ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<Foone_> nah, I missed that one, sadly
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<ValleyBell> cr1901_modern: I went with "AoTInsChange" (ahead-of-time instrument changes) for the name of the feature.
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<ValleyBell> Sarayan: I included the bugfix for the I8096 CPU core.
<ValleyBell> and it makes a pleasant, non-distorted sound
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<cr1901_modern> ValleyBell: Glad to hear that you went w/ my input :)
<ValleyBell> If you're curious what difference the feature makes:
<Lord_Nightmare> Foone_: i'm in the process of re-entering the corona ppc-400 font in fontstruct, at least in pure block form
<Lord_Nightmare> i wish fontstruct had a way of importing data in a standard block file
<Lord_Nightmare> it can export data in the proprietary 'glyphs' mac font editor format, but this is a surprisingly easy to parse xml format
<Foone_> nifty
<Lord_Nightmare> i figured out almost all of it just by looking at one xml file it put out, it might be possible to write a .glyphs to fontforge .sfd converter
<Lord_Nightmare> but probably a fair bit of work
<Foone_> I need to do more research into this subject, because people keep asking about exporting from the death generator into TTF fonts
<Foone_> but that's gonna be really annoying to automate
<Lord_Nightmare> i wonder how different the .glyphs format is to the .ufo format, as both are xml-based font formats
<Lord_Nightmare> I've never seen a .ufo file
<Lord_Nightmare> Foone_: btw i wrote a parser for the xerox alto .al font format
<Lord_Nightmare> the 'oldest' of the formats for the alto
<Lord_Nightmare> there's two newer digital pixel formats which are both bitblt based, but .al isn't
<Lord_Nightmare> the oberon computer/os's font format seems to be based on a cleaned up version of the xerox .al format
<Lord_Nightmare> i haven't fully reverse engineered that one though