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-- hallo ich habe immer noch das problem das sich der ordroid n2+ abunzu abschaltet. armibianmonitor -u zeigte keine fehler von seiten der n2+, ich vermute dass das netzteil nicht richtig funktioniert oder irgendetwas die n2+ abschaltet, weil sie nicht richtig mit Strom versorgt wird?
hello i still have the problem that the ordroid n2 + turns off every now and then. armibianmonitor -u showed no errors on the part of the n2 +, i suspect that the power supply is not working properly or something is switching off the n2 + because it is not being supplied with power? [de~>eng]
try a different power supply
-- ich habe nur ein zweites Netzteil welches auch gehen sollte, aber dies hat 12 volt und 2,5 A und 30 Watt. Im handbuch steht aber: es wird empfolen dass das netzteill 12 volt und 2 A.und nicht mehr als 25 Watt haben soll.
I only have a second power supply which should also work, but this has 12 volts and 2.5 A and 30 watts. In the manual, however, it says: It is recommended that the power supply unit should have 12 volts and 2 A. and not more than 25 watts. [de~>eng]
-- kidice: mehr strom ist gut, n2 zieht nur soviel es braucht
kidice: more power is good, n2 only draws as much as it needs [de~>eng]
-- der angegebene strom ist nur, was das netzteil liefern KANN
the specified current is only what the power supply can deliver [de~>eng]
same as how your 16A 240V wall socket isnt exploding that 1 watt LED lightbulb you connected
also known as; pay attention in highschool physics classes plz
the maual saying "not more than 2A" is totally wrong
-- noch eine weitere Frage. ich have hier noch eine rockpi E hier und suche ein passendes Netzteil / Ladegeraet rockpi e will 5 Volt. Geht auch ein
one more question. I have another rockpi E here and am looking for a suitable power supply / charger rockpi e wants 5 volts. Also comes in [de~>eng]
-- evtl. habe ich auch etwas falsches gesagt..entschuldigung
maybe I said something wrong ... sorry [de~>eng]
-- handbuch sagt minimum 2 A.
manual says minimum 2 A. [de~>eng]
-- hauptsache die 5V sind stabil, Ladegeraete sind oft ungeeignet
The main thing is that the 5V are stable, chargers are often unsuitable [de~>eng]
50/50 chance maybe
-- kann ich fuer die rockpie auch ein 5,1 Volt netzteil nehmen
can i use a 5.1 volt power supply for the rockpie? [de~>eng]
-- ich denke schon, oft sinkt die spannung etwas im kabel
i think so, the voltage in the cable often drops a little [de~>eng]
-- ist da etwas im netz was ich dazu lesen kann ueber dieses thema, wie heisst das thema?
Is there something on the net that I can read about this topic, what is the topic called? [de~>eng]
-- danke ich glaube ich habe alles noetige ehrfahren was ich wissen wollte...
thank you, i think i have all i need to know what i wanted to know ... [de~>eng]
-- wenn jemand wuesste wie dieses Thema heisst?
if someone knew what this topic is called? [de~>eng]
-- ich denke ich finde mich schon zurecht
I think I can find my way around [de~>eng]
-- kidice: google physik, elektronik, stromversorgung usw
kidice: google physics, electronics, power supply, etc [de~>eng]
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-- nochmal eine kurze Frage wegen der n2+ und dem Netzteil. Im Handbuch steht: max. 25 Watt aber das Netzteil das ich habe hat 30 Watt...
again a quick question about the n2 + and the power supply. The manual says: max. 25 watts but the power supply that I have has 30 watts ... [de~>eng]
we already told you
16:17:49 < buZz> same as how your 16A 240V wall socket isnt exploding that 1 watt LED lightbulb you connected
16:18:03 < buZz> also known as; pay attention in highschool physics classes plz
okay, nothing to worry...thank you
for instance, this battery here can supply up to 100A at once at 3.7V
yet, none of the devices i connect to it actually -draw- that current
-- ich hatte nur Angst gehabt, dass ich mir mit einer als angegebner Volt, Ampere und Watt Zahl, den SBC kaputt machen koennte. Ich wollte nur nichts kaputt machen und alles korrekt machen...
I was just afraid that I could break the SBC with a given voltage, ampere and watt number. I just didn't want to break anything and do everything correctly ... [de~>eng]
-- kleiner tipp fehler...es sollte heissen anders als angegeben...
small tip mistake ... it should be different than stated ... [de~>eng]
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i want to compile "brcm" firmwares for wifi devices but the "firmware-nonfree" source has a bunch of other stuff besides stuff from "brcm", how could i filter all other crap and compile only "brcm" firmwares with 'dpkg-buildpackage' command? Should i delete folders with source for bunch of other devices and hope for the best?
or i could maybe edit some file
and delete lines from it
to other packages i don't want to be compiles?
i guess there's no any fancy menu to do that
You got a github account? Extract the bits of firmware you need and create a repo, lets say called `firmware`. When you clone it onto the OS do so with `sudo git clone ${URL} /lib/firmware/update/brcm`. The directory `updates` supersedes anything already install on the system as its checked first by the kernel.
*sudo git clone ${URL} /lib/firmware/updates/brcm`. my bad.
that looks like a fast solution
i don't have github...
Yeah its way easier :)
i have brcm driver from 2018 and i see there is recent stuff
that chip is in rpi4 and rpi 3B+ or something
Thats where I get the firmware for the NanoPI NEO Plus 2
Alwinner H5
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yeah, bin and blobs
cypress forum is mostly guys from manufacturing industry complaining and some moderators redirecting them somewhere else claiming it's not their problem
how is work going with the opi zero 2?
it's detected as [ 9.495605] brcmfmac: brcmf_c_preinit_dcmds: Firmware: BCM4345/6 wl0: Feb 27 2018 03:15:32 version 7.45.154 (r684107 CY) FWID 01-4fbe0b04
in general I have found the code to use most broadcom chips for AP is pretty poorly implemented so likely drivers jank ;/
that's what i'm experiencing as well
back in the 4.4 days they used to try and patch the drivers but I haven't seen many reliable BCM drivers for AP since then
it mostly works
but it has that about 10 seconds blackouts
annoying if you're int osomething and it just breaks
for 10-30 secs and than it comes back
64 bytes from fra16s50-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=125 ttl=113 time=76.6 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=126 ttl=113 time=73.6 ms
64 bytes from fra16s50-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=128 ttl=113 time=55.6 ms
what kind of antenna are you using?
those are -i 5 pings
small omni
how far away is the device
2 meters maybe
no obstacles
my head only
there is a such thing as chip compatability have you tried other devices and replicated the same behavior
ha ha
other stuff works
no that "blackouts"
example: I have a TP-Link router that is compatabile with some of those jank BCM drivers better than my Ubiquity AP
in the case you attach the BCM device to Ubiquity AP it runs really slow and has intermitent issues
you attach it to the TP-Link it works no issue
mine chip is a clone
I am assuming this is also 2.4Ghz only right?
ohh interesting
on 2.5Ghz it's ok
I would have expected the other way
it's amapk
maybe they fucked something in electronics
also do you heat a heatsink on the wifi chip?
in chip design
those stupid things also tend to overheat
i guess not
i don't
maybe that's the issue
i can't see temps of that
just get one of those small heatsink with self adhesive thermal pad
would be enough
just need to pull the heat away from the chip
i'll try to cut something
like Rpi kits used to come with little heatsinks to fit that type of thing
you don't need some huge heatsink, just somethign to wick away heat
yeah, naybe it heats more if in 5Ghz mode
despite it not having much traffic
mayb it, you know, bumps up the power to it even if there's no much traffic
then it would make sense
i'll glue one heatsink to it anyway
it's luke warm on touch
what a stupid fault
maybe it's smething else and not the chip
software maybe
i get ping back with some delay but from the ping it looks like dns also gets lost
dns resolution*
maybe i should bypass my pihole
and see
honestly its probably all of the above
maybe i should just throw it through the window
give up and that's it
like all normal people
I don't know I would go that bfar
that should fix it
but maybe adjust your expectations
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if 2.4Ghz works reliably your already doing better than I expected
i'm focused on 5Ghz nowadays
but i haven't noticed any problems with 2.4Ghz
i guess
Is power save mode off?
output of 'iw dev' says it is
Just checking.
i'll bypass pihole
In all honesty with Wi-Fi it's generally pretty good to have either some kind of passive or active cooling involved. It can make a huge difference. I even cut up my Wi-Fi dongles and put heat sinks on them.
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yeah, those chips heat lik e crazy while under load
heh, looks little strange without local DNS