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Finde: I've just seen a lot of "we're going to open source our product/core technologies" announcements over the past decade or so, and an unfortunate number of them have ended up being false as the companies realize they can get the PR benefits of open-sourcing with none of the drawbacks. As the saying goes, "talk is cheap".
While it _seems_ that Bluespec is being genuine here (and I certainly hope they are!), it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out their repo is never "ready enough" for public release, or the legal stuff to set up the foundation "falls through", or they just stop responding to queries about the open-sourcing.
> we want to do a bit more testing before broadcasting the link; hopefully in a few days
> hopefully in a few days
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A few days can easily turn into a few weeks, months, years, or millenia, so I try not to get my hopes up for these kinds of things.
> In addition to Intel’s Thunderbolt silicon, next year Intel plans to make the Thunderbolt protocol specification available to the industry under a nonexclusive, royalty-free license. Releasing the Thunderbolt protocol specification in this manner is expected to greatly increase Thunderbolt adoption by encouraging third-party chip makers to build Thunderbolt-compatible chips.
It's February 5, 2020, and Intel is still the only Thunderbolt transceiver manufacturer.
cyrozap: the spec release happened last year, marketing did a last-minute rename to "USB4"
sorear: The TB3 backwards-compatibility of the USB4 specs is just "see the TB3 specs"--there's no information on how any of it works.
*backwards-compatibility section
cyrozap: welllllll ghidra did happen eventually
and rereleased RapidWright
daveshah: Didn't they remove stuff from the re-released version compared to the original? Though, I might be misremembering.
yes, that's true actually
some stuff moved from being open source to a precompiled JAR
pie_[bnc]: I'll give you that one.
daveshah: That's even worse, since it's not even fully open :P
(IMO, of course)
Well, anyways, I clearly have trust issues with these kinds of announcements...
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Flute is intended for low-end to medium applications that require 64-bit operation, an MMU (Virtual Memory) and more performance than Piccolo-class processors.
i uh that's actually pretty cool?
yeah, RV64ACDFIMSU is a lot
it has *floats*
a combinatorial FPU is not the most interesting test case of a HDL for sequential logic
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sorear: With the understanding that implementing floating point, well, kinda stinks, I'd go farther and say "a combinatorial FPU is not the most interesting test case" :P
(which is exactly why I would implement it that way too, speed be damned. I just want the thing to work!)
where does it say the FPU is combinational?