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It's a speaker enable pin. In the datasheet, you can find it as one of the JTAG pins.
OPi3 schematics also show this pin
The problem is that H6 pinctrl driver don't implement all the pins.
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evening all
kprasadvnsi[m]: that sux
tparys: hi
kprasadvnsi[m]: sounds like you should update the driver then?
is it open?
Yah, time to learn the gpio subsystem.😬
<stipa "is it open?"> That you mean?
if the driver is open source you have to update it i guess
but I had reports it caused issues and I dropped it
for the sake of testing .. what happens if you build from my 5.12 branch?
i know about those trobules, but i don't recall how they manifest. haven't seen them in a while
i didn't do that yet, tried on 5.10 and 5.11 ... both acts the same
and this change has something to do with. i am pretty sure
I have most devices on emmc storage (wherever I can, it's faster) but I have an older GXBB box on SD card too, so I don't think medium is related
*but* all my devices are using a recent u-boot, nothing vendor
probably not. i have been testing only on SD cards for now
yeah, i am on 2021.04
+ few patches which are not chaning anything vital
I'm permanently on some RC from Neil's custodian branches, but again, no fancy patches
ok, i'll dig into more.
the other usual variable is defconfig
that's ours
which is indeed changed a lot ... you use default one?
Any good way to install packages to a different directory than /usr ?
94% usage on my 4GB SD Card...
manginx: mount solves that trouble
and size of your SD card is the primary trouble
If you install stuff from source you can adjust PREFIX but will start become messy over time...
you don't run desktop on 4GB SD?
right. I was thinking of installing homebrew but ARM is not supported
pip3 and cargo work fine (install to ~/.local and ~/.cargo respectively)
my /home is not on the SD card
@IgorPec I used a heavily lightened defconfig .. more built-in and specific to LE/Amlogic needs (no support for other SoCs)
Well never mind. I just realized something probably went wrong while upgrading u-boot since it still states 2020-10 for unknown reason. Pending test with fresh image
Yeah runs just fine
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Check out our awesome documentation! It's tremendous, promise! https://docs.armbian.com/
hi there!, i got some issue with "rc0: IR event FIFO is full!" at armbian version 20.11.
which board? and also try the most recent version since only those can be supported
and google didn't provide you any clue?
old cubietruck with Allwinner A20
yes there were a clue at google with blacklist lirc but i tried it and got the prompt " most apps now use garmin usb driver directly"
so i do not know how to blacklist the ir
i even not sure if it is the "ir" because there is stacks listet and also it shows the error at cpu ->sun7i
may i post the error in here?
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Not sure if anyone here knows about. Try in forums under peer to peer support
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@MayaPosch (Maya Posch): On a sidenote, Armbian-on-Sochip-S3-SoC cross-compilation support was also added to NymphCast Server recently. This should allow it to run on @JanHenrikH's OtterCast Audio hardware platform without having to make the poor device compile it as well :) https://tinyurl.com/yjwpaatf (1.6m ago)
@armbian (armbian): RT @Olimex: Our most complex #oshw #linux #sbc made with #kicad - the Octa-Core ARM board IMX8 Quad Max is completely routed! 2xCortex-A72… https://tinyurl.com/yhfezv94https://tinyurl.com/ydjmpdrl (6s ago)
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@MayaPosch (Maya Posch): @JanHenrikH I have attached a 7Z file with the Linux armhf binary for an S3 Armbian Focal target to the release as well now :) File: linux_sochip_s3.7z https://tinyurl.com/yhmru7t8 (22s ago)
hey everyone, I'm not dead, just working XD
* Tonymac_32
is only dead on the inside
@guidol70 (Guido Lehwalder): @Olimex @armbian Fast 64Bit RAM - but how much GB Ram? Couldnt find this information ;) https://tinyurl.com/yj2lwq26 (4s ago)
hey Tony. happy working! :)
@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @Olimex @armbian What are the m4 cortex cores intended for? Deep sleep? https://tinyurl.com/yeyv5mmd (14s ago)
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