actually, that was done just before i bought Sonnet so i've improved even further
The big parasitic to be concerned about with high value RF resistors is capacitive coupling across the terminals
there's about 26 fF between the terminals and with a 1K resistor you'd have significantly more signal going through the shunt cap than the resistance itself
5x 200R was my early attempt at balancing that
i later did some more complete s-parameter modeling and found that 2x 200R + 1x 50R, for a 10:1 probe instead of 21:1, is much flatter out to 10 GHz
But 5x 200 is still way better than 1x 1K
this is using vishay FC series specifically
ah, i see.
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Ugh, I hate it when synthesis is unnecessarily picky
So, I was building attosoc, and got a firmware.hex which was 150 words (at least Quartus said as much)
But attosoc specifies 256 bytes in ROM_BYTES
So Quartus rejected firmware.hex and replaced the ROM file with all-zeroes
And then proceeded to turn an all-zero ROM into a constant driver
And then optimised the entire design away
s/ROM file/ROM init data/
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So ... who bought off all the UP5k from digikey ?
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Wasn't me. :)
plenty for UWG30 pkg available though.
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I've finally got some time to play with the ULX3S. I've got pjtrellis built & installed, as well as updated yosys and nextpnr-ecp5.
What's the best tool for downloading to the ULX3S? I see the ujprog tool is used in some examples, but it seems kind of dodgy.
I think ujprog is recommended
There is also some openocd support (not sure if upstream) and various ways of WiFi programming
OK, thanks.
The build process for ujprog is very broken - assumes paths for libraries, etc.
I use ujprog with mine but yes it is not great
I get the impression that wifi is supposed to be the primary way, but I haven't soldered the esp32 on mine yet
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OK, seem to have ujprog built (compiled w/o errors at least)
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but now when running it I get "ULX2S / ULX3S JTAG programmer v 3.0.92 (built Feb 13 2020 12:47:15)
Cannot find JTAG cable."
I can see a /dev/ttyUSB0 and running a terminal on it shows a bunch of status which I assume is from the factory image.
is there some special incantation needed to convince ujprog that there's actually something there?
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ah - FT231X is "factory default" & needs to be programmed with ULX3S mfg strings in order for ujprog to see it.
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and of course the ftx_prog binary is linked against lib versions I don't have
emeb, are you using the right usb port?
oh yeah you need to flash it
hacking away, trying to get ftx_prog to work...
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great - ftx_prog complaining about bad crc
Oh yeah, I remember that step failed for me.
any clues on a solution?
haha "--ignore-crc-error" option, but using it gives "ftdi_write_eeprom_location() failed: Invalid access to checksum protected area below 0x80"
I don't remember what I did to fix it
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I'm starting to remember. I think I used either a different version of the ftdi libraries, or a different binary
Seems it's not an issue for me - just did a --dump and the right strings are in there.
so for some reason my ujprog still doesn't work right
my binary is linked against .1 so I must have not changed that
I rebuilt my from source
I can mess with mine a bit when I get home. it's been a while since I've used it because I got distracted by other fpgas :^)
still failed
Is it just me or is the host-side programming support for ULX3S kinda... rickety?
all this reliance on borken FTDI stuff and shipping binaries around...
yeah, I would have been happy with it just being ecp5 evn compatible
technically it's still preproduction hardware though
sure acts like it. :)
It has a jtag port :p
so yeah - my FT231 has Product = ULX3S FPGA 12K v3.0.3
already in it
but the FPGA is an 85K - do you suppose that will make any difference?
No I meant ... you can use any _other_ jtag adapter :p
I used a glasgow until I managed to get the ft231 to behave (and sorry, can't remember what I did ... tried a bunch, something worked in the end, I just wiped it all from my memory after that)
emeb, I think I edited mine to say 85K but I don't think it actually matters
cool - thx
tnt: haha - understood.
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has anyone found or RE'd a schematic for the tang primer board yet? curious what the pinout is on the ribbon connectors, don't have the appropriate ribbon yet to map it out myself
well... ffc. Idk if that is really what people call ribbon
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OK - digging deeper into the ujprog issue - seems that sometimes when the ULX3S is plugged into USB it doesn't enumerate w/ the custom MFG & Prod strings but uses the default FTDI ones.
So I added a cable path to ujprog that includes the default Prod string - this works.
power sequencing issue?
no idea
Now it's time to figure out how to build the blinky example for 85k instead of 45k
not used to the way ecp5 stuff works - config files, etc.
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w00t - blinky works
damn but it takes a while to program.
I hear compressed bitstreams are worth setting up to save time there
cool - something else to figure out!
--compress argument to ecppack
thanks - that worked.
seems like it's about 3x faster or so
If its a blinky I'd expect more like 7x
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Possible there is something else slowing things down
Could just be my subjective time sense too. :P