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I'm pretty sure there's an SPIResource in nmigen-boards
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So I guess Resources and Records can be bidirectional. Thanks.
Can I pass a record through a module without unpacking it? Can't say `m.d.comb += submod.spi.eq(self.spi)` since signals go both says.
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I tried using the `connect` method. But it seems to be for records that have fanin or fanout.
My map of bits I know do things in the logic blocks is much more full now
I am dropping my line of questions for now. Next week I will try to pull together an example that shows where I'm confused.
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daveshah: what is the best way to give a map of bits that are not a known config?
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now to figure out how IO works
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so many unknown bits
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IO is the most complicated part
And at least on Gowin, there are several variations of any given tile -.-
I think the Anlogic part has different tiles for the left right top and bottom
Yea, and on Gowin there are at least two different per side and they have loooots of options for logic levels, current drive, LVDS, etc, etc
rn I only support just... input and output at the default setting
* zignig
female humans @ ~2k days are dangerous little monsters.
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what is the type of a bare parameter LUT = 0; in verilog?
In particular, how wide is it?
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pepijndevos: this is Verilog, did you expect this to be reasonable? AIUI it coerces into the width of whatever expression you use it in.
so you can pass a 64'd0 as .LUT there
Ah, yea, that's what I was asking: the width of the parameter, so, undefined/any
So I think I am missing some phantom bits
otherwise you couldn't have string parameters
Actually VHDL also has unconstrained types, which can map to this... just forgot about them hehe
my understanding of where tiles are works until you get to the first global clock spine
because strings are just null terminated sequences of octets
ah, so they took *that* part of C too -.-
lets copy all of the footguns of C
no, verilog has significantly more footguns
language designed by idiots
whitequark: I am not saying they didn't add more, but they certainly didn't seem to try to exclude any they had within reach
systemverilog: let's remove some of the footguns. haha joking we won't actually specify how always_ff works or make emitting a hard error on it standards compliant
I wonder what the story is... like IIRC JS being developed on very short notice as an afterthought or something like that
verilog and vhdl were originally created to write sim models while the actual design files were made by a different team with vector graphics programs, synthesis was tacked on later. this doesn't explain why it's gotten *worse* though, synthesis has been an established use case for decades now
systemverilog was made by people who looked at c++ and thought, "what a honkin' good idea"
might be a C++ thing "we'll add all the features, if you don't like them don't use them"
that's all the explanation i need
Yea, but, like... IIRC VHDL was designed by some commitee, so just wondering if Verilog was just some rando at some company who mad a thing they needed.
it seems the global clock spine is actually 8 bits high in the bitstream, while the numbers I was using as a proxy for position in the bitsteam only jump by 2 at them
now to gather routing info for the routing blocks
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what inputs can yosys accept for equivalence checking?
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I wonder if anyone has gotten this error "Command '['sh', '']' returned non-zero exit status 255." other than me from running nmigen.
needs more context
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That's what I thought I couldn't figure out what it meant.
well, it prints more than just that line, doesn't it?
Ok pastebin it is.
hmmm maybe I found the error by accident.
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dug a bit through eclipse output(s) and I found the actual error which although just as weird at least I can figure out. I guess running under py dev is sometimes not so good.
so what's the actual error?
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pepijndevos: i would love to add more sanity checking/linting features to yosys's verilog/systemverilog front end
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in particular, a sizeable fraction of the footguns can be eliminated if you implement/restrict users to a well defined subset of the language's theoretical features
So i want to add some optional arguments to read_verilog that enforce some additional rules
For example, erroring out if you have latches in a combinatorial block or anything but a ff in an always_ff
mandating default_nettype none
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Clifford's answer for this before was "use an external linter"
Yes, i know. But I want to use the actual yosys AST as input if at all possible
i'd be OK-ish with exporting RTLIL and linting that
as a pass that calls out to an external tool
but i want it to be something i can integrate with a synthesis flow as-is
here is the listing it's the generated pcf file. I'm not sure why it's setting frequency in the PCF ... let me check the version of nmigen
also, some of the options are things that i really think need to be implemented early on in the parser
For example, i want to be able to do read_verilog -sv -default_nettype none
and have it force default_nettype none, regardless of any declaration in the file or previous state set by earlier files
Speaking of which, making default_nettype none default is IMO a bug in the spec
and making preprocessor state persistent across files is another
I would like to add nonstandard arguments to read_verilog that ensures source files are unaffected by compile order, i.e. no state persists across files other than the AST itself
so that you dont have to worry about a third party HDL block added to your project defining macros that break your code, or vice versa
yes, this has bit me before
it's extra fun when the offending file is autogenerated by vivado and can't be patched because it'll just change again
GenTooMan: that was a new nextpnr addition
sorry i meant to say above, making default_nettype wire default is the bug in the spec
Use of an undeclared identifier should always be an error
daveshah oh ... I am using "nmigen-0.2.dev4+gf207f3f" of nmigen so I have to update nextpnr?
I guess so
azonenberg: BTW, I added always_comb, ff, etc checking recently
daveshah: oh awesome
too bad i cant use it because all of my sv code uses structs and enums :p
And it is an error not a warning
Also, what's the status of 7 series support for nextpnr + whatever tool from prjxray spits out a bitstream?
Yeah, structs and enums need doing soon
Can you actually do at least basic stuff with mainline yosys+nextpnr yet?
azonenberg: can't you use read_verilog twice for that?
I have a proof of concept for nextpnr on Artix 7
AFAIK no state persists after read_verilog finishes
whitequark: can you be more specific? use twice for what
It is not mainline and may never will be
so that third party HDL does not affect your code
Routing is too slow to be useful right now but I'm working on it
whitequark: In that case, that isn't SV standards compliant
whitequark: actually, its even better
if memory serves me right, the standard says that within a group of files being compiled state persists
but it seems to allow for you to have a group be arbitrarily few/many files
This lead to a fun bit of code on $sidegig a while ago that would compile fine in vivado and break in vcs/synopsys design compiler, and vice versa
the workaround was to add c-style `ifndef `define include guards around a bunch of definitions
azonenberg: oh I see
so that no matter whether things persisted or not, it would work
read_verilog *does* persist state
but yosys has the verilog_defines command
so you can do verilog_defines -reset
does that wipe default_nettype, timescale (i guess that doesnt matter for synthesis) etc?
or only actual `define
basically, IMO we need to have both a standards compliance mode and a clean-slate mode
azonenberg: `timescale is ignored
default_nettype is reset each time read_verilog is called
yosys also supports `resetall, not sure if it's in the standard
which you can presumably use in your HDL rather than in a script
Hmmm, as much as i like resetting each time i think for compatibility with other stuff we do need to allow it to persist
But that definitely needs to be an option
azonenberg: if you want to peek at it this is the nextpnr repo for artix7/ultrascale experiments
daveshah: And what densities/packages do you support?
right now i have 50t and 100t artix in ftg256 handy
a 70t kintex in fbg484 on a board with limited gpio
I've only tried it with the "35t" that the Arty has
what package is that?
the 35 is a fused 50 so it should work on that
Some 324 one I think
ah ok, so we'd have to find the mapping between csg324 and ftg256 pads
I don't think Xray has the package data for the 256 50t
It has the 484 50t iirc
It would be easy to add
Just some Vivado tcl scripts
But I don't know Xray well enough
Probably similar for the 100t tilegrid
It has slow routing and no timing data (so ignore any Fmax it gives)
ie don't actually use it
well if somebody wanted to add package data for 256 50t i can start alpha testing with a few blinkies etc
just to make sure i have things compiling etc
what's the next steps? Is timing driven packing/placement in progress, or figuring out more bitstream parts, or what?
Yeah I've no idea what's actually involved
I don't have any involvement or insight into the bitstream side tbh
They have timing data inside VPR already, iirc
I just haven't the time or energy to do the same on the nextpnr side yet
VPR is the primary flow for xc7 and always will be
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i thought vpr was unsuitable for real-world architectures
Well, it seems it can be fudged
I thought nextpnr was supposed to be a better, more scalable tool that was to entirely replace vpr moving forward for actual-hardware projects?
why should it be primary flow if it "can be fudged"?
I personally don't think I'll be able to maintain nextpnr for xc7 to a standard I would be happy about as well as the existing iCE40 and ECP5 flows
oh, I see
Re VPR, how usable is that now for xc7?
does iCE40 flow need any ongoing maintenance?
I think basic stuff is working but I think routing is also quite slow, like nextpnr
To some extent iCE40 still does, eg not supporting HeAP yet
um, I've been using HeAP on iCE40 for like a year
Oh I meant defaulting not supporting
Because of the odd little edge cases that each arch has that each new cad algorithm needs to cope with
Same with things like the new router, any API changes, IO timing analysis, etc
makes sense
On a personal level, I'd rather work on supporting Lattice's new parts than Xilinx particularly as that will share a lot with ECP5
But while keeping some kind of experimental xc7 thing as a way of making sure the CAD algorithms can scale to that size of device
I'd be much happier personally with better Lattice support, but that's predicated on the kind of work I do
Meanwhile, while i dont have the time to commit to much on the tooling side, 7 series/ultrascale is top priority for me because most of my projects lately wont fit in a lattice
azonenberg is in the exact opposite situation
Realistically nextpnr has a way to go before being able to route such big designs anyway
i need 100k+ cells of capacity, 10G serdes, etc
That's the other issue with putting time into xc7, that Ultrascale is coming round the corner too
one of the things holding me back from playing with the ecp5/ice40 tools more is that i simply dont have needs for anything that small
daveshah: kintex7 is not going away any time soon
ultrascale has no low end parts
and artix/kintex is far more cost effective for most applications
I don't think Xilinx really care about low ends
my understanding is that xilinx reached a point a few years ago where it no longer made sense to make low/mid/high end parts on the same node
They are investing in Efinix instead
So now they have active families still getting development and even new devices (like spartan7) across 28, 20, and newer
i don't see the 28nm stuff going away any time soon... heck, you can still get coolrunners
No, but xc7 will become less interesting over time
I guess check the open source tooling again this time next year and maybe things will be better
what i mean is, i see xc7 being xilinx's key product in the sub-$500 price range for the next few years at least
Well they have some Zynq UltraScales and Versals at around that level
I know you don't like SoCs
Pure FPGAs will always have a place
but iirc the smallest Zynq UltraScale is around 50k
i don't see xilinx discontinuing fpgas and only making socs
having socs be the main marketing push sure
Well afaik Versal, their next generation, is only SoCs
versal i dont think is a new generation per se
i think it's a new *family*, like zynq is
zynq is not intended to replace artix
It's a new node
ok that i did not know
but i expect we'll see virtexes on that node shortly
Given they have top end Versals with HBM intended for the virtex market I'm not so sure
well, if they drop pure-fpga support that may be the kicker that gets me to start moving to another fpga vendor :p
i find it hard to believe they'd kill off the asic prototyping etc space
that seems hugely profitable
given how high the markup on the massive virtexes is
Well they'd just tell those people to use the ARM core for startup and then ignore it
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are FPGAs ever power limited?
Yes. A lot of the old spartan6 btc miner boards were thermally limited AIUI
you couldn't run them at the fmax identified by timing analysis or they'd melt
right, but I mean more, do FPGAs ever have "dark silicon"?
I'm guessing not
i think some of them actually did dynamic frequency scaling with thermal sensor input closing the loop
re dark silicon, not that i know of. Those things were at near 100% lut load all the time and just varied frequency
as in, is there ever a point where "adding more fabric" becomes an unviable strategy
so you add an ARM core
Only if your problem can't parallelize more
as an FPGA vendor that is
the reason they add CPUs is because software devs cost less than RTL devs
not as a user
no, I know
it's a tangent
And because for low speed state machine stuff, you dont need everything unrolled in rtl all the time
i dont think power is ever a reason to not add more fabric
usually the cap on fpga size is yield
oh, is that why they go for multi-chip modules?
They're not MCMs per se, 2.5D is kind of a special case in that it's still all silicon
you basically just have the top few metal layers on a separate substrate
wait, what
the big virtexes have a passive interposer made on silicon, i think it's a 65nm process for the 28nm virtexes that i heard somewhere ( no source for that number handy)))
they have TSVs in the interposer connecting to flip chip bumps on the fpga dies
then more flip chip bumps on the interposer to the package
so there's actually two layers of silicon with nanoscale interconnects, not pcb traces, connecting the adjacent dies
Yup, SSI (the substrate) is 65 nm
On virtex7. Not sure if smaller for ultrascale
there's something like 10k signal lines, plus clock/config trees, between each of the SLRs (FPGA dies)
*(the silicon substrate)
right, that's what I was thinking
instead of one huge die you have a few smaller ones plus interconnect
so yield is higher
This also lets them have less mask sets
So for example, an xc7vh870t is 2 SLRs, 90700 slices, 1680 DSPs
so 45350 slices and 840 dsps each
an xc7vh870t, as far as i can tell, is three *of the same fpga die*
just a new interposer
so only one 28nm mask set for two SKUs
in fact, it might even be the same interposer with one of the three footprints unpopulated/capped off with a dummy die for thermal reasons
They do have more than one fpga die on each process because the lower end SKUs are monolithic, and they also have a few variants of high end optimized for more DSP vs more SERDES etc
but there's multiple obvious cases of reuse
Incidentally, I'm sure that I heard some of the Kintex US+ were using some Zynq US+ dies with the ARM cores locked out
Didn't look at that myself though
That would just be for mask commonality though
that sounds less likely because the zynqs are a totally different boot process
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i dont think zynqs are capable of booting the fpga only in e.g. master spi mode
<daveshah> Incidentally, I'm sure that I heard some of the Kintex US+ were using some Zynq US+ dies with the ARM cores locked out <= that's true
at least in 7 series, which i'm more familiar with, the arm comes up first and then loads the fpga
so unless they have bootrom code to check an efuse bit then master-spi into the fpga
which i guess isnt beyond the realm of possibility
also it would be a totally different package but i guess that can be worked around
Flip-chips can accomodate to it with different substrate PCB design, I guess
yeah thats what i'm thinking, and then just have some extra fpga gpios to use the balls that you can't use with MIO
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azonenberg: that's not completely true
the fpga part still has the usual config port bonded out
it's just that the pins are labelled as NC
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in theory, it could be possible (unless they disabled it via some mechanism unknown to me) to ignore the ARM core and boot it normally instead
via the usual config modes
perhaps even hold the ARM in reset
They can disable ARM via efuse or with strap pins hardwired in substrate for example
that's for xc7
for ultrascale, they even use the exact same hw as kintex and zynq
as in, only the smallest kintex u+ part is not actually the zynq, all the other ones have a disabled ARM core
the obvious difference is packaging — the kintex parts don't have the PSS banks bonded out
there may also be some fuses involved
IIRC, in Zynq MPSoC's PL side can be put in user mode without bothering with PS side startup, when in 7s you'll need to bring PSU up in order to use PL side
oh so they realized how dumb it was to make PS be in charge of everything and backed off on that?
I think they've effectively but a MicroBlaze or two in charge of everything instead
Xilinx is very good at creating jobs - it's like a full-time job for a SWE to be able to jiggle all the bells and whistles on Zynq US+
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meanwhile i'm still waiting for a big-fpga little-cpu chip
like, a stm32 class processing engine bolted onto a big kintex7 sized fpga
independent, and each capable of operating without the other
Like, for housekeeping stuff?
i'm thinking more like a few hundred MHz M7
with a fair bit of on die sram plus an axi bus connected to the fpga for mapping external dram etc via the fpga if desired
the other thing i'd like is a large fpga with a bunch of tiny cortex-m0 sized cpus scattered around the fabric
tbh what's wrong with, say, 7z100 for that use case?
mwk: couple of things
first is, cortex-a is much harder to bring up bare metal than M
if you dont want or need linux, zynq is difficuult to use
that sounds like sw tooling problem though
the other is, the zynq 7 arch (less familiar with u/u+) is designed to be cpu-first
you cannot, for example, boot the fpga in master mode and leave the cpu in power-down mode until a gpio is toggled and you boot it
the CPU can reconfigure the FPGA at any time without the FPGA's consent
so you can't use the FPGA for an isolated security domain
i want them to be basically two separate chips on the same die, just with a fast bus between them
azonenberg: Do you use XSDK with Zynq?
well that's kind of solvable with trustzone
rombik_su: my experience with zynq to date has all been PL side while someone else did the software
i attempted to get it to boot up bare metal and print hello world to the console and got nowhere
That's strange, hello world in XSDK is just couple of clicks
so i gave up and integralstick used a stm32f7 + artix7
well thats the other problem, i didnt want to use huge amounts of generated code
Oh, I see
trying to even use the zynq PS in a pure systemverilog design without using the IP integrator is essentially impossible
you have to make a block design because that's the only way to get all of the myriad SFRs configured right at boot
What i want is a pure FPGA that has a bunch of hidden GPIOs that connect to a MCU
* mwk
would like to make some proper free toolchain for the PS side of zynq some day
and brings out a memory bus plus a few other things
mwk: please don't forget proper OpenOCD support :D
With support for either fpga-first, mcu-first, or isolated architectures
with a stm32, a few dozen lines of linker script and i can compile a C program with gcc, no assembly startup routines or anything, and be running C right out of reset
the only thing you need asm for is disabling/enabling interrupts, so two functions with one line of inline asm each
memory is working immediately
good luck doing that with a cortex-A based platform
i also have not yet managed to get debug working on a cortex-A using jtaghal
meanwhile i have full in-circuit program support for stm32, as well as partial debug
7000s is very PS-centric by design
rombik_su: yes i know, and i strongly disagree with that architectural decision
i want either PL-centric or peer-to-peer
Xilinx in general seems to be trying to push their products on software devs with things like HLS, the ACAP, etc
i want a soc for rtl engineers who know software
not for software folks who don't grok digital logic :p
whats a PS
the ARM core on zynq
oh ok
"processor system", I think
To be precise, the PS is the arm core plus peripherals, bus, caches, dram controller, etc
Acceleration market is seems to be growing fast, so they probably want to cater to those guys (mostly software/web folks).
rombik_su: yes, i know
i get why they're doing it
doesn't mean i have to like it :)
as opposed to PL, which is the FPGA part (programmable logic)
also PS is called PSS in some places, but I have no idea what the extra S stands for
As a Software person I appreciate this trend to give me lots of IO fairly easily accessible from a semi-sensible OS. :)
mwk: PSS = PS7 = Processing System 7
what, the S stands for Seven?
That is my understanding
Soooo to give you an idea of how much i hate dealing with axi and zynq in general
probably true though.
for $sidegigclient's project, i had to move circa 1 Gbps of data between my logic in PL, and a C program in the PS
you know what i did?
hmm, or is it
* mwk
looks through her notes
i brought up the second ethernet MAC on the PS, connected the EMIO GMII bus to my PL, and wrote my logic to use Ethernet framing instead of AXI around PS-PL communications
azonenberg: I'm sorry, my connection is lagging, it looks like I'm repeating your points, but in fact I sent those long before. )
then on the PS side, you can just use SOCK_RAW/AF_PACKET and sendto() the PL :D
azonenberg: the PSS name is also used on ultrascale
which have PS8
Yeah, PSS_ALTO is familiar
It's also odd because PS7 isn't the 7th PS but refers to 7 series
Whereas PS8 is in 9 series effectively
eh, ultrascale and ultrascale+ are not all that different
could count as the same series
or maybe it was intended to be used in first ultrascale, but hit some delays
That seems quite possible
Versal is PS9 btw
or maybe it's xilinx just fucking up a numbering scheme again
A lot of the docs (UltraScale Architecture Libraries Guide UG974, for example) is covering both US and US+
daveshah: lol PS9 is versal?
All the Versal primitives are in latest Vivado
but versal is 10 series
u = 8, u+ = 9
That was the problem I just mentioned with PS8
azonenberg: nobody ever said that
yeah there is no zynq 8
the only series there is is series 7
mwk: i'm talking about internally, not in marketing names
Versal seems to be RAMB18E5 and RAMB36E5 too
internally series 7 is called Fuji
no number
I'm not sure what happened to E3 and E4
daveshah: seems they cannot make up their mind whether Ex correspond to a given hw generation, or whether they're just number to be incremented whenever they change a primitive
there's lots of precedent for that, unfortunately
I still like that Lattice use increasing letters instead (appending A, B, C, D, etc)
mwk: yup, OSERDESE2 is 7-series, OSERDESE3 is US/US+
This led to the super cute ECP5 JTAGG primitive
mwk: the last details i had was Fuji is 7 series, Olympus is 8/ultrascale, Diablo is 9/ultrascale+, Everest/Everestea is Versal
rombik_su: no
JTAG egg
I mean yes
but not just that
when you actually look at internal primitives, *both* OSERDESE2 and E3 are series 7
Someone also claimed to have found some internal device ID constants for virtex-9 and kintex-9 which were separate from vu+/ku+
E2 are the 3.3V banks, E3 are 1.8V banks
but still considered diablo family devices
so who knows
azonenberg: oh there are craploads of unused ID codes
like there are twice as many unreleased 7 series devices as released ones
who knows if any are future deviecs vs dead
All i know about is the xc7a350t
then going way back the xc2c1024
those are the only thoroughly confirmed but never released xilinx parts i know of
well, that and the whole Starfighter series
well, at least there are IDCODEs for them
I have no idea how far in production they actually were
the xc7a350t had a whole resource definition entry in the overview table wtih exact lut/bram etc counts
and a package/pinout defined
i guess they figured it was competing with kintex and killed it
Coolrunner-II was named BladeRunner originally afaik, hence the ISE data directory being called XBR (Xilinx BladeRunner)
oh that explains that weird name
StarFighter was the planned 90/130nm successor to launch alongside Spartan-3
so the strangest part of series 7 is actually the unreleased thing with big DACs/ADCs
based on patents, i strongly conjecture that it was to be a hybrid architecture with CPLD-style function blocks connected in a 2D routing tile array like an FPGA
sorta like RFSoC, I think
mwk: my guess is it took too long to finish and they rebuilt it around ultrascale fpga fabric
That's the first i've heard of it though
and it was supposed to be a heterogenous SSI thing, like the GTZ transceivers
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ie. the ADC/DAC were actually separate die in the same package
well, it's amazing how many things you can find if you look at the device database closely in xdl
the other interesting unreleased thing is Spartan 3A variant with embedded MCU and USB 2.0 phy
i also think spartan6 was originally going to have an in-package wirebonded flash variant like spartan3an
cant recall where i got that info
azonenberg: correct
not sure why they killed that, it would have cost them very little to do
it's even present in the final silicon
no mask respin
maybe buggy and they didnt want to do a new stepping?
you can instantiate the primitive to talk to the nonexistent flash
has anyone tried bonding a flash to a live decapped spartan6?
doubt so
i kinda wanna do that now lol
they would've fixed it in some device if they cared
if you can give me some guesses of the bond pad locations
I mean, they don't make all device sizes at the same time
lower right corner of the thing IIRC
* mwk
now that i have a decap setup working i might actually be willing to try this, would be an excuse to get the wirebonder at work a workout (havent used it in years)
let's say i use BUFGCE on Xilinx
do the input clock and output clock have a defined phase relationship?
whitequark: yes
further, can I gate a chunk of a single clock domain without introducing a race condition?
I mean, sort of
the guarantee is that if you have several BUFG*s with the same input clock, they have same phase when they reach the flops
so BUFGCE is in-phase with a BUFG with the same input
e.g. clka -> BUFGCE -> clkb; always @(posedge clka) x <= y; always @(posedge clkb) z <= x;
whitequark: that's not how you'd do i think
whitequark: this will work assuming that clka is distributed through a BUFG (which it should be)
azonenberg: you'll probably be my closest decapping setup after my move. Do you let others use it?
kc8apf: where are you moving?
context: I am thinking about nondeterminism in simulators
North of Monroe
kc8apf: what state is that? :p
azonenberg: okay, so I have two hypotheses
oh, cool - in that case then probably yes i'll be close
in Verilog for example if you write a clock divider it'll be racy
one is that everything is in lower-right
I'm willing to do lab work for guests, although at least for the moment i'm not going to be fully hands off
because that's where SPI_ACCESS is
it would probably be me doing the work whiel you watch
mwk: do you actually have pads IDed or guessed? even if you don't know which is which signal?
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whereas a clock divider in VHDL isn't
Fair enough. McMaster has let me do more hands on with oversight
kc8apf: we'll work out details if you pay me a visit
Fairly rare that I need decapping though
Depending on your level of experience etc
the other is... MISO in lower left, CLK and MOSI in lower-right, CS in upper-right
conversely, a clock *gating* circuit in Verilog is fine, but is racy in VHDL because it introduces "propagation delay" and now you have to manually balance the clock tree
kc8apf: i'm also working on building out the facilities for visiting researchers
azonenberg: no, I haven't even seen a die shot
and S6 is honestly too much of a mess to identify shit
mwk: check siliconpr0n if you want to look at some top metal shots
i dont think we have any delayered ones yet
so it looks like the behavior of the FPGA actually sorta matches what VHDL does
I just know where roughly the things are in the tile structure
kc8apf: as of now the conference room/presentation area is painted and set up but lacks a conference table, chairs, projector, or screen
but you have to manually insert BUFGs without relying on the toolchain for the sim to be correct
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I'll be building out some electronics but no chem. Most of the current space will be for automotive, woodworking, and metalwork
and only one of the three walls planned to have a whiteboard actually has one
I suppose if you have a decapped FPGA, you could look for unused pads
actually, here's something i'm curious about
in the corners
mwk: if only it was that easy :p
azonenberg: well I have no way to do any better
There's a LOT of pads lol
imagine you have two DFFs connected in series, with a common clock