sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<waxwing> PaulTroon_, i'd be interested to hear people's thoughts about that too; in particular the properties of BLS sigs (are they basically the size of the group? so 256 bit for secp256k1?). and do they have non-interactive aggregatability directly, is there some tradeoff?
<waxwing> on the topic of very low bandwidth, i can't help wondering whether using pubkey recovery might help (if you were bottlenecked on bandwidth and not verification/computation)
<waxwing> otoh, if we're talking about something like payments for network provision, one would tend to think in terms of payment channels, but i guess it's interesting .. for the actual payment that'd take more bandwidth, but you'd win by not needing to access blocks in a blockchain?
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<waxwing> i guess scratch that last point, it's not relevant, you need to verify, and the Q of how txs are signed and serialized still applies anyway with a payment channel.
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<waxwing> oh, forgot, secp256k1 group size is irrelevant, you need to use different groups
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<contrapumpkin> andytoshi: nice talk! I finally watched it
<kanzure> is there anything new in there by any chance?
<contrapumpkin> I think it's just a general intro to mimblewimble and scriptless scripts, but I wasn't exactly an expert on it before then :)
<contrapumpkin> just found the first mimblewimble message in my logs, it's funny
<sipa> contrapumpkin: i just saw your tweet about it, and realized that i probably follow you since before i knew bitcoin
<contrapumpkin> hah, I don't tweet about bitcoin much :) I can't remember when I followed you but it was probably when I first got into bitcoin, so probably 2011 or so?
<sipa> i first learned about bitcoin in #haskell-blah in nov/dev 2010
<contrapumpkin> hah, okay, maybe that's where we crossed paths
<contrapumpkin> I stopped hanging out there a few years ago
<sipa> me too
<contrapumpkin> speaking of twitter, can y'all do some sort of blockstream peer pressure to get gmaxwell an account?
<sipa> i believe that is a lost cause
<sipa> :)
<contrapumpkin> damn!