<stellar-slack> <slackrocks> Hi, how can I get in touch with Jed McCaleb?
<stellar-slack> <jed> hi
<stellar-slack> <jed> mailto:jed@stellar.org|jed@stellar.org
<stellar-slack> <slackrocks> :)
<stellar-slack> <dzham> @eva: It’s just that when you say you're working for the community, and then define community as something I'm not part of, as a privileged while male (albeit living in a 3rd world country, and practically unbanked), I begin to wonder about my place in it.
<stellar-slack> <jed> dzham: I think you are squarely part of the community we are going for. We are trying to build a community of developers and that is you right?
<stellar-slack> <eva> @dzham: ^^^ what Jed said. I think I may be doing a poor job communicating what I mean here. I’m trying to express that a lot of the action happening in the community at large isn’t going to be visible through channels like Slack, or even necessarily online/ on a website. I think Joyce mentioned above, but much of the developer community and integrations shaping up are happening offline or in different silos (
<stellar-slack> the community is stagnating, I believe that it’s actually developing in really exciting ways (case in point, Nigerian dev community) - but it won’t necessarily be apparent here. The last thing I want to do is make it seem that Stellar is only for some people, not for others. *Everyone* is welcome here, and *everyone* can contribute.
<stellar-slack> <eva> I’m also really open to the idea of a hackathon type thing - it’s something that’s been on my/our wishlist for future projects. But I think we’re laying groundwork for that now, with better docs, better processes, better code.
<stellar-slack> <dzham> You’re probably right about visibility
<stellar-slack> <dzham> And that’s not necessarily the fault of SDF
<stellar-slack> <eva> And a Stellar hackathon may look different from an Ethereum one - I’m not really sure what the best platform would be for it, to make sure that *everyone* can participate. Part of what we (http://stellar.org|stellar.org) are doing right now is research, to lay groundwork for growth.
<stellar-slack> <eva> @dzham: would it help to see some kind of … maybe community reporting or something?
<stellar-slack> <lab> i have the same feeling as dzham. i was positioning my contribution as a part of weeds, but it seems worthless and sometimes harmful for planting a tree.
<stellar-slack> <dzham> @eva: yeah, I was thinking about that.. I mean, in the start, with all the excitement, we had a couple of projects like that. E.g., someone started a podcast.
<stellar-slack> <dzham> I know that for other crypto projects, I can listen to a podcast with a half-hour interview of some guy that wrote some obscure python script that’s not really working, and he doesn’t know why, but it’s a cool thing anyways, if it’d ever work.
<stellar-slack> <enano18> hi
<stellar-slack> <lab> hi enano18
<stellar-slack> <enano18> one I can explain what this is?
<stellar-slack> <eva> @lab I hear you, and I can understand why it’d be upsetting to think that your contribution/development projects aren’t important. But I certainly don’t think your contributions are worthless or harmful in any way. I do wonder if we (Stellar) could have been clearer about our goals as a foundation - and that’s something I absolutely want to get better at. I’m considering drafting a blog post of our main g
<stellar-slack> picture. But @lab, even just your presence in the *community* has been immensely valuable, not to mention your technical contributions.
<stellar-slack> <eva> @enano18: hey, welcome! Have you checked out our “learn” page? https://www.stellar.org/learn/
<stellar-slack> <eva> Stellar is an open network where anyone can build financial services for their own communities. It’s completely open source, and can support any currency.
<stellar-slack> <eva> @lab it’s also worth noting that if your project *doesn’t* 100% line up with the goals of http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org the nonprofit, *that doesn’t at all mean your project isn’t valuable*, and I would never mean to imply that.
<stellar-slack> <lab> my first impression of stellar was "wow, ripple is abandon the community and run for big financial institute, and stellar is for community, and jed was dispelled because of this. really cool"
<stellar-slack> <lab> now my understanding is "ripple is for Macro FI, stellar is for Micro FI, so so"
<stellar-slack> <lab> i have misunderstood the definition of "community"
<stellar-slack> <eva> I would say that http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org is focused on underbanked and underserved communities - I would also say that we want to see a community that fully owns the network as much as we do. In that sense, we’re absolutely for the community. That’s a big part of why http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org didn’t develop a fully-featured wallet for the upgraded network - we wanted community devs to have a chanc
<stellar-slack> <eva> Everything we’re doing now is to ensure that we don’t have more ownership of the network than any other party - or at least, that’s what we’re trying our best to do :)
<stellar-slack> <bitmynt> If I understand it correctly Stellar is a non-profit organization and holds somewhere around 90% of the supply? I'm curious about the non-profit thing. Isn't profit the ultimate goal here? And how do you guys utilize the supply?
<stellar-slack> <eva> Hey @bitmynt, thanks for asking - it’s a pretty common confusion. So yes, http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org is a nonprofit organization. Profit is *not* the ultimate goal of http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org - our mission is, simply put, to " expand financial access and literacy worldwide.” (from our mandate). We intend on distributing the lumens to the world, not holding them (see this section of the mandate for
<stellar-slack> https://www.stellar.org/about/mandate/#Lumen_creation) http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org is around to develop the network, promote digital financial literacy, and make sure the network is accessible for *all*.
<stellar-slack> <eva> Does that help clarify @bitmynt? Another way of saying it would be that http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org is not a profit-based org, but for-profit businesses and services can absolutely be built *on* the Stellar network.
<stellar-slack> <lab> eva: please count negative complains in my contribution.
<stellar-slack> <lab> just as stellartalk guys.
<stellar-slack> <lab> i just realized i belongs to that negative community more according to the clarified definition.
<stellar-slack> <eva> @lab I don’t have any problem with criticism :) I see it as a sign that you care deeply about Stellar, and want to see it succeed. I think as long as we can have discussions about things, and try to move forward, then it’s okay. Negative isn’t the same as critical, imo. There’s negativity for the sake of negativity, and then there’s conversation.
<stellar-slack> <eva> For what it’s worth, I am *always* willing to answer an honest question to the best of my ability.
<stellar-slack> <bitmynt> I haven't read much about non profit organizations as I've never considered creating one, but there must be more to meet the criteria of a non-profit than just a statement of mission? And about the lumens, sure that's all nice but what's in it for you guys? How do you live? Will you benefit if Stellar benefits? Are you funded via donations? Do you do consulting for businesses wishing to use the Stellar network?
<stellar-slack> Lumens the foundation holds are to be sold? I'm doing due diligence to be a market maker in Lumens and a few other currencies due to the lack of liquidity on exchanges and thus I'm curious why there is a lack of liquidity in Lumens in the first place and also what pressure to expect in the future.
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<stellar-slack> <eva> @bitmynt: Let me break this down into chunks :) For some documentation around http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org’s status as a nonprofit, here’s our certificate of incorporation: https://www.stellar.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/FILED-STELLAR-DEVELOPMENT-FOUNDATION-00594674.pdf We also have fiscal sponsorship through CEL Education Fund as we complete our own application for 501(c)(3) status. Fiscal sponsorsip bas
<stellar-slack> funds on behalf of the project. This post we wrote a while back might help clarify a few things: https://www.stellar.org/blog/donations/
<stellar-slack> <eva> As for how http://Stellar.org|Stellar.org funds operations, the funding page here may be useful: https://www.stellar.org/about/mandate/#Funding Basically we can use up to 5% of initial lumens, we accept donations, and we received a 3 mil loan from Stripe back at launch.
<stellar-slack> <eva> Is that helpful for some context?
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<stellar-slack> <meoariyan> helllo all
<stellar-slack> <meoariyan> stellar is the best coin
<stellar-slack> <acetakwas> meoariyan: I don't think "stellar" is a "coin".
<stellar-slack> <acetakwas> Anyone wants to correct me about that?
<stellar-slack> <joyce> Stellar is the distributed protocol. There is a native asset known as the lumen which is used as a DDOS security protection feature (right now 1/100,000 of a lumen is required per transaction). Some folks who are familiar with the bitcoin terminology refer to the lumen as a coin. However there are characteristics of the Stellar system that make it not a 1:1 comparison - like lumens are auto- generated by the prot
<stellar-slack> them are around for transactions rather than there being a limited number like bitcoin.
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<stellar-slack> <umbrel> Hey guys
<stellar-slack> <umbrel> just saw news about Oradian
<stellar-slack> <umbrel> congrats!
<stellar-slack> <umbrel> that’s really good
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<stellar-slack> <umbrel> I wonder when I have time to get back in the game :)
<stellar-slack> <vanessa> It's pretty exciting here in Nigeria
<stellar-slack> <vanessa> @scott: is giving his API demonstration this evening and it's *sold out*
<stellar-slack> <umbrel> I’m not tracking closely development process. Is there already something like gatewayd? Or something easy-to-use to accept payments?
<stellar-slack> <scott> Not quite directly gatewayd (I’m assuming you’re referring to the defunct ripple project?) but we do have an in-progress helper server at https://github.com/stellar/gateway-server
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<stellar-slack> <umbrel> Thanks, I'll try to go through your repo to update myself on the progress
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<stellar-slack> <eva> @umbrel: would be fantastic to have you back in the ecosystem :) Great to see you!
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<stellar-slack> <umbrel> thanks @eva, I guess you can speed up my return my hiring me :)
<stellar-slack> <umbrel> I’m pitching now one idea, which involves Stellar, to a huge company, let’s see how it goes
<stellar-slack> <eva> @umbrel: hey, that’s great - wishing you luck :) PS: we do have some dev positions open https://www.stellar.org/jobs/
<stellar-slack> <umbrel> Yeah I know, I want to take a test for at least 6 months now, but I never have time
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<stellar-slack> <eva> Welcome @mhw :)
<stellar-slack> <eva> In today’s infinite strangeness and awesomeness, a Seattle Seahawks (American football) player is excited about Stellar/Oradian! https://twitter.com/RussellOkung/status/694716540634165248
<stellar-slack> <joyce> Oh wow!
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> @eva: Victor Asemota is widely respected here.
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> And he saw the future indeed.
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> This is just beautiful
<stellar-slack> <eva> @cyberomin: it seems like he is a really important figure in Nigeria, yes. I was so excited to see that he’s interested in Stellar and microfinance! Thank you :)
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> He is. He knows his stuff. Thank you for sharing it too.
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> And just incase you were wondering, @scott delivered a *stellar* presentation today :)
<stellar-slack> <eva> Heh, excellent to hear. I saw some of the pictures, and it looked like a full house!
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> It was. He blew everyone, myself included :)
<stellar-slack> <eva> That’s awesome. I really hope some developers are excited enough to go home and start learning more :)
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> You should see some awesomeness from Nigeria soon
<stellar-slack> <eva> I’m already completely blown away by the entrepreneurship and just … general drive that we’re seeing in Nigeria. Ready to watch you take on the world!
<stellar-slack> <cyberomin> :)