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<IgorPec> well, that should not be diffucult to push up to recent kernel
<IgorPec> if that is desired
<IgorPec> i must admit that i don't know much about Xilinx in general
<tparys> u-boot may be different. there's hooks to load FPGA image. Not sure how many custom things they did.
<IgorPec> diff it :)
<tparys> the Zynq SoC is also the basis of other interesting compute boards:
<IgorPec> yeah, we already received request "to port Armbian to it" :)
<IgorPec> amateur reqests ofc
<IgorPec> but yeah, interesting hw
<tparys> Well, it's the same SoC, which I'm sure has a very similar boot sequence
<tparys> and the Zynq kernel build has the Parallela DTB?
<tparys> and regarding u-boot diffs, I did a quick commit count, and stopped at the end of the first page
<IgorPec> u-boot is usually a total mess
<IgorPec> moving to mainline is "forget about" already for many much more popular sw where developers count is more then just a few
<IgorPec> kernel is less problematic
<IgorPec> ok, must crash. its past 2am for me :)
<tparys> that's right, you're in Europe. later.
<IgorPec> yeah
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<poddmo> is /etc/network/interfaces the right place to put vlan config?
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<IgorPec> martinayotte: do you own sopine64 perhaps?
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<nathann> Hi, I have faced a small problem while compilling armbian for the S905X. I get the .img but when i burn it with RUFUS on the sd card everything end up in one ext4 partition that the board is not able to read (it's expecting a FAT partition) I can't seem to find much about this on the internet so i might have missed something trivial
<nathann> does anybody know a way to modify the .img such that the boot folder is in a FAT partition and the rest stay in the EXT4 as it is usually the case with other linux image like ubuntu or raspbian
<nathann> I tried to make two partition manually and set the boot flag on the FAT one and then copy the file but i loose some simlink which i believe is not good-
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<ArmbianTwitter> @maidenbartok (David Lake): @Raspberry_Pi The problem with the current PI is it's just too expensive. UK price 8G Pi4 £73! It should be £55 to match US$77. Plus there is so much ARMbian-based competition that is cheaper from China. PLEASE drop the prices! (12s ago)
<ArmbianTwitter> @armbian (armbian): RT @pdp7: Great talk from Tim Bird on the current state of Embedded Linux (15s ago)
<IgorPec> nathann: where did you find armbian for s905x?
<nathann> I git clone then ran ./
<nathann> Selected the Full OS image using pre compiled package from armbian repo
<nathann> then show CSC/WIP/EOS/TVB and there i have my board
<nathann> (kvim1)
<nathann> i used the current image on focal (supported)
<nathann> and made a server image (witouth desktop) and waiter 30 minutes
<nathann> took the .img from under output
<kprasadvnsi[m]> Anybody tested AC200 patch for allwinner H6? I know they apply it at kernel build but can't find any device actually using it.
<IgorPec> ahaa
<kprasadvnsi[m]> I enabled it in the device tree and the driver failed to probe the AC200 device
<IgorPec> well, CSC targets are community additions. no idea if they work
<IgorPec> absence of FAT partition is usually not a problem
<IgorPec> most of bootloaders knows how to handle that
<IgorPec> kprasadvnsi[m]: can you sent a link to patch
<kprasadvnsi[m]> I am testing it on OPi3 for my audio codec driver
<nathann> well when i trid to boot the picture i get "No valid FAT partition detected" so i would like to find a way to fix it
<IgorPec> nathann: you can change to fat boot but its some work
<nathann> would you happen to have a link to some documentation reagarding the procedure ?
<IgorPec> regarding build system, you need to add those two lines to the board config
<nathann> i will try. thank you ^^
<IgorPec> then bootloader / bootscript has to know how to load from fat
<IgorPec> that is usually packed to u-boot
<nathann> i edited the two line in the .csc for my board but you list me at the u-boot part
<nathann> list = lost
<nathann> so in the u-boot folder the is a bootscript that i have to edit such that he can read the partition ?
<kprasadvnsi[m]> <IgorPec "kprasadvnsi: can you sent a link"> I made a mistake. its not a patch. the AC200 source is a part of the linux repo armbian is using.
<IgorPec> nathann: i don't know. that's is very hw specific
<nathann> okay. i will dig thanks for you help ^^
<IgorPec> kprasadvnsi[m]: no, i haven't expiriment with ac200 yet
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<martinayotte> IgorPec: no, I don't have sopine, only a pine64 sbc or olinuxino-a64.
<buZz> dtb bug for that baseboard?
<IgorPec> yes most likely
<buZz> weird, someone posted a diff on that thread but its empty?
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<ArmbianTwitter> @maidenbartok (David Lake): @Shan_nav @CryptoAStick @Raspberry_Pi That's the problem. EVERYTHING is about 30% cheaper. For the low-end stuff, it is much cheaper to import ARMBian (e.g. ZeroPI/NanoPI) from China than buy RPi. Why? Is our cost-base that much higher? (10s ago)
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<nathann> IgorPec I managed to get armbian running. basically i had a custom firmware on the box that didnt supported booting from SD at all. but after flashing a stock android ROM using amlogic burn tool i could use the standard armbian image with everything in one ext4 partition on a sd card
<nathann> i will now try to install the system in the flash. if anybody know somwthing about this i would be glad to hear it
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