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have anyone moded 19V laptop/printer PSU to 5V ?
the brick
i have put 5V regulator 7805 but it heats like crazy, maybe modding the psu to 5V is a better approach
i need it to power 2.5" hard disk
that bugger eats more than 1.5 A
i'll try but maybe some poor soul did it before me
theoreticall it's changing the value of one resistor
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@TvPrivacy (Privacy & Tech Tips): @itsfoss2 @debian Personal favorite #Debian based distros: #TailsOS (amnesiac #privacy!) #Whonix (Great for privacy/#anonymity) #Mint #Mobian (Linux for phones, such as #Pinephone!) #Armbian #Dietpi (got a SBC? Try this!) #Devuan (Debian w/out Systemd) #Parrot (#Pentesting 😀) https://t.co/6BEsVswGsIhttps://tinyurl.com/ye2mc7xj (17s ago)
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IgorPec: yeah, i see lot's of peeps are using that DC-DC converters
how to they handle heat under load?
is it something to care about?
i have a few and they are good for <2AMP
would not attach much more on those
i see
practically one per peripheral
they are cheap
and i think more efficient then 7805
yeah, i have no idea how can they get it made and sold that cheap, better from 7805 for sure, i guess 7805 starts to fall apart at 1.5 A or so :D
7805 is fine for low level signals and that stuff but not for spinning hard disks...