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Hi, I am running armbian on my nanopi neo2 and systemd-resolved is up and running, systemd-resolve --status shows my router as DNS server, but apt-get update cannot resolve the DNS name nor can ping resolve DNS names. How can I check what is wrong?
Does it work if you manually edit /etc/resolv.conf and add known to work nameserver like ?
it depends which armbian you are running
i notice similar troubles in debian stretch
i would say its related to bugs in network manager
try path recommended by werner
Werner you had the right hunch: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/dBRRt2t2r3/ there seems to be an entry which is wrong. I dont know if Network Manager is even installed, should I just remove the entry and hope that systemd-resolved fixes it automatically?
it should work, at lest temporally
network manager is our default way since ever
so if you didn't remove it, its there
Depends on how "rude" you want to be on your system. The wooden mallet method would be to make changes to the resolv.conf permanently by setting chattr +i on it :D
I rebooted and will look at the file again, if the entry is in there again, I would assume the configuration is written into network-manager config. If not I guess I wrote that into this file some time ago myself and just didnt remember
Ok, reboot is done: the line in /etc/resolv.conf was still empty, after I added the correct adress it works now.
I somehow expected either networkmanager or systemd-resolved to fill in a new line, that is how it is supposed to work, rightß
I think so
But as IgorPec stated could be related to nm issues
mhm, I think I will take some time and try to write an ansible playbook to switch from networkmanager to a pure systemd solution. Thank you for your help! :-)
maybe I do some playing with. with something simple like this at least
yeah. this can be even less complex since less conections are planned
nonmodular is easier to design and produce but has disadvantage that boards cannot be added/removed independently. The whole thing needs to be removed from the rack
Yeah in their mind a bundle of 4 rpis probably is a module
But IMHO our target market is for those that want to buy from 4-12 boards and probably add incrementally
Inspire more people to have small clusters
yeah. if doing a rack mount they are aligned vertically
just like on din rail
Now we just need to figure out why i need a cluster in my jeep
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You never know when a road is closed and you need to calculate a difficult alternate route and all you have with you is your insanely powerful aarch64 cluster node...
I think I got an idea how to make it simple AND modular...
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IgorPec lanefu check thread
Werner: 😻
I think 14 units per 2HE are enough?
Werner: yep.... what's an HE?
is that euro-rack?
Unit. We call it Höheneinheit which is 1 3/4 inch or 44.45mm
Not sure about those. would be quite tiny brackts
But this way the big plate could be made from cnc
should be okay i would just let teh mounting holes be unthreaded
and let hardware on top and bottom do teh job
With threads in the big plate it would be possible to add brackets on demand without need to bring your hand behind it
i'm just so afraid of bad machining or the threads stripping out... in theory someone could use a longer screw.. come from the "back".. have nut... then washer.. then sbc. then nut
both has advantages and disadvantages
CNC machined threads should be good and if stripped, well you still have the option to attach "through-hole"
Werner: good counterpoint
stripped thread becomes a hole
Though I have to admit aluminum threads are not very reliable
But you do not have to tighten them insanely down
hmm could almost attach those to board. then screw those to rack plate
i would use rack plate as heatsink where possible
I would do the other way around. Because with the board already attached you may have to fumble around in the back with a magnetized screwdriver close to electronics
Idea is good but I have no clue how to do that with a rack mount
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If the board were just a hair shorter the connectors could be placed on the long side rather than on the short
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I wonder if they could squeeze it into their Opi Zero 2 formfactor
might be tough
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nanopi did it
but yeah it might be
you mean r4s?
Hm yeah but in this case it does not necessarly have to be very small even tough it makes sense electrical conductivity wise
-- Ich habe ein problem mit meiner odroid n2+. Ich habe armbian darauf und sie schaltet sich einfach aus. Am Anfang seltener und danach immer häufiger. Als erstes meistens wenn ich firefox benutzt habe und dann einfach so. kann mir jemand sagen was das problem ist?
I have a problem with my odroid n2 +. I have armbian on it and it just turns off. Less often at the beginning and more and more often thereafter. First of all, mostly when I used firefox and then just like that. can someone tell me what's the problem? [de~>eng]
Wird das Ding vielleicht zu heiß?
-- nein
No [de~>eng]
Unterspannung? Spannungsfall durch schlechtes Netzteil, Kabel und Steckerübergänge wird gern unterschätzt
-- ja, sowas wird es bestimmt sein, aber dennoch denke ich das es etwas software technisches ist?
yes, it will be something like that, but I still think that it is something software-technical? [de~>eng]
Mal zum Vergleich ein Image von Hardkernel genommen und versucht das Problem zu reproduzieren?
-- nö
so [et~>eng]
Wäre einen Versuch wert. Wenn das Problem bestehen bleibt ist es ein Hardwareproblem
-- vorher lief alles stabil
before everything was stable [de~>eng]
Was lief denn vorher darauf?
-- ich habe sofort armbian drauf gemacht
I immediately put armbian on it [de~>eng]
-- es lief 3 monate ohne probleme
it ran for 3 months without any problems [de~>eng]
ii was wondering if it is possible to update from armbian bionic to focal
there seems to be a new focal armbian release
Werner I did that what you said
-- armbianmonitor sagt in einer der ersten zeilen:
armbianmonitor says in one of the first lines: [de~>eng]
[Firmware Bug]: Kernel image misaligned at boot, please fix your bootloader!
I know what to do
thank you
there does not seem to be an upgrade path between releases
can anyone tell if this is possible?
* aisha
is sad
you can try but it is not officially supported by armbian
Werner: so the version upgrades cannot be donein Armbian ? How can you keep the system up to date then ?
it might be possible but Armbian does not give supported for upgraded systems this way. simply due to lack of (human) ressources
Bionic does still receive upstream support until 2023 so if everything works as it should there is no need to do anything
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I see
so it will get new kernel and security updates?
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Werner, I need focal because latest version of ubuntu has podman but bionic does not
so I am unable to run my containers without that
but thank you! even knowing that it is unsupported, now I can invest my time into doing backups and upgrading
as stated you are free to try your luck with the tools ubuntu provide for upgrading the distro but 1. do a backup first and 2. freeze firmware upgrades via armbian-config
give my lack of confidence in ubuntu tools... well, i can try that anyway, after doing a backup, can't do more than kill the system
yang, I think so. all flavors, whether it is bionic, focal, buster, bullseye .... share the very same kernel package
(for the matching board family of course ;))
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nekomancer[m]: shame there's no mounting holes for a heatsink
@LukaszErecinsk1 (Lukasz Erecinski): @seeteegee Did you get it going on Armbian or NixOS? https://tinyurl.com/yk66mqee (17s ago)
Pine64 explains this is due to the lack of stock of the Gigabit Ethernet PHY (namely RTL8211F-CG based on the schematics), with a projected lead time of 12 months, and a price increase of 850%, yes, that’s eight hundred fifty percent.
oh my
i hope prices of used hardware won't jump up too
@LukaszErecinsk1 (Lukasz Erecinski): @seeteegee That is good, it was easier for me to get the stream going on Armbian. https://tinyurl.com/yea3j9lw (8s ago)