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Hi o/ Hope you're doing well!
I'm very new to linux in general and I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong... I have a rk322x and I'm having the worst of times with anything video related.
such as
I would like some help with:
1. video card drivers, how do I install them?
2. It doesn't seem like I can use openGL at all, how can I do it?
1. Nope 2. Nope
at least not in Armbian
you will likely need to look for legacy images
and I can't recall if Armbian supported VPU for rk2238
I am gonna guess probably not and only thing that will is vendor image
but a search of the forum could probably answer thatr
I am following the thread on the forum and doing things as "I should", but I may be doing something wrong on my side
so which specific board?
rk322x, that's most of the useful info I can give I suppose. RK3228a (I think) is the CPU. WiFi is working through armbian-config
thats not useful information unless it's a TV Box which is not directly supported to begin with by Armbian
that's why, yeah. It is a TV Box so the rest of the info is pretty much random
in that case you are gonna have to do your own research, testing and cross your fingers
most likely will need a legacy image that works first
I have one. Working well and fine, ubuntu focal minimal
been installing different DE but mostly enjoying lubuntu-desktop
it's going places... it's working. But, for example, I followed a tutorial on gl4es and was not able to get it working, you know?
thing is you need to know how to enable it in uboot and such I am guessing
I'm on a clean install now, trying it again
so you are gonna have to have speicifcs for the board
what do I need to enable in uboot?
well I imagine the device has to be defined in dtb
the dtb is like rk322x-tvbox.dtb
they're all different on components and name of boards
like rk329q_v3
but there is 1 dtb for them
right but is the VPU device defined
can i check that through command line?
like, if I run dmesg | grep "vpu", is it useful?
more so what are y ou trying to follow?
I am trying to get a sense of what youtube, mpv, vlc...... video output is like. How bad/good. I understand it is probably poor, that's ok. I just need to know that I am, at least, with the proper setup
are you using some reference currently which you are following?
like, my image is fine. I had some back and forth with him in the topic and that part is quite ok
yes, I have that
the only difference is another desktop environment
i got that as minimal and installed lubuntu (lxqt is much lighter than xfce)
talked about that on the topic it does not seem to matter for the purpose of this said media framework
Your going to need to start with that specific image
as non-desktop images will have a different kernel and set of packages
it is likely that specific kernel and packages are required to get to where you want
you are correct that assuming it is installed correctly it should be able to also be called from command line
at least for VPU and glrun probably
but your not going to be able to guess
I would also bet the desktop image has different DTB for uboot
which could enabled what you are missing for example
yeah, that's the thing. It keeps failing...
I am taking some guesses here as I am still not fully clear
it keeps failing on the image you are supposed to use or the image you chose to use?
ok, I understand. I will post later explaining my case and maybe he can help me out. He is very helpful, don't get me wrong. I just thought that other questions, like the driver part, and opengl in general could be answered here
to be fair, I tried in both and I believe I got nothing with them
if it is an solus
so, I ditched the xfce version and kept trying
I can tell you I got VPU working on rk3328 and its not so impressive
and I think you still limited to 720p depending on memory
lol, if I try youtube on firefox I have a lot of luck if it is smooth at 360. It will be ok at 240
for example, in VLC, changing the modules 1 by 1, they all error out and I'm stuck at 360p
because nothing gl-like is working
well again I would maybe adjust your expectations
when they say there once installed mpv works
thats literally what it is installing is a modified mpv
that's what bothers me, you know? I'm fine if it just can't run, that's cool. I just need to know that, at least, my system is "ok" in settings
specific to use that driver
so trying to use like vlc will probably fail in all cases
you may be able to use say smplayer as a wrapper for mpv
or just run mpv in gui
and then drag file
but other video players are not just going to work
yup, been there. Smplayer works sometimes with smtube, but the quality matter and modules remain broken
as per GL its only going to work if the app uses those specific driver versions and its fully enables
most people taking advantage of that package are doing it more so for VPU
yeah, now we are at what I am looking for: how do I enable them, and how do I verify they are enabled?
and the real goal of that thread was to provide VPU accel video pretty much it seems
you will know with mpv
it should be pretty easy to tell
open a 820p video in vlc
it will chug
if you open it in mpv and it just plays almost smooth
vpu is enabled
(without CPU being 100% on all 4 cores that is)
just watch like top or somethingh
when using vpu it will take far less cpu time
without vpu 720p+ will most like use all 4 cores 100%
also if I recall if you do get it working don't expect to be able to full screen
at least if I recall correctly because that requires overlay it breaks the accel, you can max window though
[TheBug] meant to say: open a 720p video in vlc
but that's the thing, friend: from what I've tried here, no module works. It just doesn't get out of 360, even if I manually tells it to
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in firefox it does, and it sucks
but outside of it, it just doesn't let the specs change
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well I don't have 3329 tv box, only the Rock64 and it is supported which again is a bit different -- could be while that generic image exists it lacks the correct uboot / dtb settings for your specific board
unfortunately I am probably not the best to answer that and you will probably get a better answer from some on the forum, especially if you can provide the specific board / images / etc so maybe people can suggest the correct configs
ok, thanks for the help anyways!
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so [TheBug] one of the errors I have is: "libegl warning: dri2: failed to authenticate", and when I searched it pointed out to drivers
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