sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<colatkinson> Hey guys, I don't know if this is the place to ask (please correct me if not), but I have a question about Bitcoin timelocks. Is there any current implementation essentially an inverse of OP_CSV/OP_CLTV, i.e. making a branch of a script unspendable after a certain block height?
<mryandao> #bitcoin
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<wormking> hey guys
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<wormking> anybody that uses coinbase... is there a fee if i want to transfer my ltc from the exchange wallet to a different personal one?
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<waxwing> wormking, #bitcoin
<waxwing> mryandao, that Q (from colatkinson), i mentioned before it's basically a FAQ here now, it's the most commonly asked question (like once a week), and it has a definitive answer too.
<mryandao> harding provided an excellent answer on that
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