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<azonenberg_work> balrog: thanks for dealing with the spam
<azonenberg_work> was at a xmas party with $WIFE lol
<balrog> hah
<balrog> hah
<balrog> should have dealt faster
<balrog> :|
<azonenberg_work> oh well
<azonenberg_work> This is what happens when you're not ##electronics with 30 ops in the channel all the time
<azonenberg_work> and one of them always active
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<rqou> felix_: are you in Leipzig already?
<jn> rqou: gruetzkopf and i are there
<rqou> want to meet up today?
<rqou> is the congress center open?
<jn> yeah
<jn> c3nav.de is very useful
<jn> (indoor maps for the CCL, both with and without automatic location through wlan triangulation, AFAIUI)
<rqou> alright, i still need to debug why the power outlets in my hotel room are borked
<rqou> are there any 34c3 special transit tickets left? i forgot to buy one
<jn> we're at the "Chaos West Bühne", roughly
<jn> you don't have a ticket? :/
<rqou> i have a 34c3 ticket
<jn> ah, the public transportation thing?
<rqou> yeah that
<jn> are you at the ccl? we can catch you outside
<rqou> I'm not
<rqou> im in a hotel near Leipzig Hbf
<jn> ah, alright
<rqou> do you want to come over here? :P
<jn> mayybe. but i'm pretty lazy right now, after 10 hours of sitting on the train, half-awake
<rqou> lol ok
<rqou> so are there discounted public transit tickets left?
<jn> i don't knwo, but i should buy one too
<rqou> aaanyways, so apparently the "crappy" power strips i brought aren't as "crap" as i though because the inbuilt surge protector doesn't like 240V and trips the breaker in the hotel room :P
<rqou> at least i watched and learned where the breaker is hidden :P :P
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<rqou> jn, gruetzkopf: lunch?
<jn> nah, i think we'll try to get these transportation tickets first, and the helpdesk that hands them out opens at 2pm
* jn 's still a bit disoriented
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<rqou> ok, should i head over to the congress center now?
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<rqou> jn: also, should i bring all my stuff yet, or tomorrow
<rqou> actually jn can you buy me two transport tickets and then bring them here to me? that will save me having to buy another ticket (i didn't get a day ticket)
<jn> if you know where your assembly (Openfpga?) is, i think you can bring your stuff
<rqou> i have no idea
<jn> not sure about the rules of buying tansport tickets yet. but *if* one person can buy multiple tickets, i'm willing to bring you one
<rqou> er, bring me two
<rqou> my sister is also here with me
<jn> ok
<rqou> thanks a lot
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<felix_> rqou: no, i'm not there yet; currently i'm on the train
<rqou> you germans and your actually functional trains :P
<felix_> nah, they're not 100% reliable (but haven't caused my real problems yet and i hope that it stays that way ;)
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<jn> rqou: cash desk hasn't opened yet
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<azonenberg_work> digshadow, mithro: so i'm looking at the prjxray HTML docs
<azonenberg_work> and i think that the render might be mirrored
<azonenberg_work> SLICE_X0 is to the right of SLICE_X1
<azonenberg_work> whereas all the docs show it incrementing from X0...Xn
<mithro> azonenberg_work: I just managed to convince Clifford to do some docs which are now in the wiki
<mithro> azonenberg_work: Take a look at https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray/wiki and see if that describes things -- I know there are a whole bunch of coordinate systems that go from different corners
<azonenberg_work> Also if i understand correctly
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<azonenberg_work> the coordinate system in the HTML docs is one 64 bit word high x 35 rows wide for a CLB tile?
<esden_cloud> Hello :)
<azonenberg_work> or actually, for pretty much any tile you have so far?
<azonenberg_work> this is so much cleaner and more regular than the horror stories i've heard about 6 series and older
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<mithro> azonenberg_work: Have to ask Clifford, I just hit things with a stick :-P
<azonenberg_work> lol
<rqou> apparently there's @ioerror-related drama going on at CCC again?
<UmbralRaptor> What did he do now?
<rqou> some other tor developer is apparently accusing the CCC of not properly handling the sexual assault allegations?
<rqou> I'm probably missing a lot of context herr
<rqou> *here
<whitequark> that sounds... entirely believable
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