Title: Min Avg Max abc-nomince clk_30m72: 23.460000 26.6 - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
tnt: it's ABC9 *and* dff which is the new bit
(comparing abc / abc9 / abc9+dff each with dffe_min_ce and without. 64 PNR runs)
I know.
It wasn't clear from your pastebin, sorry
Is clk_30m72 meant to be 30.72 MHz?
It did meet it at some point in the past :/
So dff seems to help a reasonable amount there actually
Not so much for the 30.72 MHz path, but
huh ? Where do you see thast it helps ?
I'm looking mostly at worst-case numbers here.
Okay, maybe I'm struggling to parse the numbers here
This probably wants like a candle chart or something
I'm presuming this is iCE40
UP5k yes.
args to yosys were -abc9 -device u -dff
something to compare the histograms would be useful but ... I don't have anything like that.
it might just be that the critical path really can't be helped much.
tnt: matplotlib
I meant, I have nothing already written that takes a bunch of .log from nextpnr and extracts / aggregates / display the interesting bits :p
Y'know, I wrote a script to statistically test two builds of *something*
Maybe I should put it to work
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Is there an explanation in the Yosys manual or elsewhere as to why RTLIL::Process objects cannot always be mapped to Verilog always blocks?
(Asking because I would like to check if similar limitations exist for VHDL processes)
rlee287: simply because they're not implemented
VHDL isn't even *relevant*, because Yosys doesn't speak VHDL
I'm writing a VHDL backend right now to put it into the GHDL Yosys plugin
This would inform my decision on how to handle RTLIL Processes in this backend
whitequark is probably a good person to ask
rlee287: there is no such clear explanation unfortunately
and I don't fully understand it myself, but I did investigate this for a small amount of time
(ideally there wouldn't be such a warning, it would just be a hard error on specifically the kinds of processes that aren't valid)
ZirconiumX: I think that's not a matter of implementation
or well, not just that
Thanks (which means I will need to run experiments on my own end to see what happens)
rlee287: so the `case` part of a process can always be mapped to Verilog because it's just a combinatorial always @* block
you could even say always_comb, since it is illegal to have a latch in that part
the `sync` part is more troublesome though because there are some patterns that I think are not expressible in Verilog
it's... somewhat hard to say which precisely, because, strictly speaking, Verilog contradicts itself here
1164.1 requires you to use some constructs that would always result in a significant sim/synth mismatch
so the answer to "is this transformation of an RTLIL::Process to Verilog valid?" is "who the hell knows"
1164 is referring to the IEEE standard 1164 about "STD_LOGIC" (or the Verilog equivalent of it)?
1364.1, sorry, I typoed
1364 describes Verilog (the simulation language), 1364.1 describes Verilog (the synthesis language)
it was supposed to be a synthesis subset but it clearly isn't
does vhdl have a synthesis subset?
(also hi rlee)
Hi awygle
Not that I am aware of (I vaguely recall people in the Discord saying that VHDL was slightly more problematic(?) because it did not define a synthesis subset)
It seems though based on whitequark's remakrs that Verilog's synthesis subset has problems as well
that is correct if not understated
and SV has no synthesis subset at all
(no formal one that is)
neither SV nor VHDL are strictly speaking suitable for synthesis as-is
they're both event-driven simulation languages. at least VHDL has an actually nice and deterministic simulation model
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