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hi all
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@cnxsoft (CNX Software): Expansion board to create a @ZWave home #automation gateway with #RaspberryPi or @orangepixunlong Orange Pi Zero board running Raspberry Pi OS or #Armbian, #smarthome #zwave https://t.co/lCcGOLUsxKhttps://tinyurl.com/yfdeqhcb (20s ago)
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@kentchenery (Kent 🇳🇿): I (kind of) accidentally bought one of these: https://t.co/faQ3RRSeKz Moved Pihole onto it to free up a Raspberry Pi 3B. Its a great little board (and Armbian is well put together OS). Dont tell Chorus but the USB on my ONT is powers it :D https://tinyurl.com/yzb4e9yj (30s ago)
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@lanefu (Lane Jennison): @kentchenery Be carefull. I accidentally purchased an orange pi one about 4 years ago, and today I've lost count of my collection of Armbian-powered non-RPI SBCs https://tinyurl.com/ygdt23ev (18s ago)
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werner: around?
can you perhaps refresh your torrent server?
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IgorPec sure thing
tnx, also we could script this if possible?
if you have a dedicated machine
it should refresh every 24h
refreshed manually now
i know, but when i switch torrents, i want to have fast seeders asap
Need to think about how this could be triggered
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din't lane made some tunnel to you?
but i think it can also be done via transmission remote
where you open port and limit access to ip.
let me dive into that
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yeah i thikn that pi has a tunnel to beast (the vm)
althogh Werner i think i need you to start the service again.. sorry i'll fix it correctly soonish
that is a different server
lanefu ok, will do that later
lanefu, up again. not your fault. the board was frozen
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IgorPec: can you port forward UDP 54003 to `beastu`
thats fot torrent?
no :P to make it easier to connect wireguard
* lanefu
isnt being helpful probably
will do later, now reading a book :)
yeah no rush on that
reading... thats fancy people stuff
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reading unit testing stuff :)
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@Endergold2 (Alexander Goldcheidt): @theradxa @seeedstudio @armbian Isn't this just amazing for a 4cm x 4cm board? #RockPiS #APSTA #AccessPoint #AriaNG #KODI #VLC #OpenVPN https://t.co/gq4PuTcdIthttps://tinyurl.com/ydr7c3yd (29s ago)
@Endergold2 (Alexander Goldcheidt): @theradxa @seeedstudio @armbian isn't this just amazing for a 4cm x 4cm board? #RockPiS #APSTA #AccessPoint #AriaNG #KODI #VLC #OpenVPN https://t.co/f0yCMGz9VOhttps://tinyurl.com/yz2ajrez (18s ago)
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@armbian (armbian): RT @Endergold2: @theradxa @seeedstudio @armbian isn't this just amazing for a 4cm x 4cm board? #RockPiS #APSTA #AccessPoint #AriaNG #KODI #… https://tinyurl.com/yfobvxxrhttps://tinyurl.com/yfe2dj76 (21s ago)
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lanefu: port fw done
IgorPec: thanks..
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