Doesn't the Chrome Nix package have to do something cursed like break SHA-1 because of it trying to self-update or something?
I have no idea
ZirconiumX: no that's someone just showing off i think
whitequark: I'm super curious how you plan to improve your CPU. Mine is very... minimalistic, so given all the stuff boneless supports, it's probably better than mine in features/area.
mhm, I've started to maintain the free fpga tools in nixpkgs
well, except ghdl which someone complained about being old still :P
currently getting ready to bang my head against glasgow
whitequark: Not sure I get what you mean by nstage cpi pipelining, since as you say, if every stage needs a memory cycle, what is there to gain?
[whitequark/libfx2] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjAQP
whitequark: my problem is more fundamental... hence I'm reading wikipedia pages... my understanding of what pipelining is is just not compatible with *not* doing things in parallel, so I'm trying to understand what you even mean. Because you can't just do a fetch every cycle, so not sure how you get rid of the state machine.
pepijndevos: the state machine would be implicit in the pipeline interlocks
it'd do the same thing basically
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but laid out in a way more friendly to synthesizers
think of it this way
i am describing a process
an FSM describes it in imperative way
a pipeline describes it in a dataflow way
Sure, but doesn't that mean you can still only have one instruction in flight at a time?
of course
that's fine
So I imagine you'd have each stage just try to do its thing and have some data-ready signal to the next stage, or some bus arbiter on the memory... which just sounds like a one-hot encoded state machine, but if that makes the synthesizer more happy, sure :)
pepijndevos: exactly that
i already have a bus arbiter actually
ok haha
> Can't find iCE FTDI USB device (vendor_id 0x0403, device_id 0x6010 or 0x6014).
hehe nice it works now! well, I need to plug my iCEstick in, but at least everything else is unbroken
I've been thinking about making my CPU pipelined, but for me the *MAJOR* constraint is area. I'd rather have it run at 100kHz than make a PCB with 200 chips, eh, ZirconiumX?
But mine is bit-serial, so it'd be a *MAJOR* speedup, potentially.
I mean, being a bit-serial architecture means it'll run at 100 kinsn/s anyway :P
pepijndevos: in case of glasgow pipelining shouldn't make an FPGA impl any larger
since most LUTs come with free FFs
well. all LUTs
lol, yea , not the case on 7400 logic sadly
So, with the fastest DIP SRAM I could find at 12ns, Boneless can do ~20MHz
20 Minsns/s
that's faster than on ice40
ZirconiumX: how do you calculate these numbers?
Yea, but... can the rest of the CPU do 20MHz on 74AC?
First I'd need to work out the critical path for it :P
80 MHz
(probably not)
i preemptively apologize for how inefficient my CPU is
ZirconiumX: what I did to get a ballpark figure is run LTP, and multiply that number with the propagation delay of the average 74AC chip
IIRC that's about 5ns typical or 8ns worst
spherical 74AC chip in vacuum
exactly haha
So my topoligical path was like 9 long so rougly 80ns worst case or 50ns on average
So anyewere between 10-20MHz maybe
But I assume for boneless the critical path might be longer
Let's find out!
the carry chains are huge
like you're looking at 16 levels for carries and probably at least 3 more if not worse
bit-serial ftw
Well, the 74283 is a 4-bit carry-skip adder
(or that's how it's generally implemented anyway)
oh interesting
Fastest adder with 7400 logic is probably pairing 74181/74182 for LCU
Unfortunately those are difficult to obtain
whitequark: here is an idea to make it faster and pipelined: nyble-serial!! Since every instruction almost takes 4 cycles, you can do a 16 bit op in 4 serial parts of 4 bits :)))
I think in general carry-lookahead adders are done in max 4 bits too, so perfect match XD
I'm not l33t enough to know what ;w; means
It's an emoticon :P
(or google is not good enough at googleing puctuation)
But it does not look like anything to me...
i'm an eldritch creature from deep sea actually
it's a crying cat face
the dot is the eye, the comma is the tear, the w is the face
it's like "o.o"
it is the most important emoticon. and also the most important emotion
One of these days this channel will end up on /r/nocontext
also, when is boneless going to use those potatosemi chips
I did a learn
(w is a cat face because... well, cat faces kind of look like that. it's a sideways :3 that suffers a bit from it)
shocking conclusion: :'3 = ;w;
emily: The potato semi chips are limiting enough that the propagation delay might make it slower
even though they seem to express very different emoticons to me
pepijndevos: gigahertz frequency 74 logic
:'3 "oh boy, that's great. i'm having lots of fun right now. please ignore the tears"
Made by Potato Semiconductors
it's actually called that
it's a pun on "potato chips"
not sure if Yagami Light was involved or not
ZirconiumX: I think the output should be the same, but it will include different things, and may not include the source dff or target dff itself depending on how far you go in eihter direction
`python setup.py develop` outside of virtualenv appears to try to write into global directories, which can't possibly work... but I'm an idiot and I should make `.` a Nix python package lol
The architecture itself is essentially an accumulator machine
idk how much propagatedBuildInputs counts as misuse there but it works
it's correct
My original design was more like whitequark's, where the registers are in memory but using bit-serial SPI RAM.
SPI is slooowww
you might also want ` checkInputs = [ yosys symbiyosys yices ];`
So it'd be 100% streaming from memory directly to memory. It actually used *different* memories so you'd not have to store anything
emily: do you have all of this somewhere already?
I feel like I'm wasting my time lol
But uppon realising a single instruction would take over a hundred cycles, I gave up on that madness
The awesome parts was that you could do 128-bit operations no problem because there are no registers. Just keep reading
Pepijn's talked to me a lot about it, I know most of its tricks
eddyb: I didn't upstream my nmigen derivations because there's no release
sure. I tend to keep such things in gists
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working on a glasgow derivation now which would include that though, so it's ready for when I get my revC1 :)
eddyb: mhm, the repo is mostly just private because I'm embarrassed at being bad :p
I just set stuff up so I could have a dev environment
I've been working on upstreaming things though
the repo is mostly just private because I'm embarrassed at being bad :p <--- aren't we all, though? :P
yeah I use private gists for a similar reason :P
ZirconiumX: bad, embarrassed, or both? XD
anyway if this is already handled then I'm just making noise
By the way, whitequark, it's like £140 in chips to build a boneless out of 7400 logic
And 300 in PCB
It'd be a hell of a minicomputer though :P
Still debating with myself if my CPU will be a 10x10 N-layer two-sided SMD board or a huge DIP board
SMD probably works out cheaper
And likely somewhat faster
I figured 100cm^2 should fit 50 chips on each side, so it'd need a lot of layers and tricky assembly
Huge DIP board looks cooler, but the price of the PCB will not be fun
On the other hand, if the 10x10 board needs 6 or 8 layers, that might not be cheap ether.
Gigatron is 2 layers and 40 chips or so? *jealous*
pepijndevos: I've been making some adjustments to the AC library to reflect Mouser stocks
Like what?
I personally try to get all my stuff from Farnell because they are less annoying with shipping, but I admit they have a smaller collection.
The AC158 4x1MUXI2 is SOIC only and non-stocked
Which bumps the number of chips up a bit
Bleh, fernell does not have them *at all* so I agree. Sad though.
ZirconiumX: why do you use DIP anyhow?
To compensate, I've seen some chips that we use that have direct *and* inverted outputs, and we use only one.
pepijndevos's script produces KiCad netlists that use the DIP footprints
It's entirely possible to get them to use SOIC, and the production boards definitely should
That'd be fairly easy to change though
DIP is pretty and easy to debug though
I feel like if you're going to build a minicomputer, aestetics matter. Else, just use an FPGA
If TopoR is going to be the production router, it should probably be informed of pin-swapping abilities though
Is that a thing we have to do in the part library?
No, I don't think KiCad supports it
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through-hole=built-in via! What's not to like :)
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There's also the undocumented ability to gate-swap too
so how do you tell topr about it?
You can export to an XML-based format that TopoR outputs
And then you'd read that and match up the chip numbers with chip parts
And then re-import it again
Actually when I tot up the number of chips it's "only" £130
So slightly less with the group discounts
Is that DIP or SOIC or it's about the same?
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Uhoh farnell only has 74AC157 in SOIC, so I guess it's Mouser or SOIC
I bet if you increase %c[oi]n high enough it'll evetually connect, but it might become a huge mess
basically co exctends the output of the selection by n, and ci extends the input selection by n
I haven't figured out what %co1 does :P
x does both ways
so my script extracts the nodes in the critical path, but then it needs to expand the selection so that the wires between the nodes are also included
If there is a lot of bus magic between them, it might not work (0:0 - 11 type of stuff)
So if you do co3 it will take the selected node, and everything within 3 steps of the output node
So it explodes quickly
The ltp command also gives wire names, but I could not get that to work
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* ZirconiumX
slow claps
My brain is not compatible with two screens
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pepijndevos: Out of morbid curiosity I built a library out of the parts that Potato Semi have
Boneless is 400 chips (compared to 240 AC chips)
But... GHz!!
Well, not bad I suppose
Most chips seem to be in the region of $3-$4 each
So that's easily >$1k
ZirconiumX: potato semi ghz freqs are with extremely low output loading
ZirconiumX: so long nets / decent fanouts won't be anything near the rated speed
Sure, but it's fun to imagine
sur e:)
>Operating frequency up to 270MHz with 15pF load
davidc__: I'm targeting 74AC logic; HC might be too slow
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pepijndevos: If you want something truly terrifying, Mouser have ECL logic chips
They have what?
emitter-coupled logic
Do I need this in my life?
In terms of speed, ECL > CMOS
And more importantly, can you make a yosys library for them
And in what terms ECL < CMOS?
Power consumption
ECL draws a lot more power than CMOS
With that comes heat
So much so that ECL was tried for a little while commercially (the MIPS R6000 comes to mind) and quickly abandoned for CMOS
It relies on the physics of a transistor
They're like an electronically controlled switch
At university all they teach is CMOS basically. Well, of course a *bit* of BJT, but not much. Makes sense, but also a bit sad sometimes.
But while BJT and CMOS rely on switching transistors on and off
It's actually faster to go between states of "mostly on" to "mostly off"
This is ECL
However, and this is kind of the limits of my understanding, transistors prefer being fully on or off, and run more efficiently in these states
I suspect this might be an area that whitequark knows more than I do in
Yea, you know... power is voltage times current right?
So in fully on there is no voltage and fully off there is no current, so ideally no power dissipation in the transiistor
So in CMOS (neglecting leakage) it only costs power to switch, because then you need to charge and distcharge paracitic caps during which there is both voltage and curren accros the transistor
It always messes me up that "saturation" means the exact oposite in BJT and MOSFET
The mosfet equivalent forwards to "current mode logic", which I think is a more useful way to think about it.
Current status: thinking about gray-ish codes for low power. I'm obviously not the first to think this.
pepijndevos: I have another lowpower suggestion: Keep any unused wires at zero. Many protocols include a "valid" wire together with a bunch of data wires. If valid is low, why should the data wires be changing?
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ZirconiumX: if you are going to be making a physical boneless
have you considered some of the WLCSP 74xx chips?
some of the smaller 74xx are available in like 2x8 or so ball 0.5mm BGAs that are possible to fan out on a single layer with normal design rules
would make the design far denser
but i think they're mostly HC not AC
also that sounds like mega cheating to me
Also consider QFN
For example (not recommending this specific series but it shows the available packaging)
(looks like most of the really dense stuff are 74LVC)
I'm going to be disappointed if this project involves less than 10kg of raw fr4
That last one is a 74138, 3:8 demux, in a 3x4mm 0.65mm pitch WLCSP
its only 2 rings of balls so should also be fanout-able on one layer
TD-Linux: see, i want to build a simple computer one day using fully modern discrete components
imagine if package technology progressed to the current day but we never got beyond small scale integration
what would a computer made of modern 74xx / cd4000 series parts look like? high density BGA packages with MLCCs for decoupling
azonenberg, make it on flex and fold it up
it doesnt even have to be a whole computer, a uart would be nice to try for example
or, given my love of ethernet
a 10baseT PHY?
i wonder if i could make timing with that
20 MHz seems a bit fast for discrete 74xx...
azonenberg: _In practice_ I've seen 20 MHz work w/ discrete 74xx for carefully allocated designs for homebrew computers. It is very much out of spec tho.
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Which, I mean, if you're doing homebrew, design for in-spec, then keep increasing the speed until it fails :P
then push it down 20% for margin :P
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over commercial temp range 10.5 ns setup, 1ns hold
at 2.5V
at 3.3V, 6.5 ns setup, 1 ns hold
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alright, so I got a new programmer
wow. also I thought LVC was faster?
guess what, using DebugBitstream with Virtex 5 == failure to boot FPGA
so... why hasn't anyone noticed that before
guess nobody used it ever?
whitequark: btw, an interesting data point
at least on Virtex 5 and Spartan 3, using JSTART will start up the FPGA whether the CRC was right or not
as in, you get DONE=1
but, assuming you have a normal bitstream and there's corruption in the config data, the device will desync on the first CRC check, between frame data and LFRM (aka DGHIGH) command, so interconnect is still disabled and the device effectively isn't doing anything
the status register shows GHIGH still asserted, and the startup sequence still in state 0 somehow (but with done asserted)
GTS_CFG_B is not asserted according to status, but I think GTS_USR_B is (because the config machinery aborted before processing the final CTL command, and the bit is 0 on reset), so the I/Os are inactive as well
matter of fact, that's probably the reason why CTL is the last register to be written in the bitstream
azonenberg_work: My target is AC logic, which only comes in stuff like TSSOP
There doesn't seem to be much faster logic, since LVC doesn't contain much of the logic I rely on
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mwk: debug bitstream doesn't work on 7 series either. There's a note buried in ug470 about LOUT not being supported so the bitstream fails
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