ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901_modern> Oh hey would you look at this?!
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<emily> not gonna lie, as an american I've heard this debunking more than I've heard people actually dismiss it
<emily> (though I do agree it's perfectly valid and I gather there was tons of negative media coverage at the time)
<emily> er
<emily> as a non-american rather
<emily> (I mean also I wasn't alive when it happened)
<andlabs> this was like ten years ago lol
<andlabs> it got a healthy case of both
<andlabs> what the hell is this storage format
<andlabs> oh, apparently 'magneto-optical disk' is itself a format
<andlabs> I was confused because the name sounded like a description of the technology, not a specific implementaiton of it
<andlabs> apparently MiniDisc is magneto-optical
<andlabs> which explains why it's a separate thing from 3.5" compact discs
<cr1901_modern> Are standard CDs really 3.5" in diameter? that seems small
<cr1901_modern> emily: Interesting, I brought it up b/c someone in here mentioned a frivolous lawsuit and I used the coffee case an analogy
<emily> I was going to say "you can probably just assume all malicious-citizen-attacks-poor-corporation stories you picked up from media/cultural osmosis are bullshit", but tbh you can probably omit the adjective on "stories" there >_>
<cr1901_modern> bahaha... true
<cr1901_modern> did you know that the Chevy Nova _didn't_ fail in South America because "no va" means "it doesn't go"?
<cr1901_modern> This seems to be a factoid (prescriptivist definition) that was passed around a lot in the 90's
<cr1901_modern> (Although "no va" truthfully _does_ mean "it doesn't go" in Spanish)
<balrog> Foone_: did you end up getting an LD calibration disc?
<andlabs> no, standard CDs are 7"
<andlabs> [12:16:19] <emily>I was going to say "you can probably just assume all malicious-citizen-attacks-poor-corporation stories you picked up from media/cultural osmosis are bullshit", but tbh you can probably omit the adjective on "stories" there >_>
<andlabs> I don't know about you but the family that foreclosed on a bank of america branch was great and totally not bullshit