tiroliro: I believe it just sits on it until it's cache is filled up, then garbage collects stuff as necessary.
Icefoz_, on average, do you know?
if my assumption is correct it would depend on how much the node gets used.
I believe the cache is 10G by default.
why do you ask?
I was thinking how permanent a file is
I mean, I added a couple of documents here
If I turn off my daemon, will I recovr them?
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you can't assume anything
I watched a video by Siraj Raval and he was like, IPFS is the permanent web. In what sense, is IPFS permanent?
there's no link rot
but somebody needs to be running a node with the file you want
I got it
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daviddias: would it be useful to test js relay on the js-ipfs feat/add-relay branch at this point?
Or is that too preliminary?
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Is there somewhere I can read about ipfs git integration?
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“ERROR commands/h: cannot add filestore references outside ipfs root (/home/nand) client.go:247” <- would it be possible for me to add a secondary ipfs root on the filesystem in question so I can use filestore references inside there?
Preferably without having to run a second ipfs daemon
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Testing as we speak, hence still up at 1:20a *grin*
This is /such/ cool work, thanks daviddias
What are you building with js-ipfs? :)
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daviddias: working on a self-hosting VR environment
A code editor designed to edit itself
Inside VR
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Icefoz_: automatic GC is disable by default -- gotta pass --enable-gc to ipfs daemon
I realized domain names are all lowercase. Had to change them to q-mfv-d-y-d-9d-u7fn-r-4d-k-oop-x-z-nr-u-oa-rr-3f-b-r-r-3udbh.z-a-t-9m2h-.node.libp2p . also after installing the x509 ca the browser complains that the common name isn't matching (curl doesn't)
mkg20001[m]: encode them as base32
check out github.com/neocities/hshca and also search the ipfs org for "base32"
gotta run, flying back home
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HI all, I was trying to git clone my ipfs repo
but I get an error
ipfs no link named "info" under
can anyone please help me?
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lgierth: So what does it do when it fills up the local cache? Just refuse to fetch more things?
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garbage collector purges things
r0kk3rz: lgierth just said it's disabled by default.
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Which implies there's some behavior besides "garbage collect stuff"
indeed, docs say it will just fail to write stuff
Gotta wonder why GC is disabled by default.
Seems like a simple LRU cache would do pretty well.
they must use it on the gateways at least
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Is that a new record for shortest all hands?
8 minutes.
When I got involved it usually took 12 minutes for the call to start, let alone finish!
lol the first one I'm actually in time for
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Powersource there will be more...
hah, just randomly met wanderer at Starbucks!
flyingzumwalt: good that we beat the record since my internet connection is so bad, so it'll be fast to upload!
hehe yeah I've watched some before, I just haven't been able/remembered to attend live
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Is the all hands going on today?
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pawn: it started at the top of this hour, and ended after 5-10 mins. pretty short one today
dgrisham: Oh? Why so short?
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pawn: the agenda was all announcements today, and there weren't any demos. there were quite a few people on the call (~16, I think?) but it was just a slow week
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I would have had a couple of demos but didn't have time to turn on my microphone before everyone left :p
+ I didn't put them in the agenda :(
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wirelesschallenge.mozilla.org has enyone looked into this?
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hullo - i'm working on a p2p project and i suspect libp2p/ipfs are a good foundation to build on. i've read most of the specs and quite a bit of libp2p's actual source / worked through the nice examples from daviddias but now before i go much further i'd really like to talk through a design with someone
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not sure who the right person would be but would love to talk to someone from ipfs about the right approach (perhaps whyrusleeping?)
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pvh: If you hang around eventually then it's likely that whyrusleeping, lgierth or someone else sufficiently informed will show up.
pvh: unless it has to be private, I would advise you to create a new topic on discuss.ipfs.io for everyone to be able to help you
seems reasonable, thanks Icefoz_
+ any resulting discussions would help other people writing applications as well, sharing the knowledge :)
Even better.
pvh: I'm curious though, what are you trying to make?
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Icefoz_: i've built a P2P app that uses webrtc for distributing changes between clients and i'm looking at replacing my home-grown network implementation with either libp2p or some elements of ipfs
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Aha, neat.
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Yo does anyone have a video like that belnder one that juan benet showed off for IPFS that I can test
Also is there a way to limit connections to other peers cause f**k me sideways AFrican internet will never support IPFS
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Hey the performance of the IPFS Wikipedia mirror ain't bad
Me like
Somewhat usable (I mean if we all, the whole world were using it then performance wouldn't be so bad for the less popular pages)
anyways, chereo
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hey, is it possible to embedded media served by IPFS into http website ? exemple, I have wordpress blog, can images be served from IPFS ?
and what would it cost ? from developer point of view ? and from user pov ?
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what's the current status of IPFS pubsub? Does some have some article on it?
Some friends and I have been thinking of implementing some type of text share software on it.
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Nouts[m]: yes, absolutely, as long as the images/resources are being referenced relatively to the root, it should be no problem. Costs would be to develop some plugin that makes a IPFS copy of your wordpress site everytime something changes, and making sure your DNS record gets updated to the new hash
would be a super valuable contribution to have a plugin for doing that
could maybe be integrated with some wordpress plugin that does a fully static copy of your wordpress blog on every change, then just add the step of adding that static copy to ipfs
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ipfs.io/ipfs/Qm... just doesn't seem to find my hashes (has found them before) (and yes the daemon is running, getting the hash from localhost works fine). The webui also says i have a few hundred connections
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Powersource: could you try one of the other public gateways and see if it works there?
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maybe nat issues, or connectionplosion
try v0.4.12-rc1 (see /topic)
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lgierth: would you be interested in chatting about how to build a streaming change-sets application on top of ipfs/libp2p?
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victorbjelkholm: lgierth: ate dinner and came back to at least one hash having loaded :p Trying to load another one now and it seems stuck again but I'll see if it works eventually
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Running the latest version from git
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worked now :)
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hi guys
quick question... does anyone else have issues resolving their ipns txt link when using cloudflare?
i run this: $ ipfs dns --recursive blocksec.com Error: Could not resolve name.
but the txt entry with google dns looks like this: "data": "\"dnslink=/ipns/QmXXNiqsojRDFjq5xC1sLg2kpRu9BRhgJCytEhAPLdndEr\""
and if i do this it works fine: $ ipfs ls /ipns/QmXXNiqsojRDFjq5xC1sLg2kpRu9BRhgJCytEhAPLdndEr/
it was working fine, before I switched to cloudflare
i'm attempting to setup a public ipfs/ipns gateway
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.. and now it works...
why. . . -_-
ahhh does ipns not support dnssec?
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how would one search for files on a ipfs network?
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art_: ooooh, maybe not?
art_: could you file an issue for that?
etched: you would have to first make an index