberg> I was originally going to have a 7k160t as a backbone 10GE-only switch for super high performance stuff
<azonenberg> Thought about, yes - but hard to do with 7 series
<azonenberg> ultrascale is better for that
<azonenberg> Anyway, for the next-gen switch design
<azonenberg> i'm going to use an XCKU035 :D
<awygle> yeah the IP core you can get from xilinx says "it's really hard to close timing on this" lol
<azonenberg> Sixteen GTHs which can do 10G natively
<azonenberg> Plus up to 520 GPIOs
<azonenberg> Aaand
<rqou> also, the xilinx transceiver naming is super confusing
<azonenberg> in ultrascale
<azonenberg> The normal GPIOs can do SGMII :D
<azonenberg> And 1000base-X
<azonenberg> and with 440K logic cells of ultrascale i should be able to fit a lot of switch fabric
<awygle> i was wondering whether 1000base-x worked like 10gbase-x. sounds like yes
<azonenberg> That board would probably have 16 10G optics, then maybe 24 1G optics and another 24 1G copper ports or something?
<awygle> of course there's the minor issue of the FPGA costing 1200$
<azonenberg> it'd be easily a 2U or more
<azonenberg> Yes but if i'm doing a 16-layer PCB
<awygle> i would do 8 10G and 2 40G probably
<azonenberg> with probably ViP and controlled impedance
<rqou> btw azonenberg, thought on the Octavo SIP devices?
<azonenberg> i really dont care about the cost of the FPGA
<rqou> *thoughts
<azonenberg> the PCB will dominate for O(1) production volume
<azonenberg> rqou: not familiar with them?
<azonenberg> awygle: yeah specifics TBD
<awygle> boards are not _that_ expensive
<azonenberg> thats just a firmware diff anywy
<azonenberg> awygle: Single unit volume for 16 layers with controlled impedance and ViP
<azonenberg> and a PCB that's probably 16" wide x 8" deep?
<awygle> azonenberg: wouldn't you have to rerun the tracks?
<rqou> azonenberg: some company took the AM335x and put it into a SIP with some ram and all the pmic stuff
<azonenberg> oh that
<azonenberg> yes
<azonenberg> it looks cool but i dont have an immediate use
<azonenberg> awygle: Plus assembly since i am not going to run that in my toaster oven
<azonenberg> awygle: that is easily a $2000 PCB including NRE
<azonenberg> Bare
<azonenberg> Plus assembly and parts
<rqou> azonenberg: i'm overall not _super_ happy with the octavo sip
<rqou> mostly because i don't like the AM335x very much
<azonenberg> So a $400 FPGA to a $1200 FPGA doesn't really change the total project budget by more than 20% or so
<awygle> eh okay, i'd say it's pretty arguable. i'm not gonna do a multi-K project regardless of the constant factor anytime soon anyway
<rqou> i'd like to see a Zynq SIP
<azonenberg> rqou: me too
<awygle> last thought, if you do SGMII do you need 16 layers?
<rqou> or, for something more foss-friendly, an i.mx6 SIP
<azonenberg> 8+ layers, i havent figured it out yet
<azonenberg> if i added some QDR-II+ etc i'd need probably 12+
<azonenberg> awygle: I intend to start out with the 24+2 port switch
<azonenberg> I did a prototype layout of that in a backplane form factor on 8 layers but never finished the ram
<azonenberg> in order to home assemble this
<awygle> yeah i found that in the logs this morning
<azonenberg> i'm probably going to split it into multiple boards
<azonenberg> probably 2-3 line cards full of KSZ9031s made on oshpark
<azonenberg> then one brain card with the FPGA and SFPs
<azonenberg> made at multech, but fairly small
<azonenberg> This avoids the yield issues with doing a huge board in a homebrew reflow process
<awygle> yes, also probably saves you on the fab in several axes
<rqou> heh, huge boards have yield issues even on professional assembly houses :P
<rqou> e.g. the thing my father worked on that had 5 virtex-5s
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<awygle> azonenberg: thoughts on as a KSZ9031 substitute?
<awygle> my read is "slightly cheaper per port, fewer tracks, but if you run traffic between KSZ9567s you can't actually push all 5G"
<rqou> huh, microchip acquired micrel?
<azonenberg> awygle: can you get a datasheet?
<awygle> rqou: The Semiconductor Company
<rqou> yup
<azonenberg> i havent looked at multiport phys in detail
<rqou> but i think we'll always end up with three Semiconductor Companies
<rqou> Intel, IBM, and Huawei :P
<azonenberg> awygle: I think i would still go with 9031s b/c they're commodity
<azonenberg> and i can push full rate
<azonenberg> i put a lot of work into my MAC table
<azonenberg> to ensure that with 24x 1G + 2x 10G interfaces
<awygle> yeah "can push full rate' meant i ended up on 9031 as well
<azonenberg> on an artix
<awygle> just wanted to cross-check
<azonenberg> i could push full rate with min sized packets on all ports
<azonenberg> fully nonblocking
<azonenberg> The fabric will be just as fast
<azonenberg> So this will have performance comparable to a nice cisco or something
<awygle> azonenberg: thoughts on inter-module links when you split the board up?
<awygle> (meaning connectors)
<rqou> samtec q-strip or pcie edge connectors presumably?
<rqou> those seem to be the most common high-speed connectors i see
<awygle> RGMII is only 125 MHz right?
<rqou> zomg wtf the octavo SIP is $40 on digikey
<rqou> how can the pocketbeagle possibly be $25?
<awygle> the magic of quantity
<rqou> also is it just me or do all arm dev boards suck in some way?
<awygle> looks like basically any samtec connector will carry rgmii...
<awygle> on a totally different note
<awygle> after a yosys synth flow i am observing a single module without the "top" attribute set, does that match your experience?
<rqou> no
<rqou> the top attribute should get set i think?
<awygle> oh wait
<rqou> are you using synth_greenpak4 or synth_ice40 or similar?
<awygle> it's because i put it through arachne-pnr's packer first
<awygle> whoops
<awygle> mmm nope it's not that either actually it's the round trip through .blif
<rqou> stop using .blif :P
<awygle> rqou: well that's what arachne eats so i had to use it to go through their packer :P
<rqou> hmm
<awygle> interesting that .attr doesn't preserve module attributes, only cell
<rqou> try the "hierarchy" command to fix it?
<awygle> eh i'm writing my own packer anyway i guess
<rqou> doesn't vpr have a packer if you're using that?
<awygle> i was gonna cheat in the short term by doing the fine packing in arachne but it's not worth it if it's gonna weird up my netlists
<awygle> rqou: vpr has T-PACK, which is not suited to represent real architectures imo
<rqou> are you sure?
<awygle> hang on let me find the paper again.. it has a weird and stupid name
<rqou> clifford mentioned that some of the "vpr is not suitable for xxx" is due to "the documentation is complete garbage"
<awygle> so basically T-VPACK assumes a very basic logic structure, at least according to the seminal paper
<rqou> are you sure that's still how it works?
<awygle> hmm, okay, you may be right
<rqou> hmm i really want to see a i.mx6/i.mx8 module with dram
<rqou> it's got an open-enough GPU, pcie, and a parallel memory interface
<awygle> the's have pcie?
<rqou> yeah
<rqou> well, some of them do
<rqou> one lane
<rqou> i really wish oshpark could do a 6 layer process
<pie_> (hehe, the intro to valerian and ... is a little cheesy but amazing)
<awygle> alright rqou, I built VPR. I'll try and get T-VPACK running tomorrow and we'll see where it goes
<rqou> yeah, i was quite impressed that it at least compiles :P
<gruetzkopf> don't worry too much over high-speed connectors, this carries 5GT/s PCIe just fine
<rqou> gruetzkopf wtf is wrong with you :P
<rqou> is that 10g XFP?
<gruetzkopf> yep
<rqou> a chelsio card?
<gruetzkopf> sun/oracle
<rqou> hmm ok
<gruetzkopf> this card only does pcie 1, but others work at 2.x link rates
<gruetzkopf> i've only had one nvidia card fail to train at 5GT/s
<rqou> that is among the shittiest pcie hacks i've seen
<rqou> are you using micro-coax or is it just normal wire?
<gruetzkopf> that's some flexible twisted pair from a scsi cable. unshielded
<rqou> oh wtf
<rqou> amazing
<gruetzkopf> if i knew where to get SATA-style cable in bulk i'd go for the 10m run
<rqou> usb 3 cabling?
<gruetzkopf> that's twisted pair, not microcoax
<rqou> ah true
<gruetzkopf> but usb3 cabling is popular for this application
<rqou> usb3.1 cabling i believe is micro coax
<gruetzkopf> iirc it doesn't have to be (if the manufacturer thinks they can do it without)
<rqou> offtopic: does anybody know how to connect scsi to a modern-ish computer without spending >$100 on a usb-scsi adapter?
<gruetzkopf> pcie scsi card from ebay?
<rqou> do i need cables and stuff?
<gruetzkopf> or even pcie-pci and then some pci scsi card (because that's what all the pcie scsi cards do anyways)
<rqou> i have a machine that has pci
<rqou> do i just need some random adaptec card?
<rqou> is scsi backwards/forwards-compatible?
<gruetzkopf> it is
<gruetzkopf> random adaptec AHA-2940 will do
<rqou> hmm i wonder if my parents have one in the junk pile somewhere
<gruetzkopf> from the early narrow-scsi versions that barely do 10MB/s to the latest -UW versions that have 2 320MB/s ports
<azonenberg> awygle: yes i was planning on using q-strip
<gruetzkopf> what do you want to connect? might be easier to get a card with the same bit width connector
<rqou> i need to go and check, but i have some device with an old scsi hard drive
<rqou> i didn't check which specific connector it has
<gruetzkopf> the card in the picture is pretty good with its connector mix
<rqou> ok
<rqou> i'll just buy it and check later which additional cables i need :P
<rqou> is there a good way to replace a parallel scsi hdd with something more modern?
<rqou> similar to replacing ide hdds with cf cards?
<gruetzkopf> SD2SCSI
<gruetzkopf> though that's fairly intelligent and expensive
<rqou> that seems super complicated
<rqou> is there no simpler way?
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<whitequark> >SCSI
<awygle> oh okay kicad just changed everything about how they do schematic libraries. no wonder none of these tutorials are accurate.
<cr1901_modern> Do they not suck now?
<awygle> Answer Unclear - Ask Again Later
<cr1901_modern> Every time without fail.
<cr1901_modern> Well actually, this is prob the best scene in The Simpsons just for how relatable it is...
<awygle> there's a huge lag between clicking to "drop" something and it actually being released from mouse tracking... wonder if that's kicad or this admittedly rather underpowered computer
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<qu1j0t3> cr1901_modern: Ohhh that is so good. That scene speaks to me too. An absolute classic
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<awygle> Kicad progress - in 3 hours I created 1/4th of a component and submitted a bug fix
<cr1901_modern> Sounds about right
<balrog> awygle: schematic or part?
<balrog> I usually use a third party component generator script :|
<awygle> Schematic symbol
<awygle> I was playing with kipart as well as doing it manually, just trying stuff
<azonenberg> i have never had problems creating components
<azonenberg> only large BGAs take time, to name all of the pins
<azonenberg> if you dont have a good machine readable source for the pins
<awygle> i found that i couldn't copy and paste between different "units" of the symbol
<awygle> they were pasted to the unit they were copied from, not the current unit
<azonenberg> Huh
<azonenberg> I generally dont do that
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<steph881> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DID YOU GUYS KNOW TODAY WAS NIGGERS DAY?? SAY HI TO YOUR FAVORITY NIGGER IN #FREENODE!! quicktalkeh676te.onionkpbvtamo: seu Bike jeandet sn00n balrog m_w bibor nurelin eduardo__ wolfspraul rqou scrts Xark xdeller grantsmith _whitelogger UmbralRaptor lain teepee pie__ azonenberg th
<steph881> ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ DID YOU GUYS KNOW TODAY WAS NIGGERS DAY?? SAY HI TO YOUR FAVORITY NIGGER IN #FREENODE!! quicktalkeh676te.onionlyqxgxo: moho1 felix_ Marex nurelin promach SuperChickeNES brizzo Ishan_Bansal openfpga-bb sn00n dx lexano gruetzkopf dig
<azonenberg> i usually either have every unit the same, for e.g. a multi transistor package
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<azonenberg> or have them totally different, like for an FPGA
<azonenberg> Also, wow spam
<azonenberg> Don't see much of that here
<oeuf> Ꙩ_ꙩ
oeuf is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<egg|zzz|egg> flashy spam too
<balrog> there's been a spam campaign across freenode
<balrog> and efnet
<egg|zzz|egg> saw some of that crap on esper too
<balrog> ugh
<egg|zzz|egg> balrog: you're in #principia, right? you might have encountered some of it there too iirc
<awygle> azonenberg: for an fpga i usually will copy/paste a bank and change the names/pins
<balrog> yeah I am. don't think I saw it there though, been afk a lot
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<pie__> looks like the dude wrote a proper image analysis tool ( )
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<pie__> damn lol that charge pump kill trick
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<pie_> wtf is with my wifi
<Zorix> you didnt pay for the wifi package with your isp
<jn> maybe your router was pwned and is now sending irc spam ;)
<pie_> yeh
<pie_> this has been going for weeks though
<Zorix> have to pay your isp an additional $9.99 plus tax and service charge and convenience fee for wifi performance package, you even get 100 mb towards your streaming service for free
<Zorix> for the first 6 months
<Zorix> $14.99 after that
<Zorix> but if you sign up before 12/31/17 your $19.99 activation fee is waived
<pie_> jn, i wish talk gives would repeat the questions
<pie_> this talk is the difference between halfassed reversing and proper :/
<pie_> (unrelated to repeating the question^)