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@cnxsoft (CNX Software): .@thepine64 and @RAKwireless are collaborating on the development of Pine64 indoor LoRA #gateway based on Pine A64-LTS #SBC running #Armbian, #LoRaWAN #iot #lpwan https://t.co/MQTnZgYbSXhttps://tinyurl.com/yfynn4jn (6s ago)
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Hello, anyone with ODROID N2(+) or (H)C4 and hangs on reboot? I've nailed it down to kernel 5.10.24+ -- 5.10.23 works. Or maybe something else on my side, could anyone try and confirm?
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I don't own an N2+ as of yet because its like impossible to find, so I can't speak to that.
I'm sure Armbian has a more elegant solution :)
@c0rnelius thanks I will investigate further. the changelog between .23 and .24 is huge, I'll look for meson_drv_shutdown
Yes, N2+ gave me troubles since I bought it... the HC4's were fine until 5.10.24, I've run 5.10.7 on them for months rock solid.
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the reboot issues i saw on amlogic devices seemed like.. if I didn't touch the keyboard ever during running, it would reboot fine, but if i interacted with teh usb bus it would hang at shutdown
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c0rnelius: that is armbian solution :)
IgorPec: nice to know :)
does that also work on the N2's?
n2 reboots fine for me, but c4
few days of work is needed, but i can't see that anytime soon
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IgorPec: you need to use an N2 as your daily driver then everything will be fixed :P
or C4 i guess
yeah, probably
but its hard to work with a machine that needs kernel hacking ;)
yeah i've learned that from experience
i'm back to just docking my macbook and nothing else on the KVM
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what's the 'official' way to bootstrap armbian on a headless machine with wifi? this is a bpi-m2 zero, so no wired network
(yes, I know, it can be soldered on, but I haven't gotten that far yet)
what about a usb ethernet adapter?
RoyK: mount the image and look at /boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template then make an approrpiate config file and save
s/image/sdcard or image/
lanefu meant to say: RoyK: mount the sdcard or image and look at /boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template then make an approrpiate config file and save
@raspberrytorpes (raspberryparatorpes): Really nice board! @lemakerbananapi BananaPi Pro. On-line since 2015. Today is time to refresh the OS with last version from @armbian https://t.co/2tqu6yaajVhttps://tinyurl.com/yf8b68cg (11s ago)
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@lanefu @IgorPec indeed. USB (dwc3?) on the N2+ is terrible. I'm reasonably stable on 2 HC4s and 1 N2+ with 5.10.23, but they are headless. I'll see if I can bisect further later, I still need to find a way for a KERNEL_ONLY=yes build to be driven via git bisect...
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rpardini: oooh yeah that would be cool
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peter: it probably hasnt been tested recently...
Thank you,
I am new in the devicetree overlay stuff
It is hard to find information like:
1. where are the definitions from sunxi8
2. where exactly is a syntax description of this kind of file, I mean, a realy complete syntax description not only the incomplete standard overviews
device tree is hella hard and nebulous
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armbian-config has a device tree editor if thats useful
if I compare this example to Raspberry-Pi' (Broadcom Plattform) description it is very different
I have changed in fragment1 pins = "PA7" to pins = "nonsense"
during boot-up dmesg shows that "nonsens" daoesn't exist but initializeses MCP2515
With this modification I can set up the "ip link type can..." successfully
But it is not propoer: When Busload is heavy, interrupt pin of MCP2515 is set (I guess because of Receive Buffer-Overflow). Then no message can be received anymore.
what is fragment1? do you need to look at SOC docs for correct pin name?
Supposing the MCP2515 driver in Linux Kernel is correct.
Supposing SocketCAN implementation is correct.
(with RPi and MCP2515 everything is working fine)
I would conclude that disableing that please of code is the source of error.
But problem is, I can not assign any meaning to this lines
fragment@1 {
target = <&pio>;
__overlay__ {
can0_pin_irq: can0_pin_irq {
pins = "PA7";
function = "irq";
Because later in fragment2 there is a similar definition