sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<JackH> did anyone beside jeff ever work on this: ?
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<Eliel> I came up with an idea for a route finding algorithm for lightning network while writing a comment on reddit and ended up writing a short description of it in the comment. Might someone knowledgeable read it and give it some critique if it needs any?
<Eliel> I was just going to write about how the requirements of an LN routing algorithm differ from the viewpoint the previous commentor was talking from and somehow ended up writing a rather competely algorithm description.
<witchkraft> midnightmagic: why did you kick me out of bitcoin-forks, i didnt even say a word
<witchkraft> just felt like being a dicknocker?
<witchkraft> scared your magic isnt as good as mine?
<witchkraft> you're a wizard with no power other than /ban
<witchkraft> wahooooo great job
<witchkraft> i got all the power and you got nothing!
<witchkraft> lol
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<EvanR> Eliel: theres #lightning-dev
<Eliel> EvanR: Is it alive these days? The last time I tried asking something a little more involved there I got no reaction from anyone.
<EvanR> if not theres
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<rusty> Eliel: depends on your TZ, too... I'm in #lightning-dev and #c-lightning now, for example.
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