a lot of people to find, to be fair). But with FOSS hopefully any marketing you’re doing is just to get it in front of people who will have a genuine interest in the project. Hopefully :P
<dzham> It's all about communication, but to communicate you need to understand your audience, and their needs.
<dzham> For FOSS it's probably more interesting to know about what the documentation looks like, what kind of support is available, who else is using it (i.e., credibility), if it is being actively developed, than it is to know a lot of the things the developers themselves think is important.
<eva> Yes - I’ve been wanting to write a piece on how marketing (good marketing) comes down to empathy. Yeah, absolutely. It’s just different parts of the project, but both are important.
<eva> ha, accurate :) There are definitely some contexts where I’ll say “I’m learning to code” rather than “I do community” - both are true, but sometimes only the former is seen as legit :(
<shidan> is there a reference implementation for stellar gateways?
<shidan> ok thanks ... if its pretty straightforward to setup I will be implementing a stellar gateway for our crypto http://bitgems.io/pinkcoin for next week. Would be interested in exploring partnerships with anyone else on the stellar network as well.
<dzham> If there’s a KYC element to this, assets in Stellar can be set up so they only can be held by pre-authorized accounts
<dzham> >>> When asked to estimate the value of the cosmic jewel, Ronald Winston, CEO of Harry Winston Inc., indicated that such a large diamond probably would depress the value of the market, stating, “Who knows? It may be a self-deflating prophecy because there is so much of it.” He added, “*It is definitely too big to wear!*”
<dzham> In BPM 37093, diamond wear *you*
<dzham> @shidan: I’ve done some similar work before, with other assets. I’d be happy to talk with you about it
<shidan> lol that's cool will share that with the team
<shidan> @dzham: I would love to speak with you about that
<dzham> Of course, that applies to everyone else too :)
<dzham> Empathy with the user
<dzham> I saw this one in linkedin earlier today.
<jed> heh thats awesome.
<sacarlson> @dzham hay that looks like my user interface ha ha
<sacarlson> I just happen to be an engineer
<cyberomin> @dzham: I think the vast majority of us can make our way through these things. I’m talking of people who can’t tell the difference between *b* and *d*
<cyberomin> They have no formal education and technology to them is rocket science
<dzham> @cyberomin: that’s what I mean, you have to design for the computer illiterate. In your case, they are *even* more behind, but the principle is the same.
<cyberomin> :)
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<erok> hai
<erok> I was researching mpesa and like the marketcap potential of the direction you are headed. figured i would pop in and say hello
<vanessa> Hey @zen1 thanks for posting. If you know of organizations that you think would be a good fit for the foundation to partner with, please do feel free to share them :)
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<powderfan> Wow, this is great news!
<zen1> I certainly will vanessa .....no problem...:)
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<john> Whoa!!! Re: Joyce & Stellar on the BBC!
<john> Looking at the Bitcoin magazine article re: Deutsche Bank... If I may clarify a point or two, the article quote that _unless banks learn to partner with fintechs and “digital disruptors” they will begin to disappear *altogether* from the financial services landscape._ I find really hard to imagine how a sector worth $162 trillion could possibly disappear if they fail to _Partner with Fintech and Digital Currency
differentiate investment banks & consumer banks. While the first have nor or little interest to change since they own the world, consumer banks will need to re-invente themselves in order to remain competitive. One example is the R3CEV consortium that is developing a protocol for the banking sector who are looking at ways to adapt blockchain technology *for their own use* but realistically, it will take ages, if not decad
for the public. In the meantime, what we will start witnessing is a surge of “digital disruptors” (such as the recent partnership of Oradian with Stellar) providing services that no one has really thought about, and covering areas that consumer banks doesn't bother exploring because not worth the cost.
<john> *CURIOSITY:* Have you ever been hit with an overdraft fee from your bank? Did you know that America's three biggest banks (JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America & Wells Fargo) have made more than $1.1 billion on overdraft fees.....*in the first three months of the year?* http://money.cnn.com/2015/05/27/investing/overdraft-fees-over-1-billion-big-banks
<john> *RECOMMENDATION (for our Stellar Girls & @jed who I believe like astronomy):* What is the first thing that comes to your mind if I say *star nursery*? Well discover the awe-inspiring meaning of that expression by watching *HUBBLE*http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/hubble_3d
<eva> Looks awesome!
<john> yes I watched it few days ago, truly amazing and mind-blowing!