sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<contrapumpkin> nice
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<contrapumpkin> what's a good channel to talk about practical issues with libsnark?
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<a87ry5> It has been mentioned that MAST is useful for multiparty RNG. Has anyone explored using MAST RNG in a lighting channel? For example, instead of depositing coins into a gambling site, you would open a channel with the service and could then interactively update the channel's state to bet against the house or other routable parties.
<maaku> > It has been mentioned that MAST is useful for multiparty RNG <-- a87ry5: what do you mean?
<a87ry5> maaku: The details are a little foggy, but it was my understanding if you had two parties who each provided sparate script branches with some random data, that data could be combined to create a random number. It was a long time ago though I may have misread or misunderstood how that could be used in practice.
<a87ry5> The branches would not be revealed until after the funds were locked, of course
<a87ry5> And perhaps that random data could be used with a adiabat style discreet log oracle, or something
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