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<Taserface> hi guys, anyone here know anything about S912?
<Taserface> I have this "mbox H96 pro+" STB, and all indications are that it's supported, at least by the kernel
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<Tonymac32> I think Balbes' images would support it, we don't have any S912 boards officially supported in the main Armbian build system I'm afraid
<Tonymac32> the GXM is a bit different and I have no test boxes :)
<Tonymac32> sudo git add -i
<Tonymac32> woops
<Tonymac32> :D
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<Taserface> this particular box I have is unreasonably cheap now on ebay
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<ArmbianTwitter> @M0JEK (Andre): @thefxtec I use @Debian and derivatives on my mobile devices, @MobianLinux , @armbian :) (8s ago)
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<Tonymac32> Taserface yeah, a lot of them are, the issue is I literally have hardware appearing at my house for free wanting support and even some of that gets ignored. There's too much stuff, not enough people :)
<Taserface> oaky, so in 20 words or less, what's the process to get (1) some sort of support and (2) official support?
<Taserface> (let's say hypothetically someone had enough time)
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<Tonymac32> I would also check the TV boxes section to see if Balbes already has it in there
<kprasadvnsi[m]> <Taserface "(let's say hypothetically someon"> Even if someone have enough free time, the chances of getting proper support is unlikely given no datasheet or vendor BSP available.
<kprasadvnsi[m]> * Even if someone have enough free time, the chances of getting proper support is unlikely given no schematics or vendor BSP available.
<Tonymac32> I'm almost certain we have a TV box image compatible with that board
<Tonymac32> it's just not main Armbian maintained, it's TV boxe
<IgorPec> tvboxes can run just fine until they don't :)
<Tonymac32> yeah the issue is also no BOM control, the models change things like Wifi at random sometimes so 2 boxes bought of the same model can't run the same images
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<kprasadvnsi[m]> Yah, whatever cheapest in the Shenzhen market at that time.
<ArmbianTwitter> @nambrosebarry (Nathan Ambrose Barry): @MichaelCade1 Need to convert some Pi3s, but currently using Rock64s from @thepine64 running @armbian (9s ago)
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<ArmbianTwitter> @co7wt (Pavel Milanes Costa): #HackAllTheThings #FAASGS Latest images from this morning Get your 3D glases for the last picture... @Raspberry_Pi @orangepixunlong @armbian @WxSatChat #satellites #APT #MadeInCuba #hechoEnCuba @TheCubanTech (28s ago)
<Sebastian[m]1> Hello, I currently try to update my Kernel to 5.12 and I noticed a strange error that I haven't encountered before, I just wanted to make a quick check here if anyone is aware of that problem before posting into the forum. I am currently able to finish a kernel only build for 5.12 with the linux kernel media subsystem tree, but the dtb `.debs` file is empty afterward. And if I check into the `compilation.log` file, I
<Sebastian[m]1> can spot a lot of lines that look like these:
<Sebastian[m]1> Thanks if anyone can give me a quick hint and if you think that this doesn't fit here that shout at me so that I run as fast as possible to the forum ;)
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<Tonymac32> I've not touched 5.11, let alone 5.12
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<Sebastian[m]1> Okay thx, I try to figure it out.
* stipa 's YT is full of Faimily Guy, how did that happen...
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<ArmbianTwitter> @Mocchapi (Mocha 🏳️‍⚧️): backup server runs armbian and i already miss the aur (5s ago)
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