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rneese I've received the board. No screen though
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Good morning
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yes, those things are merged some time ago - in slightly different form, but done
perhpas things are fuc* to the degree software can't fix them? :)
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@raspberrytorpes (raspberryparatorpes): Dear @armbian crew and followers. To "build armbian" using armbian. Which board did you recommend? NanoPC-T4 or Jetson Nano? Thanks in advance https://tinyurl.com/yz2uqdpq (22s ago)
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@DieZuckerbude (🔴🔴 Ben Zucker 🍰): @raspberrytorpes @armbian I would use the T4 if I had to choose between those boards. #RK3399 is likely more powerful so stuff will go faster and this SoC is quite well supported while the Jetson Nano is fairly new and also not officially supported by the project. https://tinyurl.com/yfb3tuvl (6s ago)
chewitt meson64 got turned into a spaghetti mess with the sudden intro of a few extra boards and patchsets that overlap.
so I'm not sure if the patch is truly applied in Armbian or not, that issue was on/off for every kernel version pretty much
I'm talking on our side, haha
catching up on messages
ahh, ok
there's a couple of threads on kernel and u-boot lists
but everything proposed has been merged
I'm not entirely certain any of those things directly addressed it TBH, but I'm also at a loss for what it could be. It cropped up one time on a minor revision of the kernel and then disappeared again with no apparent changes to the relevant code
btw, I'm currently seeing a major regression with SDIO wifi on 5.12-rc8
I didn't work up the enthusiasm to bisect it yet
I mostly use ethernet everywhere so I've not noticed when it occurred
5.11.10 is okay tho
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