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Heisath has joined #armbian
<Heisath> Hey
lanefu has joined #armbian
<IgorPec> hej
<IgorPec> early birds
The-going has joined #armbian
jock has joined #armbian
<jock> hello all!
JMCC has joined #armbian
<Heisath> Not much feedback on the release thread, but some ppl seem to be here already :)
<jock> Taking advantage of the audience here: anyone facing issues with u-boot >= v2021.01 and gcc-arm 9.2?
<jock> it looks like that between v2021.01-rc1 and v2021.01-rc2 something happened that breaks armhf (rockchip) builds :/
<buZz> woa gcc 9.2?
<buZz> time flies
<IgorPec> like not finding some headers?
<buZz> 2019-08-12 gee
<jock> IgorPec: no, compilation happens, but then I get this from the UART: (DEBUG macro is active for all source code)
<lanefu> howdy
<IgorPec> morning
<jock> hello
<buZz> ofnode ? is that 'open firmware node' ?
<buZz> i guess that would be regarding uboot reading the configuration settings from storage?
<jock> buZz: yeah I think the same, that's in the very early boot from u-boot spl, it looks like the dtb embedded into is not valid. If I checkout v2021.01-rc1 it goes straight well, v2021.01-rc2 instead freezes with that error
<jock> also, using gcc-linaro 7.4 sorta works
<buZz> which 'sorta' ?
<buZz> seems it should be binary, either it boots or it doesnt :D
<jock> buZz: "sorta" because it hits another issue later, but the SPL boots and I don't get the ofnode error
<Werner> ,load meetbot
<ArmbianHelper> The operation succeeded.
<Heisath> So Meetbot is working this time round?
<Werner> Hoping so. Dry run was successful
<lanefu> dont let us down meetbot
<IgorPec> ping
<Werner> pong
<JMCC> bang
<Werner> #startmeeting Jerboa release meeting
<ArmbianHelper> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
<ArmbianHelper> Meeting started Sat Apr 3 14:00:14 2021 UTC. The chair is Werner. Information about MeetBot at
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<Werner> #topic check-in
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: check-in (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<Heisath> Hi everyone
<IgorPec> hej
<Heisath> welcome to the release planning meeting for Armbian 21.05, please just say hi to check attendance
<Werner> hi
<JMCC> Hello
<jock> hi
<Heisath> All have a coffee ready? Shall we wait a bit more, not many people here as of yet.
<IgorPec> 5 min can be officially late
* lanefu coffee equippred
* IgorPec will make one quick before all come together
<Werner> --Nur zur Erinnerung: Der Übersetzer übersetzt so ziemlich jede Ausgangssprache ins Englische wenn -- voran gestellt wird.
<ArmbianHelper> Just as a reminder: the translator translates pretty much any source language into English if - is put in front. [de~>eng]
<Heisath> interesting that it looses one minus
<Werner> yeah
<Werner> ate it
<Heisath> I'll just ask already if there are any late topics you want to add to agenda:
<Werner> #topic late topics
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: late topics (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
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<IgorPec> late topic would be to decide for a date on business oriented meeting. to keep this one strictly technical
<lanefu> good idea
<Heisath> yeah great
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<lanefu> late topic.. this is an easy one... add virtualization support for all arm64 boards.. (just kenrel config change)
<IgorPec> there are things to discuss, but perhaps not putting into here. so just when and how
<lanefu> IgorPec: i think same model just pick another saturday
<Werner> #action add virtualization support for all arm64 boards
<lanefu> #action pick a saturday for biz meeting
<Heisath> okay we waited 8 mins, so lets start.
<Werner> Any FYI or skip to board families?
<Heisath> #topic FYI
<Werner> #topic FYI
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: FYI (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<Heisath> Igor, lanefu how is the desktop coming along?
<Heisath> I am not up to date how far we are with including it in the build system.
<IgorPec> desktop is developed by Myy, so i can only pass second hand info
<lanefu> i havent been tracking Myy's stuff.. but it needs another deep-dive to unwind some stuff
<IgorPec> there is on bug that needs to be resolved, but there is some refactoring invloved ... so a bit more work
<lanefu> is myy keeping status in Jira or anywhere? i saw a big dialog in irc a while back, but i lost it
<Heisath> Okay so desktop is open for 21.05. I'll check Jira
<IgorPec> in short - AR-713
<ArmbianHelper> AR-713 [Bug] "Board specific desktop things are going into common desktop package" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: In Progress
<IgorPec> this is the problem and it sgould be somehow be fixed by this weekend
<IgorPec> so it should be done in 21.05
<lanefu> ahh okay.. yes i remember experiencing that early on.. I just added myself as a watcher to the ticket
<Heisath> great. I how does this affect other (non desktop) boards?
<lanefu> s/early on/earlier when working on pbp/
<ArmbianHelper> lanefu meant to say: ahh okay.. yes i remember experiencing that earlier when working on pbp.. I just added myself as a watcher to the ticket
<IgorPec> AR-596 is also related
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<ArmbianHelper> AR-596 [Task] "Moving blobs and BSP to proper location" reported by Richard Neese at 2020-12-27. Status: To Do
<IgorPec> when this bug is solved, we can do some cleanup and move blobs to designated place
<IgorPec> documentation or at least how-to / example is planned
<Heisath> okay so for 21.05 we expect to be done with desktop and packaging changes?
<lanefu> Heisath: it's possible that there's overlap... historically there'd been a single BSP board deb file for customizations... so if its messed up enough a server imaeg build _could_ fail
<IgorPec> heisath you mean with
<ArmbianHelper> AR-671 [Story] "Changing package namings" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-03-12. Status: In Progress
<IgorPec> those are not directly related, but both could be done, yeah
<Heisath> yeah I would count these as big changes for Armbian 21.05, something we can present.
<IgorPec> i only hope we will have enought ime for testing, otherwise we postope
<lanefu> IgorPec: should a subtask be to actually define a test process?
<ArmbianHelper> AR-694 [Story] "Create Jira-based checklist for Desktop Testing" reported by Lane Jennison at 2021-03-18. Status: To Do
<IgorPec> yes we should develop what we should test
<IgorPec> regarding desktop i don't have any other critical issues
<lanefu> K I've assigned 694 to me and put on high priority... feel free to add things to test in that list
<lanefu> i'm gonna try to turn that into a jira template thingy
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<Heisath> great then we can go cycle through boards / teams
<Werner> allwinner?
<IgorPec> yes, lets do that 1st
<lanefu> suggestion / id... for high priority tickets and above.. we should assign due-dates tot hem
<Werner> #topic development Allwinner
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development Allwinner (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<IgorPec> bugs on all winner: AR-712
<ArmbianHelper> AR-712 [Bug] "Broken framebuffer on A20" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: To Do
<Heisath> is this also for the normal bananapi? Or only pro?
<IgorPec> AR-191 is fishy too but can't really reproduce
<ArmbianHelper> AR-191 [Bug] "SATA doesn't show up on Banana A20" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-03-30. Status: Backlogged
<IgorPec> and AR-706
<ArmbianHelper> AR-706 [Task] "Bump Allwinner u-boot to 2021.04" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-03-28. Status: In Progress
<Heisath> Do we have enough Allwinner boards in testfarm to reliable test the uboot update?
<IgorPec> that's hard to say, but we have quite some
<Werner> I have 0, 1+ and PC free for testing
<lanefu> I have h2,h3,h5, h6 in farm
<Heisath> good, we can also uboot doesnt auto upgrade, so we can just tell people via Announcement to try the new images with upgraded uboot
<Heisath> s/we can also/also
<ArmbianHelper> Heisath meant to say: good, also uboot doesnt auto upgrade, so we can just tell people via Announcement to try the new images with upgraded uboot
<IgorPec> i have 10-15 (don't know how to extract data from Netbox yet:)
<Werner> #action put out some testing images with bumped u-boot for AW out
<IgorPec> yeah, i would certainly vote for this upgrade
<IgorPec> for other allwinner. dunno ... didn't do much. others?
<Werner> I tried some newer ATF with H616 but had no success
<Werner> Not supported yet anyways
<IgorPec> h616 is still far. any other critical things on h6, h4, a64?
<IgorPec> we solved pinebook display finally
<Werner> nice
<Heisath> Amlogic next?
<Werner> #topic development AML
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development AML (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<IgorPec> AR-711
<ArmbianHelper> AR-711 [Bug] "Network troubles on Nanopi K2 / Odroids" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: To Do
<IgorPec> i think this was resolved, but its back again
<lanefu> yeah its anoying... who has testers for C2?
<IgorPec> i have one c2 and c4 in test rig
<JMCC> I have a C2 too
<JMCC> I will give it a try
<IgorPec> we would need expand testing on more devices. my c2 doesn't have troubles
<IgorPec> c4 does
<IgorPec> k2+ has wrong network settings
<Werner> #action expand network testing on AML/Odroid boards (AR-711)
<ArmbianHelper> AR-711 [Bug] "Network troubles on Nanopi K2 / Odroids" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-04-03. Status: To Do
<IgorPec> those are problems i see, desktop is unknown to me
<Heisath> is AML already on 2021 uboot?
<IgorPec> 3d and that stuff on 5.10.y
<IgorPec> i think we moved to some RC ...
<IgorPec> 2021.01
<IgorPec> so i would say action to move this up as well
<IgorPec> can't be worse
<Heisath> yeah at least try on dev.
<Werner> #action bump u-boot on AML
<IgorPec> #action check status of 3D support on Amlogic platform
<Werner> #action check status of 3D support on Amlogic platform
<Werner> something else or move on to marvell?
<Heisath> should get us to marvell
<Werner> #topic development Marvell
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development Marvell (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<Heisath> Aprayoga and Gauthier seem not to be here.
<IgorPec> well there is little going on marvell i think
<lanefu> and Pali hates us, and is not interested in supporting ebin
<Heisath> No major issues on marvell from my side. Some Helios4 trouble with cesa popped up
<IgorPec> and i think ZFS is also broken
<Heisath> Maybe move this topic to the helios4 club so the kobol guys check it out.
<lanefu> i'm hoping [TheBug] will chime in on that one since he's got a lot of CESA wisdom
<IgorPec> but its due to userland librarires
<lanefu> good idea
<Werner> #action check ZFS status
<Heisath> Dont know what Pali's problem is, but I'd suggest leaving him alone. Ebin is EOS anyway
<IgorPec> true. in case someone decide to pick it up, we can support with ideas what to do
<lanefu> yeah I learned that lesson
<IgorPec> otherwise no more ebin
<Heisath> I will once again try to get a more up to date uboot working, dont see much hope though
<Heisath> atleast Pali is pushing to mainline directly, so we benefit aswell
<lanefu> true
<Heisath> @IgorPec: Why do you thing ZFS is broken on marvell?
<lanefu> so ebin is already CSC... we can still leave it there right?
<IgorPec> not just there, sorry
<IgorPec> unrelated
<IgorPec> yeas, leave ebin as is
<Werner> something else or move on? little behind schedule ;)
<IgorPec> move on
<Heisath> just move on, marvell is done
<Werner> #topic development Rockchip
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development Rockchip (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<Heisath> AR-593
<ArmbianHelper> AR-593 [Bug] "Rockpi S doesn't boot mainline kernel" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-12-26. Status: To Do
<IgorPec> yeah, here things are not moving anywhere
<IgorPec> but i guess its doable since openwrt boots modern u-boot / kernel combo
<Heisath> helios64 does not seem to be stable but piter and kobol are working on that
<IgorPec> yeah, i see some troubles. what about u-boot here?
<lanefu> re: u-boot.. long-term seems like we need to take a huge look at it? investigate extliux.conf style config etc.
<IgorPec> extlinux support, absolutely
<Werner> #action explore extlinux support
<jock> I'm trying v2021.01 and v2021.04 for rockchip 32 bit, no success yet (gcc issue above)
<IgorPec> its for research.
<IgorPec> 32bit will be more and more problematic
<JMCC> For us nostalgics who still use legacy, we added support for all the display outs in NanoPC-T4: AR-651
<ArmbianHelper> AR-651 [Task] "NanoPC-T4 legacy: enable USB-C DisplayPort & eDP outs" reported by Juan at 2021-02-18. Status: In Progress
<IgorPec> and AR-709 was resolved
<JMCC> Some testers are welcome, specially if some of you own a eDP display (unlikely)
<ArmbianHelper> AR-709 [Bug] "Tinkerboard AP crash on client connect" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-03-29. Status: Done
<Werner> #info display outs enabled for t4
<IgorPec> for pinebookpro lanefu ?
<IgorPec> any major "board" realted issues?
<lanefu> IgorPec: i've never tested it... i thikn i have an adapter now
<lanefu> re kernels.... are playing on sticking iwth 5.10 for current?
<Werner> pbp seems fine. running 5.11 and nvme installed
<lanefu> s/playing/we planning/
<ArmbianHelper> lanefu meant to say: re kernels.... are we planning on sticking iwth 5.10 for current?
<IgorPec> yeah, any other idea?
<IgorPec> edge will go with the flow ... so
<lanefu> nope.. happy to see us stablizing on a mainline LTS!
<Heisath> sure it could be worth to stick with LTS kernel for current with all boards
<lanefu> so to spin back a notch.. are we in a spot wher maybe allwinner-current can go straight to mainline? or do we still need all the megi patches
<IgorPec> too complicated question
<lanefu> lol okay
<lanefu> maybe something to explore next release
<IgorPec> yeah!
<IgorPec> #action
<Werner> I'd stick with it for now since it works well
<IgorPec> ok, lets move on
<Werner> #action explore option to switch from megis sources to mainline (AW)
<Werner> #topic development others
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: development others (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<Heisath> Any remarks on other boards?
<JMCC> For info, I've been testing video HW acceleration in AW mainline, and we still need several patches if we want it to work fine and
<IgorPec> odroid xu4 ? anyone have idea if 5.10.y could become next current (instead of 5.4.y)
<buZz> IgorPec: thats exynos 5xxx ?
<lanefu> IgorPec: not quite yet IMHO
<IgorPec> exynos something
<JMCC> Would that mean moving legacy to 5.4?
<IgorPec> ok, then we do nothing here
<buZz> i have 5.10.something (arch) on a exynos 5800 chromebook, works reaaaally well
<IgorPec> 5.4.y is odroid fork
<lanefu> i try to have 2 of htose running 1 iwth each kernel
<lanefu> the latest -dev kernel is finally good, but i wouldnt switch yet
<IgorPec> buzz: you don't hav xu4 to explore this?
<lanefu> s/-dev/-edge
<ArmbianHelper> lanefu meant to say: the latest -edge kernel is finally good, but i wouldnt switch yet
<buZz> no, sorry
<JMCC> 5.4 is still not on par wit h4.19 in some feature, in spite of HK claiming they are dropping support for 4.19
<buZz> IgorPec: i might get a HC1/2 soonish though
<lanefu> buZz: I can add more mcsolo's to a test farm if that helps you?
<IgorPec> well action: to test if this is possible
<Heisath> I'd stay with legacy 4.19 for most boards. Diff between 4.19 and 5.4 is bigger than 5.4 and 5.10
<buZz> afaik HC1/2/whatever the newer model is numbered at , are all XU4 hw?
<Werner> #action check if bumping kernel to next LTS is possible for XU4
<lanefu> oh FYI if you didn't catch it, we had a kernel confi gthat was breaking docker on XU4.. i fixed that last week
<IgorPec> and dropping support for T3/nanopi 3
<IgorPec> there is nothing going on
<IgorPec> lets move on
<Werner> backlog?
<Heisath> buildsystem first
<Werner> aight
<Werner> #topic build system
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: build system (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<Heisath> in case anything wasnt covered in FYI at the beginning.
<IgorPec> AR-671
<ArmbianHelper> AR-671 [Story] "Changing package namings" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2021-03-12. Status: In Progress
<Werner> #info dev branch renamed to edge
<IgorPec> the-going is working on changing package names
<Heisath> what is the aim of that change?
<IgorPec> renaming linux-image-current-meson64_21.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb to linux-image-5.10.19-meson64_21.02.0-trunk-7.0177_armhf.deb
<The-going> Good health.
<Heisath> yeah I get that. But what does it accomplish?
<lanefu> it helps us follow proper versioning conventiosn for deb packages
<IgorPec> changing from wrong to right
<lanefu> we do some irregular things that sometimes make it not graceful to upgrade, replace etc
<Heisath> ok
<JMCC> Just remember to add a "Provides" field to the Debian control file of the new packages
<lanefu> #protip
<JMCC> Providing the old package name
<Heisath> Wont contain current/edge then for boards which have the same kernel version in both right?
<JMCC> Just in case someone has a custom package depending on the old naming
<IgorPec> correct heisath
<The-going> The goal is to bring the package creation process as close to debian ubuntu as possible
<IgorPec> i hope we will be able to push this inot 20.05
<Heisath> will it still be possible for armbian-config to distinguish between current and edge then? (in case same kernel is used)
<IgorPec> 1st part already is, renaming DEV into EDGE and patches are linked now
<IgorPec> current and edge will become meta package - this is how i understand it
<IgorPec> and legacy
<Heisath> yeah doesnt really matter, dont think we often have same kernel with different config between the versions.
<IgorPec> exactly
<Heisath> it is good to keep easier track for kernels used and recreation of older version.
<IgorPec> for build system is what we already discussed previously and its related more toward desktop AR-596
<Heisath> AR-175 how is that coming along?
<ArmbianHelper> AR-596 [Task] "Moving blobs and BSP to proper location" reported by Richard Neese at 2020-12-27. Status: To Do
<ArmbianHelper> AR-175 [Story] "Improve the recreation of "released" images" reported by Lane Jennison at 2020-02-22. Status: To Do
<IgorPec> recreation of released images is not ready yet
<IgorPec> not sure if we can count that for 20.05
<Heisath> ok we should keep that in mind if we plan to support 21.05 for a longer time (because desktop). If we do.
<Heisath> (btw it is 2021 already, igor)
<IgorPec> :)
<IgorPec> manual maintainace can be done for a few months, but that's not the goal
<Heisath> ok lets go to open issues / jira backlog
<Werner> #topic jira backlog
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: jira backlog (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<IgorPec> AR-572 when the-going work is merged in
<ArmbianHelper> AR-572 [Task] "Improve kernel changing procedure" reported by Igor Pecovnik at 2020-12-10. Status: To Do
<Heisath> Anything you want to add here? I noticed there are a lot of 'need testing' PR and easy/'good first issues' issues on github. We might look into doing those ourselves if no one pops up.
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<lanefu> call them "good 2nd issue"
<IgorPec> here is difficult to discuss. we do what we can, but we can't close them all . never
<lanefu> IgorPec: at some point maybe we should just add a github bot, that autocloses aged out issues
<lanefu> most mature projects do this
<IgorPec> or put out bounty for closing issue
<lanefu> yeah
<Heisath> Maybe add a flag for "not essential issues" that get closed automatically after some time?
<IgorPec> at least poping things out, make them visible
<IgorPec> the same goes for "(too) difficult issue"
<lanefu> both those ideas are good
<IgorPec> "extensive research neeeded"
<IgorPec> perhaps some more politically correct wording ... native speakers decided
<Heisath> And then put up bounty with auto list for both types.
<IgorPec> yes, make an #action for this
<IgorPec> it might help y bit
<JMCC> I see those issues dating back to 2017, with the good ol' partners that started the project, as pieces of museum
<lanefu> does "needs deep dive" translate, or is that too much slang
<JMCC> I like them there LOL
<Werner> #action decide marking of difficult issues
<Heisath> I like that. "Not essential" and "Needs deep dive"
<lanefu> JMCC: i'm afraid to close the old ones and getting yelled at lol
<Heisath> Stuff like this is just strange:
<Heisath> Who'd _want_ to do that?
<Heisath> I think that completes jira backlog & open issues. Go to #board support
<Werner> #topic board support status
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: board support status (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<IgorPec> board support status - removing T3 and similar
<Heisath> Ebin is EOS, move to CSC or keep?
<lanefu> I'd say keep Ebin as CSC.. since literally the community is supporting itself
<lanefu> and solving problems
<IgorPec> what about removing "EOS" label and have CSC everything that is not supported / WIP ?
<Heisath> #action move ebin to CSC, link to thread with Pali in description.
<Werner> #action move ebin to CSC, link to thread with Pali in description.
<Heisath> yes. CSC and EOS are the same
<lanefu> ebin is already set to CSC :)
<lanefu> well
<IgorPec> just adding confusion without any real value
<lanefu> we build images for CSC hto, not EOS, right?
<Heisath> Is it though lane?
<lanefu> lane@billroyall:~/GIT/build/config/boards$ ls -l *e*bin*
<lanefu> -rw-r--r-- 1 lane megawheel 220 Mar 27 20:39
<Heisath> Ah so git and webpage differ
<IgorPec> ok, synching /download and /config/boards
<IgorPec> as action
<IgorPec> are we O.K. with merging EOS into CSC ?
<Werner> #action sync website download page and /config/boards
<Heisath> if we want to keep EOS and CSC do diff between we build images, and we dont, we should make sure it is documented.
<Heisath> s/CSC do/CSC to
<ArmbianHelper> Heisath meant to say: if we want to keep EOS and CSC to diff between we build images, and we dont, we should make sure it is documented.
<Werner> It may not make a difference for us but maybe for users because on CSC somebody still may work on while on EOS probably nobody does
<IgorPec> but we don't know for EOS
<Heisath> then lets keep both and move boards WIP->SUP->CSC->EOS
<lanefu> i thought EOS meant we just kept the config fiel in the repo, for those who want ot build on their own
<lanefu> yeah i think if anythig we should merge WIP and CSC
<IgorPec> in term of support, EOS = CSC, none we deal with
<IgorPec> officially
<JMCC> I think keeping some image for download for EOS makes sense. It can be the only way for some people to make their old board work
<IgorPec> providing download or build option is something else
<Heisath> yeah we should not delete once working images for old boards
<IgorPec> and we don't
<Heisath> *thumbs up*
<IgorPec> just CSC support "we don't know"
<IgorPec> if things works and how
<lanefu> CSC == ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<IgorPec> EOS is the same.
<IgorPec> we don't know
<IgorPec> the diff is the we knew once ;)
<IgorPec> but that doesn't help much in reality
<lanefu> EOS == ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
<IgorPec> if we are unsure, let's leave it for next
<IgorPec> not important issue
<Heisath> yeah need only to sync the state now
<Heisath> I think for the users it might make a difference.
<IgorPec> ok, sync is the action here
<Heisath> Also for CSC boards, dont blame them if they ask support question in forum ;)
<IgorPec> we can move on
<Werner> Nobody blames, just marked those reports as invalid :)
<Heisath> Igor gets a bit overboard sometimes imho
<lanefu> #action don't yell at CSC questions
<JMCC> They should ask in the peer to peer subforum, not in the supported boards froum
<Werner> #action don't yell at CSC questions
<Heisath> yeah
<IgorPec> OK, then lets make this a bit more gently
<JMCC> Just move them to peer to peer or general chit chat
<lanefu> :P
<IgorPec> not as an "invalid report" but something more plesent
<Heisath> Just leave CSC support request alone, move them to peer to peer. If somebody knows, he will respond. Otherwise not.
<lanefu> yeah... that needs to be friendlier... and our armbianmonitor -m message is still has a bit of a harsh tone
<lanefu> honestly. what if we have a "community support" label
<IgorPec> action: make forum messages friendlier
<Werner> #action make forum messages friendlier
<IgorPec> ok, lets move on
<Werner> what's left?
<Heisath> #meeting officer
<Heisath> #arm64
<Heisath> #business meeting
<IgorPec> infrastructure changes
<Heisath> yeah and that
<Werner> #topic release officer
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: release officer (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<JMCC> I remember when I was starting on my OPi+2e, some Spanish webpage told you to use Armbian, but stated "Be careful wehn you ask on their forum, or they will fry you with their geek arrogance" LOL
<Werner> LOL
<lanefu> Werner: new forum topic created
<Werner> marked as invalid...oh wait :P
<lanefu> JMCC that is hillarious
<lanefu> yeah and native english speakers are gettting senstive adn grandstanding that we're toixic
<IgorPec> alright. lanefu: perhaps we can sum infrastructure changes quickly
<Heisath> It is things like this that leads to that. Igor, no offense, but if somebody buys helios64 for lots of bucks, I understand they expect support from kobol guys.
<Heisath> #topic Infrastructure
<IgorPec> AR-675
<ArmbianHelper> AR-675 [Story] "Armbian General Infrastructure Improvements (non-mirror)" reported by Lane Jennison at 2021-03-16. Status: In Progress
<lanefu> k FYI IMHO Mirrors are stable and working well.. still need to add health checks / validaiton
<Werner> #topic infrastructure
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: infrastructure (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<lanefu> pulling up ticket stand by
<IgorPec> we added few new mirrors, some under our domain, some via fosshost
<lanefu> bwah can some one link me that ticket.. jira is being dumb
<ArmbianHelper> AR-675 [Story] "Armbian General Infrastructure Improvements (non-mirror)" reported by Lane Jennison at 2021-03-16. Status: In Progress
<lanefu> THANKS! looking now
<lanefu> yeah i should prioritie github actions monitoring.. i feel like that's in a weird place
<lanefu> netbox.. Igor and I have been making good progress there
<IgorPec> almost all our gear and DUT+s are in the system now
<lanefu> http-only repo i should probably prioritize as well... seems to be sensitive issue among some users who like to cache
<IgorPec> devices for testing, network eq., servers, switches, power controllers, etc. and connections between them
<Werner> oh btw the arbeitstier runner can be removed from the repo since it will go offline in a few days
<lanefu> #action remove arbeitstier runner from github
<Werner> #action remove arbeitstier runner from github
<IgorPec> do we need this runner as is?
<lanefu> nah we have more
<lanefu> mine is hardly ever getting used
<Werner> was just a backup
<IgorPec> main runner builds kernels in case things are changed
<IgorPec> runner "build"
<IgorPec> but it only runs on one machine. this is not good
<lanefu> IgorPec: okay let swork togther so that it can run on my box if needed
<IgorPec> this way our inventory looks like
<Werner> add arm64 machine as 2nd native runner?
<IgorPec> for internal network
<IgorPec> it has to be x86 atm, we can only build rootfs cache with arm64
<IgorPec> not "everything"
<Werner> ok
<lanefu> my box has 40 threads. it can keep up as a secondary
<lanefu> re arm64 runners
<IgorPec> anyway this CI thing has to be improved
<IgorPec> action
<lanefu> i've got beta access to so I can start provisioning smaller arm64 VMS for doing moer taive buidl stuff
<lanefu> yeah we need a CI epic
<Werner> #action improve CI
<IgorPec> ok
<lanefu> s/moer taive buidl/more native build/
<ArmbianHelper> lanefu meant to say: i've got beta access to so I can start provisioning smaller arm64 VMS for doing more native build stuff
<Werner> I guess balbes would be interested in
<IgorPec> infrastructure wise that's it
<IgorPec> still lot things in motion and 2do
<IgorPec> in case someone wants to join those efforts, lane and i would be happy
<lanefu> yeah me might be, but he still uses are bigass box
<Werner> which is good
<Heisath> #topic misc / arm64 or was arm64 already done in infrastructure?
<Werner> #topic misc / arm64
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: misc / arm64 (Meeting topic: Jerboa release meeting)
<lanefu> yeah like I can help whoever make the jobs run... but don't have time to like design the processes occuring inside hte jobs
<lanefu> like i can convert test scripts to jobs
<Heisath> Anything else or general arm64 info noted in FYI
<IgorPec> officier for next?
<Heisath> JMCC?
<JMCC> Not really
<Heisath> Docs say: "We need someone that is not well acquiented with the process to see if our documentation is good enough."
<IgorPec> basically the goal is to get us here and run the meeting script
<Heisath> I feel pretty good up to now. Will see how the code freeze and stuff works out
<JMCC> Sorry, I didn't understand
<IgorPec> role of the meeting officier are plain
<JMCC> Do you mean coordinate the next meeting
<IgorPec> yes
* jock has to go, nephew called for attention (really!)
<lanefu> bye jock
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<JMCC> That would be for july, correct? I will be on holiday during june
<lanefu> JMCC: it's easy. you just post a thread on the forum that people ignore, and then do what we just did :P
<Heisath> yeah july
<IgorPec> July 3th
<Heisath> its well documented here:
<IgorPec> also i propose to add if not there: one week before the date another reminder
<IgorPec> some people simply forget if not reminded two days before meeting starts
<Heisath> didn't help this time. Maybe also schedule around bigger holidays?
<Werner> #action add reminder before next meeting
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<JMCC> Ughh, sorry but I can't. I have to speak in a conference djune 29-july 2. I would be totally disconnected from everything else these days
<Werner> #action add even MOAR reminders
<JMCC> Rain check, I get the next meeting
<Heisath> ok we'll just find and select someone. Maybe Pali is interested? xD
<IgorPec> yeah :)
<Werner> He wont take any role, not even the one suggested by lane :(
<IgorPec> jock flew. he was second candidate
<IgorPec> :)
<Heisath> I think we just postpone it a bit. Can ask in the forum. Maybe Kobol guys will do it. Would allow them to pick a timer better suited for singapor ppl.
<IgorPec> yes, or those who might forgot to come.
<IgorPec> business meeting
<Heisath> reason for extra meeting?
<IgorPec> to discusss non technical issues
<Heisath> #action find release officer
<Werner> #action find release officer
<IgorPec> long term plans, what to do with armbian, in which direction to go
<IgorPec> relationship with vendors
<Heisath> ok I get it. Fear not many will attend.
<IgorPec> where to invest milions
<lanefu> first get millions?
<Heisath> you have millions to spare?
<IgorPec> :)
<lanefu> is biz meeting now?
<Heisath> can do it now :D
<IgorPec> just doing advertisement
<IgorPec> so someone will show up
<Heisath> collect data with our boards and sell.
<lanefu> I'd love to partner with somoen and get an armbian branded board
<lanefu> and of course Igor you're aware of my other ideas about builds as a service, etc
<IgorPec> also i am talking with orangepi about creating new armbian wanted board
<IgorPec> khadas would like to cooperate
<IgorPec> that kind of stuff. its a lot to work on, decide and its not just my problem
<lanefu> yeah? we need a board that has our name on it
<lanefu> for shared branding
<lanefu> and shared proceeds :P
<Heisath> Werner will you post meetbot output to the release thread?
<IgorPec> that is not decided yet and those are things for the business type of meeting
<Werner> clusterboard with rk3588, go big or go home :D
<Werner> yeah will do assuming we wrap it up here?
<lanefu> In theory Firefly is going to send me an R1 cluster server... so maybe we'll see some RK3588 modules that way
<IgorPec> so, are we generally fine with time as for todays meeting?
<lanefu> IgorPec: yep!
<JMCC> *thumbs up*
<Heisath> We started around 16:15 here. So about 1:30
<Werner> then lets hope it does not crash now ^^
<Werner> #endmeeting
ArmbianHelper changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Armbian 20.11 Tamandua released | | Github: | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: ->
<ArmbianHelper> Log: armbian/2021/armbian.2021-04-03-14.00.log.html
<ArmbianHelper> Minutes (text): armbian/2021/armbian.2021-04-03-14.00.txt
<ArmbianHelper> Meeting ended Sat Apr 3 15:51:23 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
<ArmbianHelper> Minutes: armbian/2021/armbian.2021-04-03-14.00.html
<Heisath> think that is fine timewise
<JMCC> Bye then! Happy Easter to everyone celebrating Easter!
<IgorPec> ok, i will make an invite
<lanefu> yay it worked.. thanks JMCC happy easter!
<Heisath> Maybe add some form to vote on possible days/dates/times.
<IgorPec> thanks Heisath and everonye
<Heisath> for business meeting
<IgorPec> ok
<Heisath> Remember code freeze on 19 April.
<Heisath> Have fun looking for eggs. And good weekend/day/evening.
JMCC has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<IgorPec> thank you werner, thank you meet boot
<IgorPec> oo-o
<Werner> ,unload meetbot
<ArmbianHelper> The operation succeeded.
Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | Armbian 20.11 Tamandua released | | Github: | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: ->
<Werner> Um...
Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | | Github: | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: ->
<Werner> Better
<Heisath> Btw if anyone is good in sbc audio and wants to have clearfog output spdif/i2s I have started porting stuff from old lk3 here:
<Heisath> is WIP at the moment
<Werner> a bit nicer to remember
<Heisath> does not work for me
<Werner> Just setup the dns a few minutes ago. worked for me already but may take a bit longer for others
<Heisath> ah ok
<Heisath> sure you meant .de?
<Werner> Perfectly sure
<Heisath> perfect.
<Heisath> Can anyone suggest a small form factor armbian board with WLAN, LAN, audio (either analog or i2s) and good support? I'm looking to build some own multiroom speaker solution
<IgorPec> all armbian boards have good support :)
<Heisath> hahaha oh wait you're serious? Let me laugh even harder ...
<IgorPec> rockpi?
<IgorPec> e
<IgorPec> r4s
<IgorPec> but not sure how well is i2s support
<Werner> Any rk3399 working nicely but that is quite some overkill I think
<Heisath> I do have the rpie around here. Need to test
<IgorPec> orangepi r1 if you don't need much power
<Heisath> I was using ESP32 now (works quite good with I2S) but WLAN is not optimal.
<Heisath> It would only need to receive VBAN audio stream and play it.
<IgorPec> so that's the reason for trying i2s on clearfog
<Heisath> nah not even
<Heisath> that is to overpowered
<Heisath> I am just annoyed by solidrun for selling me stuff, that doesnt work.
<buZz> someone linked that to me before
<Heisath> @buzz yeah I'm using a custom port of that for ESP32
<IgorPec> all sell that kind of stuff
<buZz> ah
<IgorPec> that doesn't work
<Heisath> Problem with WLAN is packet loss
<Heisath> I'm moving in the next year (or so) and want to have lan and audio in every room. So planning ahead.
<buZz> we used pulseaudio at the hackerspace for that
<IgorPec> ahaa
<buZz> just over 1gb ethernet though, because why not :)
<Heisath> Clearfogpro is planned as a router/gateway. We get fiber to home and the sfp for clearfog works xD
<buZz> esp32 has ethernet though
<stipa> rarely anything works nowdays
<stipa> all looks great on paper filled with lies
<stipa> if you get half of it you're lucky
<stipa> in open source realm it at least works
<stipa> elsewhere you're just doomed
<buZz> :)
<buZz> or at least it works on this -one- ancient version
<stipa> if it's for one chip then it's ok
<stipa> it's to expect if you make chip working there's nothing to add
<stipa> new versions have no sense
<stipa> one ancient version that is fully functional is more than perfect
<stipa> for what it has to do
<stipa> in todays reality it's more about does it even work
<stipa> than is it the newest version of something
<stipa> the best newest version of something
<stipa> well, maybe you should make the old one working and then put the newsest best version on the market
Heisath has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<stipa> in commercial market it's more about let's put out new piece of hardware which hardware and software will suck
<stipa> and it just goes on and on, and it's worse every day
<stipa> but it's new and it has the best software, you know
<stipa> it's perfect
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<[TheBug]> Sorry I missed the meeting guys :Z
<[TheBug]> felt really good to sleep in
bzyx has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
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<stipa> [TheBug]: i always prefere good sleep over the stupid stuff
<jock> buZz: it turned out that u-boot v2021.01 bug was a signed int vs unsigned int comparison...
<buZz> lol
<jock> unbelievable...
<[TheBug]> FYI HerculeP: is better :D
<[TheBug]> but thanks :)
<jock> now u-boot v2021.01 compiles and boots fine, v2021.04-rc5 compiles but still hangs :/
<jock> anyway *very* horrible code
<jock> I had enough for today, see you!
jock has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<stipa> to this day i still don't get little edian and big edian...
<stipa> little is if you start for left i guess
<stipa> ENDIAN*
<stipa> Emulating english language for me is shit but emulating english concepts in low level is just too much
<stipa> i do some stuff successfully using those concpts, but after some time i just forget
<stipa> it's like i have to relearn constantly to keep my self in shape
<stipa> or like,
<stipa> there's no way i'll forget this
<stipa> and i actually do forget
<stipa> documenting?
<stipa> even if i wrote it it's like i'm reading it the first time
<stipa> but i don't mind shifting from concept to concept
<stipa> or using multiple oses, or cpu architectures
<stipa> if i would stick to one thing it would be much easier to "remember"
<stipa> but, despite all that dumbness
<stipa> i know where to search for info
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<stipa> i should make an account on github
<stipa> to show all that fuckers how to code
<stipa> fuckers
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<mangix> stipa: endian is done in bits AFAIK
<mangix> AFAIK bits in done is endian
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