ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Armbian 20.11 Tamandua released | | Github: | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: ->
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early birds
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hello all!
JMCC has joined #armbian
Not much feedback on the release thread, but some ppl seem to be here already :)
Taking advantage of the audience here: anyone facing issues with u-boot >= v2021.01 and gcc-arm 9.2?
it looks like that between v2021.01-rc1 and v2021.01-rc2 something happened that breaks armhf (rockchip) builds :/
woa gcc 9.2?
time flies
like not finding some headers?
2019-08-12 gee
IgorPec: no, compilation happens, but then I get this from the UART: (DEBUG macro is active for all source code)
ofnode ? is that 'open firmware node' ?
i guess that would be regarding uboot reading the configuration settings from storage?
buZz: yeah I think the same, that's in the very early boot from u-boot spl, it looks like the dtb embedded into is not valid. If I checkout v2021.01-rc1 it goes straight well, v2021.01-rc2 instead freezes with that error
also, using gcc-linaro 7.4 sorta works
which 'sorta' ?
seems it should be binary, either it boots or it doesnt :D
buZz: "sorta" because it hits another issue later, but the SPL boots and I don't get the ofnode error
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: late topics (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
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late topic would be to decide for a date on business oriented meeting. to keep this one strictly technical
good idea
yeah great
Kamilion has joined #armbian
late topic.. this is an easy one... add virtualization support for all arm64 boards.. (just kenrel config change)
there are things to discuss, but perhaps not putting into here. so just when and how
IgorPec: i think same model just pick another saturday
#action add virtualization support for all arm64 boards
#action pick a saturday for biz meeting
okay we waited 8 mins, so lets start.
Any FYI or skip to board families?
#topic FYI
#topic FYI
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: FYI (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
Igor, lanefu how is the desktop coming along?
I am not up to date how far we are with including it in the build system.
desktop is developed by Myy, so i can only pass second hand info
i havent been tracking Myy's stuff.. but it needs another deep-dive to unwind some stuff
there is on bug that needs to be resolved, but there is some refactoring invloved ... so a bit more work
is myy keeping status in Jira or anywhere? i saw a big dialog in irc a while back, but i lost it
Okay so desktop is open for 21.05. I'll check Jira
in short - AR-713
AR-713 [Bug] "Board specific desktop things are going into common desktop package" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: In Progress
this is the problem and it sgould be somehow be fixed by this weekend
so it should be done in 21.05
ahh okay.. yes i remember experiencing that early on.. I just added myself as a watcher to the ticket
great. I how does this affect other (non desktop) boards?
s/early on/earlier when working on pbp/
lanefu meant to say: ahh okay.. yes i remember experiencing that earlier when working on pbp.. I just added myself as a watcher to the ticket
AR-596 is also related
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AR-596 [Task] "Moving blobs and BSP to proper location" reported by Richard Neese at 2020-12-27. Status: To Do
when this bug is solved, we can do some cleanup and move blobs to designated place
documentation or at least how-to / example is planned
okay so for 21.05 we expect to be done with desktop and packaging changes?
Heisath: it's possible that there's overlap... historically there'd been a single BSP board deb file for customizations... so if its messed up enough a server imaeg build _could_ fail
AR-694 [Story] "Create Jira-based checklist for Desktop Testing" reported by Lane Jennison at 2021-03-18. Status: To Do
yes we should develop what we should test
regarding desktop i don't have any other critical issues
K I've assigned 694 to me and put on high priority... feel free to add things to test in that list
i'm gonna try to turn that into a jira template thingy
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great then we can go cycle through boards / teams
yes, lets do that 1st
suggestion / id... for high priority tickets and above.. we should assign due-dates tot hem
#topic development Allwinner
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development Allwinner (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
bugs on all winner: AR-712
AR-712 [Bug] "Broken framebuffer on A20" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: To Do
is this also for the normal bananapi? Or only pro?
AR-191 is fishy too but can't really reproduce
AR-191 [Bug] "SATA doesn't show up on Banana A20" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-03-30. Status: Backlogged
and AR-706
AR-706 [Task] "Bump Allwinner u-boot to 2021.04" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-03-28. Status: In Progress
Do we have enough Allwinner boards in testfarm to reliable test the uboot update?
that's hard to say, but we have quite some
I have 0, 1+ and PC free for testing
I have h2,h3,h5, h6 in farm
good, we can also uboot doesnt auto upgrade, so we can just tell people via Announcement to try the new images with upgraded uboot
s/we can also/also
Heisath meant to say: good, also uboot doesnt auto upgrade, so we can just tell people via Announcement to try the new images with upgraded uboot
i have 10-15 (don't know how to extract data from Netbox yet:)
#action put out some testing images with bumped u-boot for AW out
yeah, i would certainly vote for this upgrade
for other allwinner. dunno ... didn't do much. others?
I tried some newer ATF with H616 but had no success
Not supported yet anyways
h616 is still far. any other critical things on h6, h4, a64?
we solved pinebook display finally
Amlogic next?
#topic development AML
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development AML (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
AR-711 [Bug] "Network troubles on Nanopi K2 / Odroids" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: To Do
i think this was resolved, but its back again
yeah its anoying... who has testers for C2?
i have one c2 and c4 in test rig
I have a C2 too
I will give it a try
we would need expand testing on more devices. my c2 doesn't have troubles
c4 does
k2+ has wrong network settings
#action expand network testing on AML/Odroid boards (AR-711)
AR-711 [Bug] "Network troubles on Nanopi K2 / Odroids" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: To Do
those are problems i see, desktop is unknown to me
current and edge will become meta package - this is how i understand it
and legacy
yeah doesnt really matter, dont think we often have same kernel with different config between the versions.
it is good to keep easier track for kernels used and recreation of older version.
for build system is what we already discussed previously and its related more toward desktop AR-596
AR-175 how is that coming along?
AR-596 [Task] "Moving blobs and BSP to proper location" reported by Richard Neese at 2020-12-27. Status: To Do
AR-175 [Story] "Improve the recreation of "released" images" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-02-22. Status: To Do
recreation of released images is not ready yet
not sure if we can count that for 20.05
ok we should keep that in mind if we plan to support 21.05 for a longer time (because desktop). If we do.
(btw it is 2021 already, igor)
manual maintainace can be done for a few months, but that's not the goal
ok lets go to open issues / jira backlog
#topic jira backlog
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: jira backlog (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
AR-572 when the-going work is merged in
AR-572 [Task] "Improve kernel changing procedure" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-12-10. Status: To Do
Anything you want to add here? I noticed there are a lot of 'need testing' PR and easy/'good first issues' issues on github. We might look into doing those ourselves if no one pops up.
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call them "good 2nd issue"
here is difficult to discuss. we do what we can, but we can't close them all . never
IgorPec: at some point maybe we should just add a github bot, that autocloses aged out issues
most mature projects do this
or put out bounty for closing issue
Maybe add a flag for "not essential issues" that get closed automatically after some time?
at least poping things out, make them visible
the same goes for "(too) difficult issue"
both those ideas are good
"extensive research neeeded"
perhaps some more politically correct wording ... native speakers decided
And then put up bounty with auto list for both types.
yes, make an #action for this
it might help y bit
I see those issues dating back to 2017, with the good ol' partners that started the project, as pieces of museum
does "needs deep dive" translate, or is that too much slang
I like them there LOL
#action decide marking of difficult issues
I like that. "Not essential" and "Needs deep dive"
JMCC: i'm afraid to close the old ones and getting yelled at lol
we build images for CSC hto, not EOS, right?
Is it though lane?
lane@billroyall:~/GIT/build/config/boards$ ls -l *e*bin*
-rw-r--r-- 1 lane megawheel 220 Mar 27 20:39
Ah so git and webpage differ
ok, synching /download and /config/boards
as action
are we O.K. with merging EOS into CSC ?
#action sync website download page and /config/boards
if we want to keep EOS and CSC do diff between we build images, and we dont, we should make sure it is documented.
s/CSC do/CSC to
Heisath meant to say: if we want to keep EOS and CSC to diff between we build images, and we dont, we should make sure it is documented.
It may not make a difference for us but maybe for users because on CSC somebody still may work on while on EOS probably nobody does
but we don't know for EOS
then lets keep both and move boards WIP->SUP->CSC->EOS
i thought EOS meant we just kept the config fiel in the repo, for those who want ot build on their own
yeah i think if anythig we should merge WIP and CSC
in term of support, EOS = CSC, none we deal with
I think keeping some image for download for EOS makes sense. It can be the only way for some people to make their old board work
providing download or build option is something else
yeah we should not delete once working images for old boards
and we don't
*thumbs up*
just CSC support "we don't know"
if things works and how
CSC == ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
EOS is the same.
we don't know
the diff is the we knew once ;)
but that doesn't help much in reality
EOS == ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
if we are unsure, let's leave it for next
not important issue
yeah need only to sync the state now
I think for the users it might make a difference.
ok, sync is the action here
Also for CSC boards, dont blame them if they ask support question in forum ;)
we can move on
Nobody blames, just marked those reports as invalid :)
Igor gets a bit overboard sometimes imho
#action don't yell at CSC questions
They should ask in the peer to peer subforum, not in the supported boards froum
#action don't yell at CSC questions
OK, then lets make this a bit more gently
Just move them to peer to peer or general chit chat
not as an "invalid report" but something more plesent
Just leave CSC support request alone, move them to peer to peer. If somebody knows, he will respond. Otherwise not.
yeah... that needs to be friendlier... and our armbianmonitor -m message is still has a bit of a harsh tone
honestly. what if we have a "community support" label
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: release officer (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
I remember when I was starting on my OPi+2e, some Spanish webpage told you to use Armbian, but stated "Be careful wehn you ask on their forum, or they will fry you with their geek arrogance" LOL
yeah and native english speakers are gettting senstive adn grandstanding that we're toixic
alright. lanefu: perhaps we can sum infrastructure changes quickly
It is things like this that leads to that. Igor, no offense, but if somebody buys helios64 for lots of bucks, I understand they expect support from kobol guys.
#topic Infrastructure
AR-675 [Story] "Armbian General Infrastructure Improvements (non-mirror)" reported by Lane Jennison at 2021-03-16. Status: In Progress
k FYI IMHO Mirrors are stable and working well.. still need to add health checks / validaiton
#topic infrastructure
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: infrastructure (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
pulling up ticket stand by
we added few new mirrors, some under our domain, some via fosshost
bwah can some one link me that ticket.. jira is being dumb
it has to be x86 atm, we can only build rootfs cache with arm64
not "everything"
my box has 40 threads. it can keep up as a secondary
re arm64 runners
anyway this CI thing has to be improved
i've got beta access to so I can start provisioning smaller arm64 VMS for doing moer taive buidl stuff
yeah we need a CI epic
#action improve CI
s/moer taive buidl/more native build/
lanefu meant to say: i've got beta access to so I can start provisioning smaller arm64 VMS for doing more native build stuff
I guess balbes would be interested in
infrastructure wise that's it
still lot things in motion and 2do
in case someone wants to join those efforts, lane and i would be happy
yeah me might be, but he still uses are bigass box
which is good
#topic misc / arm64 or was arm64 already done in infrastructure?
#topic misc / arm64
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: misc / arm64 (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
yeah like I can help whoever make the jobs run... but don't have time to like design the processes occuring inside hte jobs
like i can convert test scripts to jobs
Anything else or general arm64 info noted in FYI
officier for next?
Not really
Docs say: "We need someone that is not well acquiented with the process to see if our documentation is good enough."
basically the goal is to get us here and run the meeting script
I feel pretty good up to now. Will see how the code freeze and stuff works out
Sorry, I didn't understand
role of the meeting officier are plain
Do you mean coordinate the next meeting
* jock
has to go, nephew called for attention (really!)
bye jock
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That would be for july, correct? I will be on holiday during june
JMCC: it's easy. you just post a thread on the forum that people ignore, and then do what we just did :P
also i propose to add if not there: one week before the date another reminder
some people simply forget if not reminded two days before meeting starts
didn't help this time. Maybe also schedule around bigger holidays?
#action add reminder before next meeting
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Ughh, sorry but I can't. I have to speak in a conference djune 29-july 2. I would be totally disconnected from everything else these days
#action add even MOAR reminders
Rain check, I get the next meeting
ok we'll just find and select someone. Maybe Pali is interested? xD
yeah :)
He wont take any role, not even the one suggested by lane :(
jock flew. he was second candidate
I think we just postpone it a bit. Can ask in the forum. Maybe Kobol guys will do it. Would allow them to pick a timer better suited for singapor ppl.
yes, or those who might forgot to come.
business meeting
reason for extra meeting?
to discusss non technical issues
#action find release officer
#action find release officer
long term plans, what to do with armbian, in which direction to go
relationship with vendors
ok I get it. Fear not many will attend.
where to invest milions
first get millions?
you have millions to spare?
is biz meeting now?
can do it now :D
just doing advertisement
so someone will show up
collect data with our boards and sell.
I'd love to partner with somoen and get an armbian branded board
and of course Igor you're aware of my other ideas about builds as a service, etc
also i am talking with orangepi about creating new armbian wanted board
khadas would like to cooperate
that kind of stuff. its a lot to work on, decide and its not just my problem
yeah? we need a board that has our name on it
for shared branding
and shared proceeds :P
Werner will you post meetbot output to the release thread?
that is not decided yet and those are things for the business type of meeting
clusterboard with rk3588, go big or go home :D
yeah will do assuming we wrap it up here?
In theory Firefly is going to send me an R1 cluster server... so maybe we'll see some RK3588 modules that way
so, are we generally fine with time as for todays meeting?
IgorPec: yep!
*thumbs up*
We started around 16:15 here. So about 1:30
then lets hope it does not crash now ^^
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Armbian 20.11 Tamandua released | | Github: | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: ->
Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Armbian 20.11 Tamandua released | | Github: | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: ->
Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | | Github: | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: ->
Just setup the dns a few minutes ago. worked for me already but may take a bit longer for others
ah ok
sure you meant .de?
Perfectly sure
Can anyone suggest a small form factor armbian board with WLAN, LAN, audio (either analog or i2s) and good support? I'm looking to build some own multiroom speaker solution
all armbian boards have good support :)
hahaha oh wait you're serious? Let me laugh even harder ...
but not sure how well is i2s support
Any rk3399 working nicely but that is quite some overkill I think
I do have the rpie around here. Need to test
orangepi r1 if you don't need much power
I was using ESP32 now (works quite good with I2S) but WLAN is not optimal.
It would only need to receive VBAN audio stream and play it.
so that's the reason for trying i2s on clearfog