Werner changed the topic of #armbian to: armbian - Linux for ARM development boards | www.armbian.com | Github: github.com/armbian | Commits: #armbian-commits | Developer talk: #armbian-devel | Forum feed: #armbian-rss | Type 'help' for help | Logs: -> irc.armbian.com
@synapticwebco (SynapticWebCo): #SEO #CMS Armbian 21.05 Now Available » Linux Magazine: For anyone that makes use of ARM-based architecture, you have a friend in Armbian, which is a Debian-based Linux distribution, purpose-built for ARM and embedded devices (inc https://t.co/cREyhYYJ4dhttps://t.co/T95dp7pSHjhttps://tinyurl.com/yj7vwl7n (7s ago)
they need updating
its Debian/Ubuntu dual build system
so is anyone here or are you all just non active users
wake up
Why in the world would anyone be using dual build of Debian and Ubuntu?
The system builds both debian and ubuntu
images you select when you build a custom img
as it is right now all the new desktops are ubuuntu only
as no one is helping us to find what desktops work on debian other then xfce
we have been doing alot of work on the new system to allow users choice
we now have Budgie/Cinnamon/Gnome/Mate/Xfce and I just got Deeping tested and we are re addingit
so we will have 6 Desktop Managers and soon 3 Window manages i3/xmonad/awsomewm
so once all done we will have alot more to offer people
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I'm stuck with the "security check" on the forum, NoScript does not show any captcha-related site to enable, and even if I enable all domains shown I still don't get that security check. I could manually whitelist that domain if only I know what it is (but then why isn't it shown...)
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yann: you can't register or you can't login?
I can't get the "security check", both on "register" dialog, and trying to post as unregistered user
eximining with ff, I can see that's supposed to be an iframe from https://google.com/recaptcha, so it ought to be covered by the existing perms :(
well, you will need to register this somewhere ... i don't see any problems on our side
forum is anyway some standard pcs of software we only use
well, maybe I can find answers here then :)
so you have troubles because it doesn't show you google catcpa or what?
if you have some security plugins that are too agressive, you need to disable them
at least for the registering part
My nanopi-m4-2gb does boot the "current" images, but not the "legacy" ones, looks like an issue with MMC driver: https://pastebin.com/NskVMKdf
google did not seem find other souls lost in the same realm :/
sorry, you will need to ask forum
or search for
legacy / stock kernel is not the best quality and its maintained at minimum cost
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yeah, but "current" has non-working BT and maybe audio too on that board, I wanted to make sure the hw does indeed work
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yann: non working features is last thing you need to worry about
mainline kernel development and maintaining is mainly on community shoulders, financially.
well, in the rockchip case they do have devs submitting to mainline
sadly they have done so much in their old 4.4 tree (sometimes not following recommended practice) that it's not that likely we'll get everything mainlined, esp. for current/older SoCs...
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oh, neofetch new armbian pic
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And how do you make sure that it doesn’t contain persistent Chinese spyware?
Without open source, you don’t. You simply weigh-in the harm between being backdoored by an American military contractor vs. a Chinese contractor and decide which one you can live with.
it's a small price to pay for 8G of memory and octo-core CPU :D
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hehe, yeah
but this device would only be interested with ... armbian :)
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_william_ evening
price still unpublished, but it's huawei. "sony of china".
it will certainly be over 1000 USD IMO
looks pair to apple m1
but screen 2k 3:2 — very good
yes, finally we are going away from "movie" screens on laptops
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if it's in the $400-600 range, that would be a killer laptop!
true, but i doubt they will go that low
still to get proper linux its some work
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huawei not mainlines.
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i know, that will be someoneelses job
also pinebook never did
It'll be interesting to see where the pricing lands --- it's a bit crowded in the $900 realm :/
but rk3399 is something different then m1 or kirin
That's also true!
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i would buy it for 200$
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but i doubt it would be completely functional
without Armbian
<stipa "i would buy it for 200$"> maybe, in 2024
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well, for 1000$ you buy fancy pc and do proper linux with it
fancy pc laptop*
as usual — no video codecs HW acceleration, no bluetooth, only raw video from camera, no hybernation, half of battery life in comparison with china gov linux.
yeah, sonds like very cheap smartphone
not like a cheap tablet in case of pbp
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pbp was made around community supported chip
i doubt that kirin chip would be or is like that
its not
its very unlikely there will be some mainline progress, basic stuff yes, like nvidia
it boots linux, but not fancy stuff
maybe china hackers will do something about that
i doubt, mainline is expensive project
can't be done solo by hackers
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hacker is by definition a person looking for shortcuts ... while development is not always that way
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judging by how they design hardware it's very likely they won't be able to do much to make it into a fancy linux laptop
hard to say. its up to them if they will do something about, if its in their interest
and there's the language mental barrier
it will be interesting to see how far things will come with apple m1
till the next model
even i don't see a point to run linux on overpriced apple :)
yeah, it's just their business model
buy new for a year or less
and ditch old crap
but there are other devices in that price range, that are better ... if you look for fancy / biz type of notebook
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x86 ... but not much good arm notebooks
whatever does the job
i should stick to that one
yeah. i use notebook mainly for terminal :)
you mean laptop?
it's cool
laptops are perfect for terminals
even the old shitty ones
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hi IgorPec sorry i was away, how are you ?
good, working on some ci tasks for cache recreation, testing what we merged today