<stellar-slack> <eva> Welcome @temitope and @sylvain :wave: What brings you to Stellar chat?
<stellar-slack> <eva> I’d say that Stellar is different in that it’s designed with that kind of ethos. Stellar is designed to have local solutions built on it, so it’s not exactly bringing in one framework and demanding that everyone on earth adopt it. Judging by the reaction in Nigeria, I’d (cautiously) say that Stellar will be a solution for the problems where Bitcoin falls short.
<stellar-slack> <eva> But I also would want to hear from the communities directly. So far reactions have been very positive to Stellar. But every local community will have a different opinion.
<stellar-slack> <eva> This part in particular actually makes me think that the author would be excited about Stellar:
<stellar-slack> <eva> "Even if these hurdles were to be overcome, we need to recognize that merely providing the potential for a Bitcoin account and payments service does not deeply address the problem of financial exclusion. It is true that an element of financial exclusion is the situation of people not having access to bank accounts to save money or participate in payments services. But, more crucially, exclusion generally means not
<stellar-slack> related to not having stable income streams, or access to formal property titles to act as collateral."
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> we should hook up with these microfinance guys and this tedx guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UCuWxWiMaQ sounds like they could use http://stellar.org|stellar.org tools
<stellar-slack> <eva> Oh, Muhammad Yunus? Jed actually got to meet him last year at a talk :)
<stellar-slack> <sacarlson> cool
<stellar-slack> <eva> Thanks for posting @sacarlson, love an excuse to rewatch him.
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<stellar-slack1> <sylvain> Hi @eva, just curious about Stellar in general, and also more particularly about the Stellar consensus protocol.
<stellar-slack1> <sacarlson> http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= might be a more recent version
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<stellar-slack1> <obirije> hello @eva, I have still not be able to find a way to fund my steller account, even with https://lobstr.co/. Pls i need a walk-through from an end user point how to fund or withdraw from a steller account through local banks. thnx
<stellar-slack1> <obirije> secondly, I've not gotten a reply concerning getting the slides or clips of the meetup with the steller team in Lagos, Nigeria.
<stellar-slack1> <cyberomin> Hey @obirije:, I think I can help with that. I will ask @scott to put it on GitHub….
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<stellar-slack1> <obirije> that will be gr8 @cyberomin . thnx
<stellar-slack1> <obirije> @cyberomin: let me know when its on github
<stellar-slack1> <cyberomin> Sure. I will.
<stellar-slack1> <obirije> pls any answer to my earlier question? @cyberomin @anyone
<stellar-slack1> <powderfan> @obirije: currently you will have to take an intermediate step via bitcoin. Do you have an account on any of these stellar integrations? https://www.stellar.org/community/contributions/#Integrations Or is it an option to create one?
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<stellar-slack1> <obirije> yes I have @powderfan
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<stellar-slack1> <scott> @obirije: Which presentation were you interested in… I ended up doing a bunch while I was in Lagos. Perhaps the one that was at CC Hub a 2 wednesdays ago?
<stellar-slack1> <obirije> yes, I think it has to be the one with Steller and Oregion integration.
<stellar-slack1> <scott> I gave the pdf slides to Vanessa for that one, let me see where they got posted
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<stellar-slack1> <obirije> ok, any of them which is avialable. thnx
<stellar-slack1> <scott> @obirije: turns out that my boss wanted to approve the slides before I posted them… and she is presently taking a sick day. I’ll ping her when she’s feeling better and get things posted
<stellar-slack1> <eva> @obirije you’re in Nigeria, right? I believe you won’t be able to do a Stellar transfer directly until there’s a Nigerian gateway on board. But if you send me your public key, I can give you some starter lumens so you can get started.
<stellar-slack1> <eva> @sylvain: awesome, great to hear. Have you had a chance to dig into the details of SCP? There’s a bunch of different ways to get a detailed breakdown, including the white paper itself, a much shorter technical summary, and a talk from the paper’s author: https://www.stellar.org/papers/stellar-consensus-protocol.pdf https://medium.com/a-stellar-journey/on-worldwide-consensus-359e9eb3e949#.pnhmyudo9
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<stellar-slack1> <obirije> @scott: no problem
<stellar-slack1> <obirije> @eva: should i post my public key to you here?
<stellar-slack1> <eva> sure :) You can also direct message it to me if you like, but it’s okay for that to be pubic.
<stellar-slack1> <obirije> ok
<stellar-slack1> <powderfan> @obirije: which exchange are you on? Do they accept bank payment? Then you can go: buy bitcoin for local currency, exchange bitcoin to Lumen, withdraw lumen to mobile wallet.
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<stellar-slack1> <eva> Welcome @philbee, @annevanzwol , @creedservices, it’s great to have you here. Where did you hear about Stellar?
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<stellar-slack1> <garth> @philbee welcome and be sure to join the dev channel.
<stellar-slack1> <alejandro> hey ! :)
<stellar-slack1> <philbee> Thanks for the welcome @garth and @eva. I heard about Stellar from @garth recently. But as a developer, I've been interested in BTC and alternative currencies/exchanges for a long time. I've spent some time checking out the Horizon API and getting some background on Stellar and look forward to working with it.
<stellar-slack1> <eva> @philbee: awesome, you’ll fit right in here :) Hope you can dig into the API without too much friction, and we’re here if you do run into questions.
<stellar-slack1> <cyberomin> Welcome @tkembo
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