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<az0re> Hey, I'm not saying it's easy, just that it would be cool :)
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<FL4SHK> az0re: I use different syntax for Verilog constructs that end up exactly the same as in Verilog
<FL4SHK> I don't plan on letting you use Verilog syntax directly
<whitequark> az0re: re undecidability: the Verilog simulation semantics are nondeterministic by design, aren't they?
<FL4SHK> but I do plan on it being possible to use Verilog modules that are external to what's been written in my language
<FL4SHK> oh, but the generated Verilog produced by my HDL won't include the parameterization
<FL4SHK> That stuff has to be flattened
<whitequark> FL4SHK: have you seen the connect_rpc Yosys command?
<FL4SHK> I haven't
<FL4SHK> What does that command do?
<whitequark> lets you instantiate parametric modules in your HDL from any other HDL supported by Yosys
<whitequark> e.g. you can take a parametric nMigen design and instantiate it from Verilog
<FL4SHK> I see.
<FL4SHK> I've peeked at nMigen before.
<FL4SHK> It seems nice.
<whitequark> thanks!
<whitequark> I've been trying to improve the state of HDL interop in Yosys while working on it, too.
<FL4SHK> My language is intended to be compiled into behavioral Verilog, btw
<FL4SHK> but I can probably just make that only one of the output modes
<FL4SHK> and have... was it RTLIL?
<FL4SHK> Could just support outputing that.
<FL4SHK> Right now I'm just trying to get a minimum viable product built.
<tpb> Title: GitHub - fl4shk/fling_hdl: A Hardware Description Language with features similar to my custom programming language, Fling (at
<FL4SHK> Fling the programming language is on hold, haha
<whitequark> yeah, RTLIL
<whitequark> RTLIL is a lot easier to emit correctly than Verilog
<whitequark> so much so that nMigen doesn't bother with the latter
<FL4SHK> There are certain advantages to spitting out behavioral Verilog
<whitequark> yeah?
<FL4SHK> One of them is that it's perhaps easier to debug the compiler :P
<FL4SHK> I plan on using the \identifier feature of Verilog
<whitequark> oh, nMigen does output a .debug.v file next to every .il file
<whitequark> since in most cases the converted Verilog is enough
<whitequark> it's just that it "outsources" the complexity of writing correct Verilog to Yosys
<FL4SHK> My language is actually defined in terms of Verilog
<FL4SHK> i.e. simulation, for example, uses Verilog semantics
<FL4SHK> the `module` keyword, in my language, is equivalent to a single `module` in Verilog
<whitequark> full disclosure: I think just about everything about Verilog is awfully designed
<FL4SHK> I think it's fine as a compilation target.
<whitequark> so in my eyes, that's a strict downside of your language, though there could be reasons why it's necessary
<FL4SHK> It's pretty terrible for actually developing stuff in
<whitequark> I think it's even worse as a compilation target than for developing things in
<FL4SHK> Maybe our viewpoints are different
<whitequark> it is unable to represent most of the interesting semantics while having so much nonessential complexity that tooling is nearly always incorrect
<FL4SHK> It's pretty terrible
<FL4SHK> I see
<whitequark> I think the way 1364.1 defines a DFF with async set and reset is very enlightening
<whitequark> it *requires* you to write a code with sim/synth mismatch
<whitequark> *write a code pattern
<FL4SHK> That's uh
<FL4SHK> That's unfortunate
<whitequark> meanwhile there's no well-defined "compilation target" subset at all with SystemVerilog, which is even worse than the poorly defined compilation target defined in 1364.1
<FL4SHK> I've never really run into simulation/synthesis mismatches
<whitequark> which SV constructs do I have to implement to ingest the output of your HDL? well, the only way is to look at the sources of your tool
<whitequark> multiply by the number of tools.
<whitequark> there are tools that supposedly ingest Verilog that can't cope with concatenations on assign LHS
<FL4SHK> what
<FL4SHK> I use that too frequently
<whitequark> there's a yosys issue, moment
<FL4SHK> yosys doesn't support that?!
<tpb> Title: Yosys emits assigns with a concatenated expression on the LHS · Issue #1286 · YosysHQ/yosys · GitHub (at
<whitequark> yosys does
<whitequark> *other tools* don't
<FL4SHK> ah
<FL4SHK> Icarus Verilog supports it just fine
<FL4SHK> assigning to a concatenation isn't even difficult, though, tbh
<whitequark> Icarus supports nearly all of 1364, I think
<whitequark> I'm talking about using Verilog as a compilation target
<FL4SHK> I always miss that feature of Verilog when I write VHDL
<whitequark> it requires you to emit code readable by the lowest common denominator of every possible tool
<FL4SHK> Quartus supports it just fine
<whitequark> since there's no actual spec for "structural Verilog"
<FL4SHK> I wonder how well Verilator does
<whitequark> it does support that
<FL4SHK> What about Vivado?
<whitequark> the tool from #1286 is OpenSTA
<tpb> Title: GitHub - The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenSTA: OpenSTA engine (at
<FL4SHK> I'll make RTLIL a primary goal
<whitequark> RTLIL is *much* better than Verilog as a compilation target, though still imperfect because its semantics are pretty much just "what Yosys does"
<whitequark> I've spent quite a while nailing it down in the manual and tightening the verifier in Yosys, but there are still parts left that are underdefined
<FL4SHK> I didn't know that concatenations being assigned to was so poorly supported.
<FL4SHK> That strikes me as very unfortunate because it's such a nice thing
<whitequark> I think it's supported in most tools you might encounter
<daveshah> This isn't a problem with synrhesis tools
<whitequark> that's not the problem I'm talking about
<daveshah> It's a problem with the undefined nature of "structural Verilog"
<whitequark> ^
<FL4SHK> Maybe I'll add in support for spitting out VHDL
<whitequark> personally I'm looking forward to better support of FIRRTL across the board, because it has well-defined semantics, a spec you can verify conformance to, and a specific compilation target subset
<whitequark> but... it's just not there yet
<FL4SHK> I'll have to give that a try, too.
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<az0re> whitequark: I think some of what you just wrote should be pasted into issue #2004, especially the part about 1364.1 requiring a code pattern that guarantees sim/synth mistmatch
<whitequark> I assumed this all is well-known among tooling developers, I think, but you have my permission to paste as you see fit
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<ZirconiumX> [17:56:46] whitequark: there are tools that supposedly ingest Verilog that can't cope with concatenations on assign LHS <--- Quartus in VQM (Verilog Quartus Mapping) mode won't accept it either
<ZirconiumX> VQM looks a lot like Verilog '95 except incredibly sucky.
<ZirconiumX> Or maybe that's just an inherited property of Verilog '95
<whitequark> FL4SHK: ^
<ZirconiumX> It's not even much faster to parse than using the full SV parser that Quartus has.
<ZirconiumX> The speed gain - as far as I can tell - comes from avoiding megafunctions
<awygle> whitequark: "but [FIRRTL]'s just not there yet" can you elaborate on what you feel is missing?
<FL4SHK> awygle: wait, you're on IRC now?
<awygle> FL4SHK: i've been on IRC longer than discord :p
<FL4SHK> same
<FL4SHK> big same
<whitequark> awygle: tooling support
<whitequark> yosys doesn't have a firrtl frontend.
<FL4SHK> so, not a problem with FIRRTL itself
<FL4SHK> frontend? why not a backend?
<FL4SHK> oh wait
<FL4SHK> derp, derp
<whitequark> both frontend and backend
<whitequark> the backend exists
<whitequark> the frontend does not
<FL4SHK> I see.
<FL4SHK> I'll probably jump straight into FIRRTL, then, when I decide to output not-Verilog
<FL4SHK> ...though perhaps I'll switch to outputing a non-optimized netlist
<FL4SHK> netlist Verilog is hopefully well-supported, eh?
<FL4SHK> Oh well
<whitequark> structural Verilog is what i think i'm calling what you call netlist Verilog
<FL4SHK> I see.
<awygle> anything besides the missing yosys frontend? (i am sad that "yosys frontend missing" == "bad tooling support" but i can't argue with its accuracy)
<whitequark> awygle: sure
<whitequark> nextpnr doesn't take LoFIRRTL either, though it morally ought to
<whitequark> can I simulate FIRRTL?
<whitequark> can I feed it to basically any extant tool that takes structural Verilog currently?
<whitequark> Verilator?
<whitequark> (Verilator equivalent, anything)
<whitequark> analyzers? generators? anything?
<whitequark> my impression of FIRRTL is that at the moment it's a (good!) spec that exists in a near vacuum
<awygle> all fair points. all of this besides the nextpnr bit applies just as well to RTLIL, which is what i was implicitly contrasting it with
<awygle> should have been more explicit
<whitequark> right, so the main difference with RTLIL is that RTLIL isn't really trying to be an interchange format
<awygle> RTLIL can be converted to inputs for all of those tools of course but if you assume a yosys frontend then so can firrtl
<awygle> mhm
<awygle> i getcha
<whitequark> hm, ok, so there's an interpreter for FIRRTL, in Scala
<awygle> i think we agree on our assessments of FIRRTL which is all i really wanted to confirm. you have a lot more experience wrt language stuff than me, so i wanted to see if there were deficiencies i was missing.
<whitequark> nope, actually FIRRTL has a few things that gave me inspiration for improvements in nMigen
<FL4SHK> Is there anything really wrong with me using an existing HDL in place of my own until my own is done?
<FL4SHK> For some reason it makes me uncomfortable to just start using another HDL, like it's morally wrong or something
<whitequark> absolutely nothing wrong
<FL4SHK> I honestly really want to start doing some HDL work
<FL4SHK> I've got my job, sure
<FL4SHK> but I don't really get to pick what I work on there
<whitequark> in fact, using other languages daily makes you better suited to work on your own
<whitequark> as you get to see more perspective
<awygle> FL4SHK: my opinion is that if you haven't done a fair amount of work in one of the existing HDLs you will probably not succeed in solving their problems, at least not immediately
<awygle> although we have a counterexample right above that message so :shrug:
<FL4SHK> awygle: most of my HDL stuff has been CPUs
<FL4SHK> at work we don't just write HDL code
<FL4SHK> though I guess how much HDL code we write depends on if you count UVM stuff as HDL code or not, haha
<whitequark> awygle: i did *some* verilog work, really just enough to see where the pain points are
<FL4SHK> lack of custom types
<FL4SHK> SystemVerilog pain point: lack of parameterizable custom types
<awygle> personally, my experiences with the OSS HDL community have lead me to near-total indifference to languages as such
<whitequark> awygle: probably less than someone else would need because i tend to go straight for the pain points
<awygle> i am much, _much_ more interested in the surrounding ecosystems
<whitequark> nevertheless, if i worked more with VHDL, i would have solved some problems in nMigen earlier
<FL4SHK> Maybe I'll give VHDL work more of a try
<whitequark> VHDL's simulator is nothing short of brilliant
<FL4SHK> which simulator?
<tpb> Title: VHDL's crown jewel - Sigasi (at
<whitequark> VHDL's simulation semantics
<FL4SHK> oh, yes.
<whitequark> the main problem with VHDL's semantics is that you still have to balance clock trees
<FL4SHK> Those seem to be very well defined.
<whitequark> which is something I hope to improve on
<whitequark> but the basic mechanism is used in nMigen nearly intact and it works extremely well
<FL4SHK> What do you mean by clock trees?
<FL4SHK> And what is balancing them?
<whitequark> imagine a behavioral clock gating primitive in VHDL
<FL4SHK> an if statement?
<whitequark> it'll have a combinatorial path from input clock to output clock, right?
<whitequark> anything. an if statement works, i think
<FL4SHK> clock gating... is that the same thing as a clock enable?
<whitequark> no
<FL4SHK> Hm, I see
<FL4SHK> I don't think I've done anything other than clock enables.
<FL4SHK> What is clock gating?
<whitequark> a clock enable is a way to enable or disable some logic driven by the same clock signal as other logic. in other words, a clock enable is just a normal combinatorial input to your synchronous logic
<FL4SHK> Right.
<whitequark> you can represent it by wrapping every dff with a muxed path
<whitequark> that works just fine
<whitequark> in comparison, clock gating produces *another* clock, so your logic is now driven by two clock signals. however, when the gate is enabled, these two clocks are completely in-phase, at least in hardware
<whitequark> unfortunately, if you implement it naively in VHDL, the output clock will lag one delta cycle behind the input clock
<whitequark> so if you have a DFF driven by the gated clock capturing the output of a DFF driven by the ungated clock, you'll capture the wrong value
<FL4SHK> It sounds to me like clock gating is something you don't want to do in an FPGA
<whitequark> it'll be as if there is an infinitesimal but nonzero phase difference between the input (ungated) and output (gated) clock
<FL4SHK> given that you're not supposed to clock logic using other logic
<whitequark> well, FPGAs have clock gating primitives.
<whitequark> some FPGAs.
<FL4SHK> I see
<whitequark> Xilinx has BUFGCE
<whitequark> so you might want to simulate them
<FL4SHK> Some FPGAs have internal tri-state stuff, too :P
<FL4SHK> old ones, anyway
<whitequark> I mean modern widely used FPGAs
<FL4SHK> I see, interesting
<FL4SHK> so is that what you'd use to make a PLL in an FPGA's logic?
<whitequark> I don't think you can do that to make a PLL, *but* a simulated PLL would have the same problem
<whitequark> if e.g. the output of a PLL regenerates the input clock
<whitequark> or perhaps an integer ratio
<whitequark> what you really want is some way to tell the simulator "this comb input and this comb output are in-phase. the transitions should either propagate within one delta cycle, or within nonzero time, but not in different delta cycles but same instant"
<whitequark> VHDL doesn't have that
<FL4SHK> This is something I've never run into, myself
<FL4SHK> But I've never tried to create another clock outside of using a PLL
<whitequark> instead what you do is to take your input clock, make a gated output clock (with one delta cycle delay), then make an ungated output clock (with one delta cycle dummy delay), then use just the last two
<whitequark> so, this problem is something you encounter in ASIC development, mostly, I think
<FL4SHK> I definitely want to get into ASIC development at some point
<whitequark> I discussed it with some good VHDL and Verilog developers who did happen to hit it
<FL4SHK> MOSIS is apparently as cheap as maybe $800 for 1 mm^2
<whitequark> Verilog has blocking assignments, which allow you to express clock gating cleanly, but at the cost of determinism
<FL4SHK> which is within my price range
<whitequark> CMP is even cheaper
<FL4SHK> What's that?
<tpb> Title: CMP: Circuits Multi-Projets (at
<FL4SHK> I'll need to keep this in mind
<FL4SHK> I've wanted to do ASIC development for a long time now.
<whitequark> anyway, the simulation issue I mentioned before primarily interests me from the perspective of bottom-up language correctness
<whitequark> it's not something that is insurmountable in practice
<whitequark> it's annoying and it does cause bugs, that's for sure
<whitequark> but it's one of the lesser HDL footguns
<FL4SHK> I've decided to do some HDL development in SystemVerilog, using sv2v so I can use yosys's formal verification.
<FL4SHK> GHDL synthesis looks nice, too
<FL4SHK> I like 'attr stuff in VHDL
<FL4SHK> so I brought it into my HDL.
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