lgierth changed the topic of #ipfs to: go-ipfs 0.4.12-rc1 is out! Please try out: https://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/v0.4.12-rc1 | Dev chat: #ipfs-dev | IPFS, the InterPlanetary FileSystem: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs | FAQ: https://git.io/voEh8 | Logs: https://botbot.me/freenode/ipfs/ | Code of Conduct: https://git.io/vVBS0
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<Icefoz_> tiroliro: I believe it just sits on it until it's cache is filled up, then garbage collects stuff as necessary.
<tiroliro> Icefoz_, on average, do you know?
<Icefoz_> if my assumption is correct it would depend on how much the node gets used.
<Icefoz_> I believe the cache is 10G by default.
<Icefoz_> why do you ask?
<tiroliro> I was thinking how permanent a file is
<tiroliro> I mean, I added a couple of documents here
<tiroliro> If I turn off my daemon, will I recovr them?
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<Alpha64> no
<Alpha64> you can't assume anything
<tiroliro> I watched a video by Siraj Raval and he was like, IPFS is the permanent web. In what sense, is IPFS permanent?
<Alpha64> there's no link rot
<Alpha64> but somebody needs to be running a node with the file you want
<tiroliro> I got it
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<alantrade[m]> Hi
<sethn> daviddias: would it be useful to test js relay on the js-ipfs feat/add-relay branch at this point?
<sethn> Or is that too preliminary?
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<sethn> Is there somewhere I can read about ipfs git integration?
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<hanna> “ERROR commands/h: cannot add filestore references outside ipfs root (/home/nand) client.go:247” <- would it be possible for me to add a secondary ipfs root on the filesystem in question so I can use filestore references inside there?
<hanna> Preferably without having to run a second ipfs daemon
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<daviddias> good morning!
<sethn> daviddias: good morning!
<sethn> Thanks for the ref, about to hit the sack but will read through tomorrow :)
<daviddias> as for relay, status is all here https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/pull/830, you can start testing it, it would be a great help
<daviddias> sethn: good night :)
<sethn> Testing as we speak, hence still up at 1:20a *grin*
<sethn> This is /such/ cool work, thanks daviddias
<daviddias> What are you building with js-ipfs? :)
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<sethn> daviddias: working on a self-hosting VR environment
<sethn> A code editor designed to edit itself
<sethn> Inside VR
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<lgierth> Icefoz_: automatic GC is disable by default -- gotta pass --enable-gc to ipfs daemon
<mkg20001[m]> I realized domain names are all lowercase. Had to change them to q-mfv-d-y-d-9d-u7fn-r-4d-k-oop-x-z-nr-u-oa-rr-3f-b-r-r-3udbh.z-a-t-9m2h-.node.libp2p . also after installing the x509 ca the browser complains that the common name isn't matching (curl doesn't)
<lgierth> mkg20001[m]: encode them as base32
<lgierth> check out github.com/neocities/hshca and also search the ipfs org for "base32"
<lgierth> gotta run, flying back home
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<slayerjain> HI all, I was trying to git clone my ipfs repo
<slayerjain> but I get an error
<slayerjain> ipfs no link named "info" under
<slayerjain> can anyone please help me?
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<Icefoz_> lgierth: So what does it do when it fills up the local cache? Just refuse to fetch more things?
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<r0kk3rz> garbage collector purges things
<Icefoz_> r0kk3rz: lgierth just said it's disabled by default.
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<Icefoz_> Which implies there's some behavior besides "garbage collect stuff"
<r0kk3rz> indeed, docs say it will just fail to write stuff
<Icefoz_> Gotta wonder why GC is disabled by default.
<Icefoz_> Seems like a simple LRU cache would do pretty well.
<r0kk3rz> they must use it on the gateways at least
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<victorbjelkholm> Announcement: IPFS all-hands in one hour! Find the agenda here: https://hackmd.io/GwUwhgHCCsAMDGBaWBmALAJkWgJgMwHZEBODAkRARgCMJoxix54RqQg=
<victorbjelkholm> Today hsanjuan is the moderator and jonnycrunch is the notetaker
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<dryajov> Are we having the all hands today?
<victorbjelkholm> yes
<victorbjelkholm> hsanjuan: you're around for doing the moderating?
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<victorbjelkholm> Zoom link for the All Hands: https://zoom.us/j/779-351-365
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<flyingzumwalt> Is that a new record for shortest all hands?
<flyingzumwalt> 8 minutes.
<flyingzumwalt> When I got involved it usually took 12 minutes for the call to start, let alone finish!
<Powersource> lol the first one I'm actually in time for
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<flyingzumwalt> Powersource there will be more...
<victorbjelkholm> hah, just randomly met wanderer at Starbucks!
<victorbjelkholm> flyingzumwalt: good that we beat the record since my internet connection is so bad, so it'll be fast to upload!
<Powersource> hehe yeah I've watched some before, I just haven't been able/remembered to attend live
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<pawn> Is the all hands going on today?
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<dgrisham> pawn: it started at the top of this hour, and ended after 5-10 mins. pretty short one today
<pawn> dgrisham: Oh? Why so short?
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<dgrisham> pawn: the agenda was all announcements today, and there weren't any demos. there were quite a few people on the call (~16, I think?) but it was just a slow week
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<victorbjelkholm> I would have had a couple of demos but didn't have time to turn on my microphone before everyone left :p
<victorbjelkholm> + I didn't put them in the agenda :(
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<SerkanDevel[m]> wirelesschallenge.mozilla.org has enyone looked into this?
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<pvh> hullo - i'm working on a p2p project and i suspect libp2p/ipfs are a good foundation to build on. i've read most of the specs and quite a bit of libp2p's actual source / worked through the nice examples from daviddias but now before i go much further i'd really like to talk through a design with someone
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<pvh> not sure who the right person would be but would love to talk to someone from ipfs about the right approach (perhaps whyrusleeping?)
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<Icefoz_> pvh: If you hang around eventually then it's likely that whyrusleeping, lgierth or someone else sufficiently informed will show up.
<victorbjelkholm> pvh: unless it has to be private, I would advise you to create a new topic on discuss.ipfs.io for everyone to be able to help you
<pvh> seems reasonable, thanks Icefoz_
<victorbjelkholm> + any resulting discussions would help other people writing applications as well, sharing the knowledge :)
<Icefoz_> Even better.
<Icefoz_> pvh: I'm curious though, what are you trying to make?
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<pvh> Icefoz_: i've built a P2P app that uses webrtc for distributing changes between clients and i'm looking at replacing my home-grown network implementation with either libp2p or some elements of ipfs
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<Icefoz_> Aha, neat.
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<kaktest> Yo does anyone have a video like that belnder one that juan benet showed off for IPFS that I can test
<kaktest> Also is there a way to limit connections to other peers cause f**k me sideways AFrican internet will never support IPFS
<Magik6k> kaktest: there is an experimantal connection limiter in 0.4.12-rc: http://dist.ipfs.io/go-ipfs/v0.4.12-rc1, options are in config
<kaktest> anyone got a blog or site or something I can test IPFS with
<Alpha64> test what?
<kaktest> Magik6k: Thanks
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<kaktest> Hey the performance of the IPFS Wikipedia mirror ain't bad
<kaktest> Me like
<kaktest> Somewhat usable (I mean if we all, the whole world were using it then performance wouldn't be so bad for the less popular pages)
<kaktest> anyways, chereo
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<Nouts[m]> hey, is it possible to embedded media served by IPFS into http website ? exemple, I have wordpress blog, can images be served from IPFS ?
<Nouts[m]> and what would it cost ? from developer point of view ? and from user pov ?
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<tiroliro> what's the current status of IPFS pubsub? Does some have some article on it?
<tiroliro> Some friends and I have been thinking of implementing some type of text share software on it.
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<victorbjelkholm> Nouts[m]: yes, absolutely, as long as the images/resources are being referenced relatively to the root, it should be no problem. Costs would be to develop some plugin that makes a IPFS copy of your wordpress site everytime something changes, and making sure your DNS record gets updated to the new hash
<victorbjelkholm> would be a super valuable contribution to have a plugin for doing that
<victorbjelkholm> could maybe be integrated with some wordpress plugin that does a fully static copy of your wordpress blog on every change, then just add the step of adding that static copy to ipfs
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<Powersource> ipfs.io/ipfs/Qm... just doesn't seem to find my hashes (has found them before) (and yes the daemon is running, getting the hash from localhost works fine). The webui also says i have a few hundred connections
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<victorbjelkholm> Powersource: could you try one of the other public gateways and see if it works there?
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<lgierth> maybe nat issues, or connectionplosion
<lgierth> try v0.4.12-rc1 (see /topic)
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<pvh> lgierth: would you be interested in chatting about how to build a streaming change-sets application on top of ipfs/libp2p?
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<Powersource> victorbjelkholm: lgierth: ate dinner and came back to at least one hash having loaded :p Trying to load another one now and it seems stuck again but I'll see if it works eventually
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<Powersource> Running the latest version from git
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<Powersource> worked now :)
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<art_> hi guys
<art_> quick question... does anyone else have issues resolving their ipns txt link when using cloudflare?
<art_> i run this: $ ipfs dns --recursive blocksec.com Error: Could not resolve name.
<art_> but the txt entry with google dns looks like this: "data": "\"dnslink=/ipns/QmXXNiqsojRDFjq5xC1sLg2kpRu9BRhgJCytEhAPLdndEr\""
<art_> and if i do this it works fine: $ ipfs ls /ipns/QmXXNiqsojRDFjq5xC1sLg2kpRu9BRhgJCytEhAPLdndEr/
<art_> it was working fine, before I switched to cloudflare
<art_> i'm attempting to setup a public ipfs/ipns gateway
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<art_> .. and now it works...
<art_> why. . . -_-
<art_> ahhh does ipns not support dnssec?
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<etched> how would one search for files on a ipfs network?
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<whyrusleeping> art_: ooooh, maybe not?
<whyrusleeping> art_: could you file an issue for that?
<whyrusleeping> etched: you would have to first make an index
<art_> thanks whyrusleeping will do
<art_> @whyrusleeping in this repo? ipfs/go-ipfs
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