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<dbotton_> I read recent that order of arguments is not guaranteed to be evaluated left to right. Is this the case in modern implementations as well?
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<Bike> no, in lisp the arguments are evaluated left to right. that's part of the language definition.
<Bike> scheme does not make such a guarantee, though
<Bike> clhs
<Bike> fourth paragraph
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<dbotton_> so if have pop from a stack for each argument the
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<dbotton_> guarantee is that they will pop left to right?
<Bike> correct.
<dbotton_> ok. thank you
<Bike> (let ((x '(0 1))) (values (pop x) (pop x))) => 0, 1
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<dbotton_> I found a few things off is an older book Object Oriented Common Lisp
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<Bike> well, it's probably clearer not to rely on left to righ tevaluation order, anyway
<Bike> i had a compiler bug once that lost this guarantee, and the only problem it caused was in some 80s code
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<easye> Mornin' all.
<easye> A question about "NaN" values...
<beach> Hello easye.
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<easye> ANSI CL has no serialization of "not a number" representations, right?
<beach> Does it even have the concept at all?
<ck_> I don't think so, no
<easye> I don't think so.
<easye> Alright. Then this is something leaking from ABCL's using the JVM float tower underneath.
<easye> Thanks for the clarification.
<aeth> if you can get a NaN on an implementation, something like this is usually how you get it: (float-features:with-float-traps-masked t (/ zero zero)) ; where zero is 0s0 or 0f0 or 0d0 or 0l0 depending on which one you want
<easye> aeth: chekc.
<aeth> this won't work in every implementation that float-features supports
<easye> Right.
* easye reads up on float features again.
<ck_> beach: by the way, does SICL have a fload reader already?
<easye> aeth: thanks.
<beach> ck_: I don't remember.
<beach> SICL uses Eclector, but as I recall, Eclector doesn't have a float reader.
<aeth> easye: and it doesn't look like float-features would support that for ABCL because it will keep :overflow and :underflow
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<aeth> easye: you might still be able to get it with bits-single-float/bits-double-float/etc., though. This assumes you know an IEEE NaN's bits and it's using IEEE
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<aeth> it still might error, though...
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<easye> aeth: I think I will just patch ABCL's compiler to refuse to compile to a fasl containing a representation of a
<easye> "Nan" to be in line with SBCL/CCL here.
<easye> If someone wants to use the serialization of NaN for soemthing, they should use Shinmera's FLOAT-FEATURES.
<aeth> the only problem is that FLOAT-FEATURES has an official way to get infinities but not NaNs
<easye> Ah.
<aeth> The two ways (with-float-traps-masked and bits-whatever-float) are hacks that won't work everywhere, although they can't really work everywhere.
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<easye> I've asked the reporter of the bug for more feedback on if they actually wanted to "do" something with such a serialization, so we'll see if there is a deeper purpose other than nicely capturing a bug in ABCL's compiler.
<aeth> oh, you're the main ABCL developer
* easye is guilty.
<aeth> so if float-features can't produce a NaN in ABCL like it can in SBCL and iirc CCL, you could fix that
<aeth> if producing a NaN is something you want
<easye> right.
<aeth> I've only ever needed that for implementing the +nan.0 and -nan.0 literals in Scheme, on top of CL
<aeth> not much else use for a NaN
<easye> I don't see much use, but then again, I ain't deep in some program that needs to be careful with floats.
<aeth> well, there are other times you might need to read a NaN, like various data formats that allow you to encode NaN
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<easye> The bug reporter (reb) is at GOOG working on protobufs from what I understand, so that might be part of the motivation here.
<aeth> I mean, if you read NaN from a data format, the first thing you want to do is drop it... but you might not want to drop it while reading it, since that's kind of combining different parts of your program in one place
* easye nods.
<aeth> Okay, I just tested CCL. My (/ zero zero) way to get a NaN (and then I use (- nan) to flip it if I want a "negative" NaN if it's "positive") works in both CCL and SBCL.
<aeth> So (with f as my local nickname for float-features) this is how I get +nan.0 and -nan.0 for Scheme in a way that currently works in SBCL and CCL: https://gitlab.com/mbabich/airship-scheme/-/blob/6f4e1c89a0f76910cd65fa67dc8fb3d42a2f4387/scheme-types.lisp#L178-201
<aeth> It's inherently unportable, but if it fails, it'll just fail, probably at the 0/0 part, in which case those implementations just can't use that syntax for now.
<ck_> I recall Java having some interesting choices about type promotion. Does casting NaN into an integer still yield 0?
<aeth> SBCL seems to error with e.g. ROUND on a NaN even if it's with-float-traps-masked. That's unfortunate. Something amusing like 0 is more entertaining.
<easye> ck_: RE: casting NaN into an integer still yield 0? Just tested: yes, with openjdk11.
<easye> That makes no sense at all. Must be some sort of legacy behavior from the initial implementation.
<ck_> easye: thanks for checking. I believe the specification had something along the lines of "casting a floating-point number downwards may never throw an exception"
<easye> In the source code for java.lang.Double.NaN there is this comment: "equivalent to the value returned by Double.longBitsToDouble(0x7ff8000000000000L)"
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<ck_> yeah they speak of normalizing all possible representations of NaN in the specification as well, I'm trying to find what I seem to remember
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<ck_> Paragraph 4.2 says "Any value of a floating-point type may be cast to or from any numeric type.", that may have been it
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<ck_> ah, no, here it is more explicitly -- page 101 of https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iris/se/11/latestSpec/java-se-11-jls-draft-diffs.pdf -- number 1, bullet point 1
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<easye> ck_: Not sure I found your direct reference, but it seems like the cast of a NaN to integer zero is indeed a codified decision.
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<gbr___> hello, is this channel still active?
<Josh_2> yes
<pj__> yes
<gbr___> sweet!
<Josh_2> underscore gang
<gbr___> haha indeed
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<pj__> hey
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<phoe> constantly active
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<phoe> like, not 100% of the time, but there's hundreds to thousands of posts daily - you can see the channel logs for activity - see the channel topic for logs
<Josh_2> hundreds of thousands aye
<phoe> well maybe not that much
<Josh_2> gbr___: this community is small but quite active, and friendly
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<pj__> Is lisp still used?
<Josh_2> What kind of question is that?
<phoe> yes, it is
<gbr___> of course it is
<pj__> Nice
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<gbr___> I am introducing pj to the world of irc and getting him back to the roots, it would be nice if he meets some real devs around here
<Josh_2> some real devs?
<gbr___> well you will understand what I mean if you see the quality devs in his area
<phoe> am I a real dev if I wrote some non-trivial amount of Lisp code in the last year
<Josh_2> obviously not phoe /s
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<gbr___> well are you a real dev if you don't even know how to code without using a well know framework and use stackoverflow 10 times per second?
<Josh_2> ah
<Josh_2> javascript
<gbr___> hahaha
<gbr___> oh well
<gbr___> btw I am wondering, how many here heard of fravia?
<Josh_2> thats more of a #lispcafe topic :P
<gbr___> indeed
<_death> fravia's dead
<gbr___> is he?
<gbr___> kidding
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<gbr___> well at least you heard of him
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<pj__> #lispcafe
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<phoe> yes, this is #lispcafe material
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<markasoftware> Say I have a fairly deep system of classes (class one instantiates class 2, which instantiates several class 3s, which instantiates several class 4s, maybe close to a dozen levels). I want people using the library to be able to easily replace one of the inner classes with their own, without changing all the classes above it. Is there any good pattern for this?
<phoe> by "replace", what do you mean? that they should be able to provide their own class names? keyword arguments?
<flip214> markasoftware: replace or extend?
<markasoftware> I cannot simply store class names in class 1 because class 1 only directly knows about class 2
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<markasoftware> Extend I guess
<flip214> if it's just about "extend", you can always do CHANGE-CLASS afterwards and eg. change a class instance to a subclass
<flip214> so people could inherit from your "default" classes, you just need a protocol to say "change the instance on level 3 to my class X"
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<flip214> or you have a special with the class names, and people can override that locally
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<markasoftware> huh, i've never heard of change-class before!
<markasoftware> I don't really need to change existing instances though
<phoe> the simplest way would be to (defvar *level-2-class* 'standard-level-2-class) and have people rebind that
<phoe> same for all others
<markasoftware> I guess that would work
<markasoftware> It would be cool if all the methods written on class 7 took classes 1-6 as arguments, so it could specialize on them
<markasoftware> so by changing the parent class, you could modify the behavior of all the children classes
<Josh_2> well you can do that with generics
<markasoftware> but then all the methods of class 7 need to take 7 arguments minimum which is a pita
<flip214> markasoftware: that sounds a bit uncommon, can you explain a bit more what you're doing?
<Josh_2> why not just send them as a list?
<flip214> Josh_2: because DEFMETHOD specialization
<flip214> markasoftware: why do all lower methods need to know about upper classes?
<flip214> are there really 7 instances or 7 parent classes?
<markasoftware> i'm just writing a web application. There's something like server->stores several sections->stores several pages->stores several page parts (eg, header, footer, etc)
<flip214> if there are 7 instances with HAS-A relationships, storing the parent instance in the child class and dispatching via a slot with per-class storage might be easier?
<markasoftware> i want to make it easy to change the render-header method, for example.
<flip214> but why do they need to know about the parent classes?
<markasoftware> well if you put in a custom `header` class, you wouldn't
<markasoftware> but another way is just to keep the same class then specialize on the top-level server class, so that way you can change the behavior of render-header without changing the `header` class if tha tmakes any sense
<flip214> is that about "rendering" like HTML vs. JSON vs. XML output or so?
<markasoftware> yeah
<flip214> well, then you need _one_ output object, or just different output stream types - JSON-STREAM, HTML-STREAM, XML-STREAM
<flip214> and all the rendering methods can specialize on that
<markasoftware> sorry that's not quite what I meant. IT's always html
<markasoftware> just if somebody wants to add an extra item to the header for example
<flip214> well, then they could use their own class that derives from your class and have a :AFTER method
<markasoftware> yeah
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<markasoftware> the problem is how do they tell my server where to use their class in a large hierarchy
<flip214> via specials, or a factory function
* flip214 ducks
<markasoftware> well that's two recommendations for special variables now
<markasoftware> I guess i'll look into that more seriously
<markasoftware> thanks for listening to me describe my mediocre setup
<Alfr> markasoftware, there was also the suggestion to pass in a list of class-names, I think.
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<Alfr> markasoftware, that be more explicit and thereby make it easier to test/find bugs.
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<pve> markasoftware: could you have a set-header-instance function specialized on the root object?
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<pj_> what is lisp used for?
<phoe> pj_: everything, it's a general purpose programming language
<Josh_2> It's a very good one at that :P
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<gbr___> is anyone here freelancing with lisp?
<Inline> depends i suppose
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<Josh_2> I wish
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<sm2n> I found a typo in the hyperspec: http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/m_when_.htm#unless
<sm2n> says test-form yields false twice
<luis> sm2n: how do you feel?
<Josh_2> I have found typos before
<sm2n> a little bit betrayed
<sm2n> ;)
<luis> sm2n: will you stop using unless? :)
<sm2n> does this make it undefined behaviour to use unless with a test-form returning 't
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<sm2n> well, the notes clarify it, so it's probably ok
<momozor> hi
<Josh_2> hey
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<sm2n> oh, good to know
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