ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<mrspicy2445> How are you?
<mrspicy2445> Do you know about GEW10?
<Lord_Nightmare> me? not much
<Lord_Nightmare> i know a bit about gew8 and gew6, but not much about gew10
<mrspicy2445> It's most likely a precursor to GEW12
<Lord_Nightmare> gew8+opl3 - dspbus = opl4
<mrspicy2445> Not all GEW8 based systems have an LDSP though
<Lord_Nightmare> true, but the bus is there. the opl4 has a much simpler bus for a fixed function reverb/spatializer dsp iirc
<Lord_Nightmare> while the ldsp was programmable
<mrspicy2445> Okay
<mrspicy2445> So does the GEW10 use a mask ROM as well?
<Lord_Nightmare> I don't know.
<mrspicy2445> It's program+wave in the same chip, much like GEW12
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<mrspicy2445> And what is wave shaping?
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<andlabs> well I bought 3 commodore sound expanders
<andlabs> (one with disk software, one with tape software, and one that was bundled with a last-ditch attempt at recouping their losses which was a bundle with the keyboard and Sound Studio software)
<andlabs> yes I intend on dumping all of this
<Foone_> nifty!
<andlabs> I did do a very basic dump of the Sound Studio software that I bought separately using a 1530USB but one of the sides doesn't seem to load and something seems clumsy about the way I did it, and I'm pretty sure my azimuth is off
<andlabs> I also have a commdoore sound sampler with disk software but a broken mic
<andlabs> there was one other sfx cartridge-port peripheral but I've forgotten what it was (magic voice? something else?)
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<andlabs> need to get that and a few other minor things and then I'll have a full-ish set
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<andlabs> I also have a moog song producer now (but no software or manuals — apparently those are all online already????), a siel sound buggy, the complete sequential musicmate software suite (which I will be dumping once I do one other thing with the musicmate itself!), and some other rare c64 educational piano thingy
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<andlabs> but the pointw as I just spent $900 in one go
<andlabs> go me :D
<andlabs> (on the 3 sound expanders)
cr1901_modern has joined ##yamahasynths
<andlabs> oh yeah there were also two not very well known pieces of SFX software
<andlabs> Pop Hits and The Beatles
<andlabs> learn to play things
<andlabs> I have those too
<andlabs> I do wonder if I should stop trying to follow the differences between disk and tape
<andlabs> who knows
<cr1901_modern> dump them :P?
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<andlabs> meanwhile because I'm a king of bad spending habits in a single day, I now own a NTSC amiga 1000 for literally the cheaper than I could find on ebay
<Lord_Nightmare> andlabs: i'm looking for flac rips of the 'skip to my loops' cds from the mid 90s
<Lord_Nightmare> many samples on those cds were not cleared properly, and later pressings are missing the interesting ones
<Lord_Nightmare> including the ones used on sonic 3 and s&k
<andlabs> lol
<andlabs> try discogs?
<andlabs> also continuing from earlier: "Fully working Amiga 1000. Also included is an original mouse with the 90 degree connector. Includes a switchable kickstart 1.3 or 3.1 I will also include workbench disks "
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [12.03.20 19:43] (and yes the keyboard is included too)
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [12.03.20 19:44] fwiw this was commodore4ever's amiga 1000; they made the replacement c64 psu I have which I do recommend getting
<andlabs> Pietro Gagliardi, [12.03.20 19:44] they also sell adapters for using it with the 128 and plus/4