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<contrapumpkin> has anyone come up with a protocol to sell a hash preimage if you don't want the preimage to be public, and that doesn't involve ZKCP?
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<sipa> sure, but it involves a ZKCP :)
<contrapumpkin> lol
<sipa> though you could use bulletproofs instead of snarks :)
<contrapumpkin> how would that work?
<sipa> use a zkcp, but do s/libsnark/libbulletproof/ ;)
<sipa> (hypothetically speaking, assuming an API conpatible bulletproof library existed)
<contrapumpkin> lol
<contrapumpkin> ok
<contrapumpkin> I thought bulletproofs were for ranges only
<contrapumpkin> I need to learn moar
<sipa> nope, arbitrary circuits
<sipa> *arithmetic
<contrapumpkin> fun
<contrapumpkin> so we can do the same R1CS stuff?
<sipa> what's that?
<contrapumpkin> as far as I understand, the "raw" input to libsnark
<contrapumpkin> I'll read more about bulletproofs :)
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<sipa> ah
<sipa> the raw input to a bulletproof is a list of multiplications, and linear constraints between the input/output variables for those multiplications
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<sipa> i expect it's very similar to libsnark, though i believe snarks can deal with boolean variables more efficiently than with integers
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<RubenSomsen> andytoshi: I just finished watching Bulletproofs from BPASE '18. Am I understanding correctly that batch validation of bulletproofs brings validation time below that of ECDSA? That is huge.
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<sipa> RubenSomsen: no, benedikt was wrong about how fast ECDSA was
<RubenSomsen> ah, dang
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<sipa> it's around 5-7 times slower to verify a bulletproof than ecdsa (when there are many proofs to verify in parallel)
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<RubenSomsen> OK, yeah that was my understanding prior to this video. Sad to hear it is not true, thanks for clearing that up, Pieter.
<sipa> it's still incredibly fast
<sipa> a few 100 microseconds
<sipa> much faster than snark verification (for this size of problem; for sufficiently large problems snarks are faster)
<RubenSomsen> Yeah, that is pretty amazing. Are bulletproofs usable for ZKCP as well?
<RubenSomsen> I guess ZKCP allows for interaction, so there must be more efficient schemes.
<sipa> yes, they could be used for ZKCP
<sipa> any zero-knowledge system
<RubenSomsen> Right
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<andytoshi> RubenSomsen: i will give a talk about this at a milan bitcoin meetup (i think), and hopefully i'll have better numbers by then
<andytoshi> in a couple days
<RubenSomsen> andytoshi: Cool, thanks for the update. Hope the video will be posted online!
<andytoshi> i'm sure it will be :)
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<andytoshi> i'll also talk about applications and the general circuit stuff, which i think benedikt didn't go into as much as he could've
<RubenSomsen> Yeah, I am curious where else it can be used in practice.
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<andytoshi> it depends a fair bit on the numbers we get for circuit proving/verification
<andytoshi> which i intend to get in the next day or two
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<RubenSomsen> I guess that must be slower than CT proofs, since you are not just proving a single range.
<andytoshi> yea CT proofs are basically the simplest nontrivial circuit
<andytoshi> plus, because the output wires for every multiplication gate are fixed values (they're all 1) there is an additional optimization that can be done vs a general circuit
<andytoshi> which is why in the paper, the rangeproof polynomials have degree 1 while the circuit polynomials have degree 3
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<tromp> hi andytoshi
<tromp> having some MW discussion in grin/dev that may interest you
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<andytoshi> oh, sure, i didn't realize i wasn't on
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<contrapumpkin> "called Mimblewimble [Jed16,Poe]"
<contrapumpkin> lol
<contrapumpkin> seems amusing to have harry potter names in citations, but I guess there's not much else to do
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<Cosmosis> (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
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