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is there brief documentation available anywhere for nmigne
tpw_rules: unfortunately not yet, that's one of the goals for 0.2
you can follow the docstrings, but that's not everything
i found some tutorial on the lambda concept wiki
which looks reasonable enough. i'm also trying to look up how to integrate existing verilog code
like so i can instantiate a verilog module in my nmigen
do you use nmigen.build?
no i don't use anything yet. just thinking out loud
you can do m.submodules += Instance("verilog_module", p_PARA=1, i_clk=ClockSignal(), i_en=1, o_dat=some_signal)
but i probably will. that's what the boneless example uses, right
ok cool. i've decided this weekend i'm gonna get my icebreaker led panel working
so if you do use nmigen.build, you also need to do something like `platform.add_file("verilog_module.v", open("/path/to/verilog_module.v"))`
and then it'll be put in the appropriate place in the build tree and hooked up to the toolchain
ok cool
hm i installed the toolchain for the icebreaker at some point but i don't remember how
one more thing to work out i spose. by the way if you have a few cycles i still have some questions about the boneless manual
oh yeah, let's do it now
ok so the first thing is i still think the flag names and jump mnemonics are bad on account of they're not like 6502 but if that's not up for debate then fair
can you remind me your proposed changes?
basically just change the flags to ZNCV and switch all the conditional Js to Bs
i didn't make a real proposal yet
i don't see why not
J/B is a common distinction, mips does that too
ok i guess mips is not to be emulated
but this one makes sense on its own
ok i'll make an actual list of changes around that then
as for V, didn't that conflict with some other instruction?
oh, you want to disambiguate that with B/J?
V is already V
i want to change S to N
iirc that resulted in some awkward mnemonics
that's already kind of ambiguous because of like JS and then all the jump if signed (x)
i'll see if it feels right in the proposal
so we currently have a JN
(Jump Never)
if you rename conditionals to start with B that stops conflicting
* jn__
jumps never
also 6502 calls them BMI and BPL for branch minus and plus
but 0 doesn't have sign
in principle, BN and BNN would fit, but BNN seems weird
idk my sincerely held religious belief is that 0 is positive and even
but that's just me being silly
the next real question is what happens if you do e.g. JRAL R0, R0. the manual and the spreadsheet disagree on if the registers are read or written first, or should it just be UNDEFINED?
read first, that's a fairly fundamental property of the microarchitecture
ok, then maybe the spreadsheet should be changed
just fixed it
[whitequark/Boneless-CPU] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/Jeglp
next deal, i think we might have discussed this before but i never wrote it down and so forgot. i would expect to have the shift operations stick the bit that falls off in carry, and maybe a rotation instruction that rotates through carry. leaving C UNDEFINED seems like a waste to me but maybe that extra logic is difficult
or well since it's variable, maybe the last such bit for the shift
I left it undefined to keep options open
I'm not sure what's the utility of varshift through carry
yeah that's true, i didn't realize that when writing down my questions
the last one is the utility of dedicated flag set/clear instructions. they wouldn't be so useful with the previous decisions. but now i wonder if there should be an exchange flags instruction which would be necessary for interrupt routines, if someone hacked them on
yes, there should be
iirc we never arrived at a nice design
no, from the ISA POV
oh ok
i mean i envision something really straightforward that just swaps the bottom four bits of a register with the four flags. i don't know if that has any wider implications
iirc there were complications
alright, well that can be poked at again later
thanks for your time answering
thank you for working on this!
you're very welcome
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[whitequark/Boneless-CPU] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/Jeg4k
[whitequark/Boneless-CPU] whitequark 9ab562b - Update for native Enum support in nMigen.
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Is there any way to tell what values are valid for a verilog module's parameters?
Read the documentation for that module :)
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Ah, that might be a bit hard to find, I think it's the verilog blackbox for vendor primitives
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I think I have worked out some tile sizes reasonably well now
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I have LUT init bits now
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found some strangeness already
the datasheet suggests that the clock for the flipflops can be selected from clock input, inverted clock input, constant 0 or constant 1, but you can only pick inverted or regular
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Also one of the latch/flipflop selector bits is in a strange place relative to other config for that slice
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daveshah: what do the numbers in the trellis fuzzer directory names signify? the order they are to be run in?
Similar to init scripts etc
is there an automated thing that runs them all?
I resolved the issue I was having with the tile locations and sizes, I had the size wrong since the routing only tiles on the edges are thinner and my code to create a Chip from a bitstream was getting the bits in each byte in the wrong order
No, I never automated it but it was designed so that would be possible
ah okay
So I have done lut init for the two kinds of slice
and a bunch of misc reg config stuff
now doing modes
I am curious what the RAMW mode could be for lslices
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daveshah: is there a good way to figure out a list of what modes slices support?
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OmniMancer, which FPGA are you fuzzing?
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Anyone have any code laying around for talking to the QSPI PSRAM on the Tang Nano?
ZipCPU, would this be something your qspiflash code could deal with, or is it completely different?
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pepijndevos: Anlogic eagle
Ah cool.
Eh... so this Tang Nano can't contain a framebuffer or anything. Interesting choice of hardware.
The pixel clock runs at 33MHz, so I'm not even sure you could read anything from QSPI PSRAM fast enough.
pepijndevos: its one of the smaller gowin parts yes?
Aye, GW1N-1, 1152 LUT4
I just recently got some of the Anlogic Tang boards
Okay, so it has 4 BRAM I could configure as 13 addr bits and 8 data bits.
So I could do 8x8 1bpp tiles in 2^12 bits and then use the other 2^12 bits for a 50x30 tilemap at 2x scale
pepijndevos: I have qspi code but it's for the ECP5, you'd need to adapt the phy layer.
hmmm, for now I think I'll just cram stuff in BRAM.
For QSPI I figure you'd need to do continuous reads at twice the pixel clock for it to work.
And that is if you cram your data in a single byte. If you do 16 bit colour, you'd need to read at 4 times the pixel clock
You can't read continuously from PSRAM you can do bursts but it has a maximum CE low time of 8 uS so you can't read for longer than that without pause.
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I suppose you have hblank to finish the read and start the next one
pepijndevos: It looks similar enough that my qflexpress core might work, but it would only treat the device as a ROM--providing horrible RAM performance
Meaning it'll do writes pages at a time?
If I run out of bram I'll definitely try qflexpress
IIRC you put a lot of effort into optimizing read performance
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I want to try and display a static 1080p image from PSRAM, I should have just enough bw for a 8 bit image on the had badge.
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whitequark: what if we spell JN as NOP or NOPJ? i don't really see any good NOPs, maybe ADJW 0? J 0 would also work. i think everything else would touch the flags
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pepijndevos: The qflexpress core is designed to optimize reads. It doesn't understand write commands. Further, reads are so optimized as to no longer need any command--the controller sets the flash up so that it can just issue an address and get the data
If you had a read/write QSPI core, you'd need to issue both read and write commands, and chances are the command would need to be given before either read or write
(You could optimize it several ways ...)
As currently written, writing to the QSPI device is a software intensive process--not something handled by the hardware itself
Software needs to place the core into a special mode. Software then needs to issue the write command, the address bytes, and then the data bytes. A read/write controller would instead do this directly from the FPGA hardware
So, I'm reading through the ECP5 docs from Lattice, and they mention CCU2 "mode", however synth_ecp5 uses CCU2C primitives. So, is CCU2 a physical part of a PFU that gets routed, then?
Yes, slices are set to CCU2 mode into which is packed a CCU2C (carry and 2 LUT4s) and up to two registers
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So CCU2C is a representation of a slice configured for CCU2 mode?
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You know, it's pretty annoying to check if your Quartus flow works correctly when Quartus itself ICEs in a way that is unique to you
Googling the error turns up a pastebin I made back in July of a stack trace *with the exact same bug*
I have had some issues fuzzing some enum settings, perhaps there are some other requirements for them to generate any different bits
ZirconiumX: yes, CCU2C is the combinational part of it, excluding the regs
ZipCPU, hmmm thanks, I'll think about it. Another thing related to your blog: clock dividers. On your blog you mention that making a clock in logic is a horrible idea for timing, and I can see why, but I wonder what is the correct way to run a piece of logic in khz speeds, below the output of your PLL
Quartus has some *not great* primitive design, so I was looking at the other families for inspiration of how to do things "better"
pepijndevos: most likely, using a clock enable
^ +1
For example I so far have three different (saner?) primitives for LUTs.
These then go through a rename pass to the final result
This being said I still have no clue if the approach works for the aforementioned reasons
ZirconiumX: most inconvenient
Inconvenient doesn't begin to describe it
I need to figure out how to start fuzzing routing
At its core, it's not too difficult. But it depends majorly on the information available to you
as far as I can tell not especially much
As far as I can tell, the best approach we can get is essentially to pick random LUT tiles and connect them
I get a bunch of names that might be pips out of the pnl files
And repeat until you can isolate a bit
still have some logic config to figure out as well
tpw_rules: great idea re NOP
whitequark: alright that sounds good. does JN have a different cycle count to ADJW 0? I think JN would be less
maybe we can have like NOP3 or NOP4 or whatever the cycles are then
i don't want to guarantee cycle count
for one, a pipelined impl is reasonable
alright. then i'll just spell JN as NOP
also good news i'm trying to use nmigen and reading other people's code annoys me so i'm about to have a lot of questions
so how would i make a struct of signals? so that i can like give it to a submodule without having to have 37 .eq statements
what value is a Signal if it's set comb in an FSM but it's not that state?
does it work like verilog where i would set it to the default value ahead of the FSM?
In any process (always) block, signals not given values retain their last value
sure in verilog
i'm wondering about nmigen
This can be a problem in combinatorial blocks, since keeping values like that requires a latch, and latches aren't necessarily fully supported in FPGAs
Ahh, okay, I can't speak to nmigen. Sorry.
also also in nmigen how can i output a clock to a pin? with enable too
tpw_rules: the general hardware solution for this (not sure if nmigen has any syntactic sugar to hide this)
is to drive a DDR output buffer with the clock
hard wire one input of the DDR buffer to 0
then tie the other to clock enable or constant 1 as appropriate
tpw_rules: comb signal that is not driven is at its reset value
tpw_rules: to output a clock, you request a DDR buffer, indeed. pin = platform.request("<pin name>", xdr=2); m.d.comb += pin.o_clk.eq(ClockSignal()), pin.o0.eq(0), pin.o1.eq(1)
xdr=2 Just Works?
:O my basic panel driver works first try! (once compile errors were resolved)
I'm trying to port a piece of C code to VHDL, and it's so tempting to use variables everywhere rather than translate to a state machine.
i have the opposite problem lol pepijndevos
when i'm programming c it's so tempting to just make everything a state machine
Is that a bad thing? ;)
fortunately not
I wonder how much of a slow monstrosity I'd get if I'd just directly port C to VHDL with variables everywhere.
which edge of the clock input corresponds to which DDR buffer output?
o0 is the posedge output, o1 is the negedge output
right, so what I recommended above would mean the clock is inverted
well it's what i want i think
hm, compilation is so fast there's no need to figure out how to do simulation :OP
that's a bit dangerous
nmigen doesn't let you write most kinds of unsound code, but debugging without simulating is still a good way to waste time
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is there a way to simulate a platform?
or at least transplant the resources from a platform into simulation