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@_jaj (Jona Joachim): @guidol70 @Olimex @armbian I agree, RAM has always been the limiting factor for me to use these boards as a desktop system. I would love to see an ARM board with minimum 8, better 12 GB of RAM https://tinyurl.com/yevnfd84 (12.3h ago)
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the thing i dont like about python is that i'm constantly copying and pasting stuff, i didn't even memorize all the synthax
if i would have to write simple line of code i couldn't do it
what a lazy language
i know what lines do but i couldnt write one if that makes any sense
the worst thing is if i need to go pageup or down to copy a line from there, it's ike overkill for me
like: oh no i have to go page up to copy a line from there
like hipsters. "stackoverflow programming".
it's in it's DNA i guess
it's like in a nutshell
-copy a line
-modify it
and that modification process is also copy and paste
delete copy paste
and in comments are resources
that are as well copied and pasted
it was so hard before screen editors. on home pc of 80x.
stipa: I don't get what you mean, why is python specifically bad for that copy-paste ? I mean, what's preventing you from doing that exact thing with C, C++, or whatever ?
in basic ".450" — then you can edit line 450. but you have no clipoard
Xogium: it's easy
so ?
i have a feeling that i'm cheating or something and i feel dumb
but you could do that same thing with other languages
painfully so yes
but that's how trying to program make me feel
in general
it's all in the head
the idea is important
then you build it with whatever it could achieve the idea
I know I shouldn't listen or get influenced by rude ass***** on the internet but honestly
when I get told that the only reason I haven't pick up go programming language is because I'm making excuses to not learn to program
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@armbian (armbian): @AlfonsiJessica @blu51899890 @NVIDIAEmbedded When CUDA implementation will be open source and when / if we will have enough resources for complex code implementation. Both seems impossible :( This is all we have: https://t.co/7mYZTORhy6https://tinyurl.com/yzr7y7qm (18s ago)
it kind of hurts, really
i guess you can follow one line of a text at the moment
programming is like at least 10 lines
and eyes scan through them
searching the problem and
trying to make it work
so, idk how could you make that buffer
of few lines at the same moment
in your mind
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i guess one of the approaches would be to start with 10 lners
10 line programs
you can memorize those lines
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and scan through them
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in the mind
eyes can scan fast
bam and they're at line 10
bam line 1
and mind doesn't loose focus of the idea
idk, maybe you could give voice commands to the screen
to wich line you want to go
there,s like this multi-line display but its almost 5000 euros last I checked, don't have that :p
yeah, that could help
i guess you coud code then
tmultile screen would be the equivalent to what eyes see
multiline screen*
nekomancer[m]: sounds like fun, i bet in those times you had to take care of program memory
256 byte programs and such
aww, yess. you should care for memory when all ram is 32 KB, 16 of them are screen, and first 500B is stack.
it was my first school computer.
cool times
so much hopes...
i'm like
386 486 era guy
how to play a game without stuttering
there were no low level back then
* nekomancer[m]
did a COWOX
win 3
and dos
then win 95, win xp ...
and now this mess we have today
it's never enough to enjoy a freakin game
o, first simple home computers of 80x I see not have a timer interrupts. It makes all background sound-related stuff near to impossible
sorry, covox
you mean sound's weren't in sync with the video?