lgierth changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs 0.4.11-rc2 is out! Please test: https://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/v0.4.11-rc2 | Dev chat: #ipfs-dev | IPFS, the InterPlanetary FileSystem: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs | FAQ: https://git.io/voEh8 | Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ | Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vVBS0
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<SpeakFreely> deltab: just a few mentions of IPFS in the spec. I'm excited to use libp2p! Always was interested in building p2p applications but everytime I tried it was such a pain :)
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<deltab> I think there used to be an example of running a simple chat protocol or something over libp2p
<deltab> might've been removed due to API changes
<SpeakFreely> Are the go and js implemntations fairly consistent with one another? Seems most of the examples are in js
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<deltab> I believe so
<SpeakFreely> Sweet :D
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<deltab> though I don't really know much about either :-)
<SpeakFreely> Time for me to find out! Thanks for your help
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<gts> is ipfs-update repo being ignored? PRs are pending -_-
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<r0kk3rz> has anyone looked at doing a sci-hub mirror on ipfs?
<samae> r0kk3rz: that'd be needed yes
<r0kk3rz> scientific papers is a good fit for ipfs, since once published they do not change
<MrSparkle> webcomics the perfect fit for ipfs
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<mikedd> MrSparkle: epic! XD
<mikedd> r0kk3rz: isn't there such a thing yet?
Kubuxu changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs 0.4.11 is out! Please Update: https://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/v0.4.11 | Dev chat: #ipfs-dev | IPFS, the InterPlanetary FileSystem: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs | FAQ: https://git.io/voEh8 | Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ | Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vVBS0
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<Kubuxu> demize: go-ipfs 0.4.11 is out
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<whyrusleeping> pffft... we fix a memory usage issue, and then the number of peers in the network doubles
* whyrusleeping sighs
<whyrusleeping> gts: Feel free to link any PRs here, its quite hard to keep track of everything on github
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<Alpha64> somebody asked if there's a way to only seed pinned files
<whyrusleeping> Alpha64: kinda, you can only 'announce' pinned files by changing the reprovider settings
<whyrusleeping> gts: thanks, will take a look
<gts> just a oneliner :P
<Alpha64> how could you do that?
<whyrusleeping> gts: merged! also looking at the other ipfs-update PRs now
<Alpha64> oh nice
<gts> whyrusleeping: thanks :)
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<AphelionZ> how does the dead simple use case - upload / download from remote server work currently? is it still the HTTP gateway?
<AphelionZ> I asked maybe 6 months ago and it wasn't secure
<AphelionZ> or should I create my own endpoints, say, in Python or something that interface with IPFS under the hood
<r0kk3rz> AphelionZ: what are you trying to do?
<AphelionZ> we have an app that's currently 100% client side using indexeddb to store encrypted data on a phone
<AphelionZ> we're trying to achieve cross-device sync using IPFS to archive and transfer the encrypted data
<AphelionZ> so there would be periodic upload (data is stored encrypted at rest) and then given an IPNS hash they would sync with that data
<AphelionZ> so i guess updates would both upload something and pin the IPNS hash to the new uploaded data's IPFS hash?
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<r0kk3rz> thats one way of doing it, but that wont be bidirectional
<AphelionZ> is there a better bidirectional way of doing it?
<AphelionZ> im all ears :) that's why I'm asking here
<r0kk3rz> IPNS is kinda slow and is tied to a particular node, so you need to handle signalling in another way
<AphelionZ> how slow? I can live with a sync every minute or so
<r0kk3rz> you can use pubsub or p2p for signalling, depending on if its 1-1 or 1-many
<AphelionZ> we're just trying to be really careful about people's data - we don't really want to know anything at all about the encrypted stuff
<AphelionZ> so im wary of solutions that require sending keys across the wire, etc
<r0kk3rz> well thats up to you how you want to handle the encryption key side
<AphelionZ> though we DO (of course we have to make it difficult) want to do something with shared keys where we might be able to do cross account anonymous analaysis of the data ;)
<AphelionZ> so we're in for a huge challenge
<AphelionZ> but how slow is IPNS?
<AphelionZ> how long do I have to wait for a hash and a pin
<r0kk3rz> im not sure exactly, but its not used for frequently changing stuff
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<AphelionZ> hmmm I see
<AphelionZ> its too bad, it could be useful as a cursor like that
<r0kk3rz> pubsub is typically what is used to propagate hash updates
<r0kk3rz> but depending on your duty cycle, you might want to use both
<AphelionZ> which pubsub implementation is hot these days?
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<r0kk3rz> i might be out of date but afaik theres only floodsub currently
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<AphelionZ> ok
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<AphelionZ> @Kubuxu how far along has IPNS performance come from the days of this ticket? https://github.com/ipfs/notes/issues/109
<r0kk3rz> AphelionZ: the private network feature might help you as well, since it sounds like this data isnt really public https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/master/docs/experimental-features.md#private-networks
<AphelionZ> for our use case we may very well be able to wait 10 seconds
<AphelionZ> r0kk3rz: that looks pretty cool
<Kubuxu> AphelionZ: we have some important changes in the pipeline
<Kubuxu> IPNS pubsub reaolution
<Kubuxu> Reaolution
<Kubuxu> And next few months we will target DHT performance
<Kubuxu> Which will help with IPNS
<AphelionZ> cool. would it make sense then, for us to start down the road of using IPNS as a cursor like I described and then wait for the performance improvements?
<AphelionZ> we don't necessarily need it to be "Real time" we just need to make sure we're not losing / corrupting data
<AphelionZ> and if we can do it without setting up pubsub and just using our client app and a baseline ipfs instance/cluster, that would be best
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<AphelionZ> Are there any demo / example pubsub implementations that I can look at?
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<lachenmayer> AphelionZ: it sounds like dat (datproject.org) / hypercore (the underlying merkle tree + append-only log) might be interesting as a solution to your problem
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<AphelionZ> lachenmayer: interesting! looking at it now
<lachenmayer> addresses in dat are a ed25519 public key, and the person with access to the private key can write updates to that same address
<AphelionZ> looks like it does real time as well?
<lachenmayer> those can be replicated real time
<lachenmayer> yes it's real time! in the browser i've found the only thing that slows it down is finding peers - which you currently have to do using a signaling server
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<lachenmayer> but if you know where to send your data it does real time updates
<AphelionZ> hmmm ok so we still need a signaling layer
<lachenmayer> there's a neat demo of the whole thing at https://github.com/mafintosh/hyperirc but the signaling server is down lol
<lachenmayer> with a web client at https://github.com/mafintosh/hyperirc-www
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<lachenmayer> signaling is always the problem in browser - not sure if anyone has solved peer discovery
<lachenmayer> but the interesting thing about the dat/hyper* stack is that all the peer discovery & storage parts are modular and interchangeable
<lachenmayer> eg. to persist a hypercore feed in indexeddb you can use https://github.com/substack/random-access-idb
<AphelionZ> i think for now im going to separate the client and the ipfs layer
<AphelionZ> im gonna let server-side ipfs handle the peering, swarming, etc and just basically POST/GET data to and from there
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<AphelionZ> and work around the IPNS performance issues by only syncing once a minute
<AphelionZ> then based on what Kubuxu and others are telling me, just wait a few months and upgrade ipfs to get the performance tweaks as they come
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