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@racerrupnik (Chris Rupnik): @mibosshard @astr0baby On my orangepi aarch64 I use armbian https://tinyurl.com/yf5jqds2 (3s ago)
@LinuxKebumen (Linux Kebumen): Armbian 21.05 Released with Support for Linux Kernel 5.11, Orange Pi R1 Plus https://t.co/Hn7qYWhaSh The Armbian team did a great job improving desktop support by adding additional desktop configurations for use with their new framework and implemented a Jira-based checklist f… https://tinyurl.com/ydjsh3df (7s ago)
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nekomancer[m]: config/sources
IgorPec: thank you!
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-- Eben ist es wieder passiert. Die Odroid n2+ hat sich wieder einfach abgeschaltet. Zumindestens dachte ich da. Es sah nämlich danach aus. Aber tatsächlich hat sich der Monitor in den Power Save Modus begangen. tty5 ist nicht zu erreichen, dafür aber tty1 und tty2. Ich habe es nur gemerkt, weil die Musik weiter gespielt hat.
It just happened again. The Odroid n2 + simply switched itself off again. At least that's what I thought. Because it looked like it. But actually the monitor has committed itself to the power save mode. tty5 cannot be reached, but tty1 and tty2 can. I only noticed it because the music kept playing. [de~>eng]
-- weiß jemandn warum das so ist?
does anyone know why that is? [de~>eng]
-- aber mit ctrl + alt F2 kann ich in den Terminal
but with ctrl + alt F2 I can go to the terminal [de~>eng]
-- tty 7 ist nicht erreichbar
tty 7 cannot be reached [de~>eng]
-- ich dachte die n2+ schaltet sich ab. Aber die console ist mit ctrl +alt +f2 zu erreichen, bloß ctrl+ alt + f7 kommt der power save Modus vom Monitor
I thought the n2 + would turn itself off. But the console can be reached with ctrl + alt + f2, only ctrl + alt + f7 comes the power save mode from the monitor [de~>eng]
-- hat jemand eine Erklärung dafur?
does anyone have an explanation for this? [de~>eng]
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-- kann jemand helfen mit dem problem n2+?
can someone help with the n2 + problem? [de~>eng]
-- tried the command startxfce4 from tty1 but told me xserver is running
tried the command startxfce4 from tty1 but told me xserver is running [en~>eng]
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kidice: try systemctl restart lightdm
-- ich habe auf dem Terminal tty1 einen reboot gemacht... komischerweise passiert das nur abundzu?
I did a reboot on terminal tty1 ... strangely enough, does it only happen from time to time? [de~>eng]
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-- was kann ich machen um diesen Fehler zu beheben. Wie gesagt der Monitor schaltet sich in den Power save modus, aber wenn ich auf den Terminal tty1 gehe ist der Monitor doch an? Ich moechte diesen fehler reparieren...Es gibt auch einen Firmware Bug?
what can I do to fix this error. As I said, the monitor switches to power save mode, but when I go to terminal tty1 is the monitor on? I want to fix this error ... There is also a firmware bug? [de~>eng]
-- Es scheint irgendetwas mit dem Monitor und armbian zu sein?
Seems to be something with the monitor and armbian? [de~>eng]
x windows display will always run on term 7
-- ich kann wenn das passiert nicht mehr mit auf ctrl-alt-f7 schalten
If that happens, I can no longer switch to ctrl-alt-f7 [de~>eng]
if screen is blank it crashed X
-- wie kann ich das reparieren
how can i fix this [de~>eng]
How did you get to this state to begin with?
Was it working before?
-- ja, es passiert meistens nur kurz nach dem Einschalten der n2+
yes, it usually only happens shortly after switching on the n2 + [de~>eng]
-- Wir haben armbianmonitor -u schon ausgetestet dabei war kein Fehler zu finden
We have already tested armbianmonitor -u and there was no error to be found [de~>eng]
You not answering the correct question really -- for example if everything works till you upgraded version, go back to older version maybe there is bug
I can't generically answer "why doesn't X work"
there is no generic answer
you would have to test and research based on your use case, what software you have, what configuration
if your saying you burn new image and boot and its not working, then again, maybe a bug, go back to older version
-- Es ist Buster basierend
It's buster based [de~>eng]
It would sound like to me if you were also the person in here earlier as oncle, then again, it sounds like whatever image you are using the GPU drivers crash or X crashes when your monitor goes to sleep, I have seen it before
so again, I would get an older image, and test with that to see if bug only is in new image or older
if its in all, report to forum so that someone can replicate and possibly fix
-- Ich liebe es, Danke
I love it thank you [de~>eng]
-- und ja, ich war derjenige names onkel am anderen Computer
and yes, I was the one named uncle on the other computer [de~>eng]
On RockPi 4c using the OEM debian image which supports their mini-dp port, for example, had this issue if DP monitor would go to sleep it would crash the video driver and require reboot to come back
this could be something similar
could be compatability between driver and your monitor
trying different image / monitor would be next steps
-- ja, der Monitor ist low budget
yes, the monitor is low budget [de~>eng]
-- danke vielmals, ich werde mir den Text speichern mehrmals durchlesen und mir etwas hilfe holen...
thank you very much, I'll save the text and read it several times and get some help ... [de~>eng]
-- ich habe kein upgrade gemacht nur updates
I didn't upgrade, only updates [de~>eng]
yeah updates will update the kernel if you don't hold it back
another option is you can use armbain-config and go back to an older kernel
-- aber deine informationen sind reichlich und hilfreich... ich werde sie ausarbeiten
but your information is abundant and helpful ... i will work it out [de~>eng]
-- ja, der Mointor geht zu schlafen auf tty7, aber auf tty1 etc. funktioniert
yes the mointor goes to sleep on tty7, but works on tty1 etc. [de~>eng]
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-- das lustigste war daran das die Musik die ich abgespielt habe ueber bluetooth weiter lief..danke fuer das plaudern es war sehr informativ...
the funniest thing was that the music that I played continued to run over bluetooth..thanks for the chat it was very informative ... [de~>eng]
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-- komischer weise sitze ich jetzt an dem n2+ und alles laueft stabil...und auch 24 lang nur nach dem starten dann passiert das... okay ich will nicht fluten ...
Strangely enough, I am now sitting at the n2 + and everything is running smoothly ... and for 24 hours only after starting it then happens ... okay, I don't want to flood ... [de~>eng]
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@SilvioSantoZ (Ricardo Pardini): Armbian trunk on a Snapdragon 835 (OnePlus 5) running k8s and Cilium eBPF @armbian @ciliumproject @kubernetesio 🎉 https://t.co/QXMCiox12Xhttps://tinyurl.com/yfz5bh9y (9s ago)
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that is actually interesting!
damn now I want one
those Oneplus 5's used at less than 100$ now
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@[TheBug] Go for the OP6. The OP5 is severely limited in the USB2 PHY hiding behind the USB-C connector. OP6's can be found for <100 bucks too and much better mainline support...
Also: these phones have zero thermal headroom. After 37C (when a user holding them would perceive it as hot) it just slows to a halt.
bootloader chain huge, envolving Qualcomm stuff, XBL, UEFI, ABOOT and more, but does load mainline correctly...
fun times. see yall tomorrow
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I have an LG v35 ;) which I actually like better but runs same SoC
ahh but you left so I am caught talking to my self again
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