ChanServ changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<cr1901_modern> ValleyBell: Wait that 0x30 bytes isn't shared between music and SFX, since they can't be used simultaneously?
<cr1901_modern> simultaneously for sound and music*. Well, I guess it could, but only SFX or music is actually playing
<ValleyBell> Music and SFX "tracks" can be used simultaneously
<ValleyBell> however SFX tracks temporarily silence and override music tracks that use the same FM/PSG channel
<ValleyBell> music tracks still need to be processed to prevent the sequence from going out-of-sany
<ValleyBell> *sync
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<cr1901_modern> ValleyBell: I'm glad I did a bit more experimenting... for a given piece of music in an ADL file, there isn't a one-to-one correspondence to tracks and the music playing
<cr1901_modern> e.g. the intro uses more than one track in the intro file, selectively dummying it out
<cr1901_modern> so "duplicating the pointers for the entire array" won't work
<cr1901_modern> (You can, however, AFAICT, know which pointers are used for the current piece by looking at the jump in primary indices)
<ValleyBell> hmm... this sounds more complicated than I remember...
<ValleyBell> I thought the array at the beginning just listed the IDs/offsets of useable songs.
<ValleyBell> (a song may then span multiple IDs)
<ValleyBell> or "patterns", if we use tracker terminology
<cr1901_modern> I'll like into it more later
<cr1901_modern> in the meantime, what in the world is the syntax of vgm2txt?
<cr1901_modern> I can't get it to do the whole file for the life of me
<ValleyBell> just press "return" twice
<ValleyBell> or enter 0
<ValleyBell> vgm2txt expects a "time" string
<ValleyBell> like 0:12.34
<cr1901_modern> Okay vgm2txt is working, my mistake
<cr1901_modern> the "end time" is lying about the percentage
<cr1901_modern> End Time: 1.631 % - 00:01.49 / 01:31.14
<cr1901_modern> Uhhh, no. You logged the whole file
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<cr1901_modern> ValleyBell: Does split delay automatically remove leading/trailing wait commands?
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<ValleyBell> yes
<ValleyBell> it does
<ValleyBell> if the delay is large enough
<ValleyBell> The syntax is: End Time: 00:01.49
<ValleyBell> minutes-seconds syntax: 00:01
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