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@marcdraco63 (Marc “Wash your hands, don't spit!” Draco FBPE): @3dpNero did you cover this yet? https://t.co/3CdYBXEdzP I'm using it with @armbian on a Zero Pi (512Mb but slightly faster than the RPi0 and a really nice case). Armbian is the dog's bollocks too. https://tinyurl.com/yzauzrs9 (29s ago)
Does Armbian is specifically for ARM Devices?
though we had toyed with the idea of making an x86 version for RockPiX but I don't think that ever came to be
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I have a RISC-V board and wondering if it would be awkward to propose it for Armbian port.
I mean if you have time to do it, I am sure no one would object to you trying to make it work, though I don't know if I would expect to task someone else with that job...
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