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-- ich brauche hilfe. Ich versuche "pip install esptool pyserial" aber bekomme die Fehlermeldung..."Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-x4LM7A/esptool/"
I need help. I try pip install esptool pyserial but get the error message ... "Command python egg_info failed with error code 1 in / tmp / pip-install-x4LM7A / esptool /" [de~>eng]
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i just reinstall armbian and it has chrony server. does it conflict with systemd-timesync ?
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evening all
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@VeryMetalDev (VeryMetalDev ⌨️🖥️👨🔧🖋️✏️😷): @DoctorAngus @ProteusXL @Krita_Painting Also there's an Armbian image for the Orange Pi 4. Have also been dabbling in seeed's archives for an Nvidia miniPC, found one at the price of RasPi, was than told by @igor_os777 that Steam only works on i86. Oh well, SBC's are going to prevail anyway. (23s ago)
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@rvp (Ravi Visvesvaraya Sharada Prasad, Telecom InfoTech): #RaviVisvesvarayaSharadaPrasad Great test of BOX86 on TwisterOS Armbian!! ROCKPI4C RK3399 Pi Labs (29s ago)
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speaking of which.. do we sitll have kernel 5.9 for some of tha tstuff
i read there's big btrfs regressions in 5.10 lol
is 5.9 LTS or 5.10?
i'll not worry about that that
those regressions are probably gone by now
general are fixed quickly yeah
bro is professional musician, and had like 25TB of loose external drives
so wrangling those adn getting to lanecloud and cloud
so HC4 seems like perfect candidate
1 drive will just be for file server.. 2nd drive. we'll copy data do, then just mail to me
rneese, IgorPec, lanefu: that odroidc2 "no ethernet" issue is hardware related! I swapped my two devices, focal trunk: ethernet works on that other device now
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one of those shitties problems :)
it works on many, just not on all
both devices have same rev., bought at the same time
always a bummer
I later will check if it is kernel related...(coz I didnt noticed such issues earlier)
what is armbian and how does one use it ? is it a application. what os does it run on ? what hardware is supported ?
* rneese
oh man, what a bug
maybe even a silicone
HerculeP: can you take a close photo of nic chips if they're not integrated into the SoC
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stipa: I dont have a camera ready, maybe later (have to ask my brother)
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HerculeP: make a good pic so that we can see markings on the chips
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I'll try my best ;)
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Hey guys, where is the armbian server version? It used to be jessie right?
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what device
did you go the the armbian page for your device
I have a pcduino 3, but there is stretch version and bionic
There is not jessie any more?
its now focal
jessie is eol
buster is debian and bionic and focal are ubuntu
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weird, odroidc2 ethernet works well when using HK ubuntu mate (kernel 3.xy) while armbian (trunk) doesn't
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that is normal
armbian uses very different hw interface
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@lanefu (Lane Jennison): Anyway I’ve leased a /48 and working on tunneling that from a VPS to an armbian powered SBC via wireguard. I actually wish I had the new @orangepixunlong R1 plus now. (30s ago)